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  • Functionality suggestions

    Listen, there will always be time to make a thread about your flying weaponized pig idea, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    Post here to give suggestions to tweak what's already in the game.

    Here's mine:
    -Allow grenades to be thrown farther. As it is, anything a grenade can do, a bullet to the head does better.
    -Make falling damage lethal. I like that the game is more tolerant of falling down a few squares, but I've fallen down traps 20 squares deep and lived. It gets stupid fast.
    -Let mountains have a few 2-square columns. Right now, all mountains have an incline of 45 degrees. By allowing 2-square columns, we can have more varied mountainsides, and we can reach the top of the mountain in fewer jumps.

    Posted 13 years ago

    -Ability to bind keys.

    -Make spade and pickaxe melee weapons.

    -Make ironsights more "worth it"

    Posted 13 years ago

    Decrease accuracy of normal fire mode to make ironsights more useful

    Posted 13 years ago

    Spades ought to only be capable of digging literal surface-features.
    They should only be able to destroy the -initial- two-highest blocks of the map (i.e. "the surface").
    They should not be able to plow through any other blocks, including any blocks placed by players.

    Pickaxes ought to function as they do now in that they can destroy any type of block one at a time.
    However, they ought to take longer to destroy any blocks placed by a player than ones generated with the map. Just make an additional value for a block [as placed by a player, or not], and if so increase the number of strikes required to break it by some multiple.

    These previous two notions would bring balance to tunneling, without adding or removing any additional elements to the game.
    It increases the reward for investing in fortifications while still having it remain possible to breach said fortifications, while still including the ability to tunnel as well.
    As it stands the balance of time+effectiveness between tunneling and fortifying is immensely in favor of tunneling, and this would help bring them to a more equal level of influence.

    In addition to these concepts, I'd like to add one more.
    Bullets should not destroy any player-placed blocks.
    It is very novel, I know, and there is certainly fun to be had in shooting the legs off a guard tower.
    But destroying defenses from afar should be a privilege reserved for something more explosive, such as mortars.
    Right now it is too easily rewarding for attackers to be able to destroy structures with bullets.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Make it so servers can save, and load maps.
    This way, for those who wish to take the time, people can custom-tailor levels to include pre-built topography and structures.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Reduce fog/increase view distance. Argh! All that white is killing my eyes.

    Posted 13 years ago

    In response to the fog, increasing the visability were destroy immersion. It adds atmosphere, skulking around the field not knowing where the next man is coming from. Also, it would make the game sniping hell.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with Wrinkle. I would like to walk without being hit by x0x0x0x0thelonesniperx00xx0x

    Posted 13 years ago

    @tons0phun The game doesn't have ranged explosives at the moment, so don't take them into account in this thread. At the moment, I like that I can gun down poorly maintained structures. A single rifleman who goes to the supply tent can only destroy 30 blocks maximum, but a fresh builder can place down 25 blocks and easily get more by pickaxing the ground. There are many more blocks than bullets available.

    @all Good work. Keep it up.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The game very well may get explosives in the form of mortars: [http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljhrb44n511qilwtso1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1302825201&Signature=Ge55leac3NiuPlidl7PybFekvk8%3D]

    I'm all for bullets destroying terrain, but the thought of fortifications being destroyed by teeny rifle bullets makes it feel like structures are made out of cardboard.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The stairs and ladders would be a godsend, making bunkers would be so much easier.

    Mortars make sense too - bazookas and planted explosives make it a little too easy to destroy what others had created, but an inaccurate mortar, fired from far behind friendly lines would make sense.

    Posted 13 years ago
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