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  • mountable machine guns
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    Hmh, the griefer problem might become reality, but I think that the machine gun had it's own mark in the map. So, no one can't hide it that way. Also, if every player in one team would get Machine Gun when borned, imagine that bulletstorm when all the players in team rush to the base of enemy, and start shootin'. Would be really annoying for the team being attacked :P But if there were instead one per team, the Machine Gun would give a nice support for those who attack, while few others cover the Machine Gun dude. And there wouldn't be a bulletstorm.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think more in lines of 3 per team
    Can be destroyed resulting in floating object(like intel) but only be picked by the team having it

    Posted 13 years ago

    @monsteri thing its still alot of effort to get it back + if the griefer buries it behind the enemy base . . . It would also lead to extra clutter on the map, fake mg symbols and team in-fighting over who gets to use it.

    only the blues can really team rush, green team gets too fractured over the terrain. I dont think the time it would take to set up mass mg blocks and man them while under fire would be worth it. on top of the fact anyone who dies is gunna immediately try to flank them, even if it requires tunneling and mgers are incredibly vulnerable to surprise nades.

    also presumably we are going to have artillery at some point so not everyone will have an mg, cause a mortar(upgradable to a howitzer) would be one alternative.

    Posted 13 years ago

    you guys really have good ideas thta i havent thought of but i really belive the mg shouldent destroy blocks becuase that would just destroy a mountain in a matter of minutes and i belive there shouldent be a mg within 10 to 15 blocks in range of another mg making the further spread out so fire isnt heavily concentrated. and if mgs had a symbol people would make fake ones and what would it be? if there was a symbol the enemy team shouldent see it until intel is captured and the mg should be destroied by a pick or shovle sounds good it sounds harder than destorying the block under it i and i think if your on a mg your sight is reduce (by fog being closer) keep up these ideas and so there might be 100 of these types of post but the more we have and the more persusaive we are the more likly of it coming out for the people who want it keep up the ideas

    Posted 13 years ago

    My thoughts on the suggestions posted here;

    Markers: I don't think they need markers, perhaps we should try to encourage communication (we can start a trend by communicating with our teams in games, so that should something like this requiring communication comes along they are used to it)

    Limit: I think the MG's should be limited to, 2 per team, we do not want them to be the focus of the game, but they must be useful to be a worthy addition.

    2man use: No, even simple co-operation is nigh impossible in games like this, especially as this is F2P not everyone will be fucked to listen to you, also what stops a griefer from bringing a friend?

    Float: I think that when destroyed (or is not manned for 5 minutes (that removes the issue you had zak, unless he likes chilling in a cave with the gun for ages)) respawns back at HQ

    Proximity: It should be upto the team as to where the MG's are placed, if putting 2 in one place is more effective, they should be allowed to do it, its their fault if they dont want them spaced out, try communicating (do it in a nice way, treat people how you want to be treated, you say "fucking move" he'll say "fuck off")

    I know there are many different threads on this, but in each one I have the same things to say, keep throwing off ideas guys, we will find a balance eventually.

    Posted 13 years ago

    could do, could do. I mean unresponsive players is a whole other problem to deal with xd. I just don't light the idea they spawn by the tent and you have to pick them up

    limits on item: while limits are ok, i guess, low ones are not. there will fighting and bitching.

    I am also worried about the impact on teh game if just mgs are introduced, it would make stalemates happen a lot more frequently. in fact i would suggest that for every defensive weapon introduced you add an offensive one.

    so mg vs mortar. barbed wire vs wire cutters and high explosives.

    obviously there would need to be slightly more offensive weapons than defensive overall, to better balance the geographical advantages.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Make them spawn 2 on either side of the medic base thing?

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like this idea. This would be a sweet addition to gameplay and definitely add some tactical variety. An MG in a tower would be a great defensive item for green to use, and at the same time blue could probably utilize tunnel bunkers and nests.

    The main point I want to impress is that the MG should be able to destroy blocks, albeit at a slower rate than the pick-axe (maybe 6 bullets per block), which would give the MG a unique advantage over the rifle while limiting its destructive capabilities. Keep in mind that if the MG has 100 bullets, you would get at most 16 bricks destroyed (assuming the shooter is perfectly efficient which is unlikely if they are under fire). I believe that this number would be a good place to start without giving the MG more power than it needs.

    In terms of damage, the MG should deal about the same amount of damage (though I would be open to more damage, or less damage) when compared to the rifle. Accuracy should be reduced to make this more of a suppressing weapon / area denial weapon than a surgical assault tool.

    Posted 13 years ago

    moose I really like the way you said that at the end, that is exactly the way I envisioned this would be used, as a suppression weapon, (that's why I suggested it had such a large amount of ammo (2x150round belts))

    Posted 13 years ago

    Right on. That seems like an abundance of ammo, but then again it IS a machine gun. Rate of fire is what, 300 rounds/minute? 180 rpm might be more balanced, but we'll see. The rifle shoots around 120 rpm, if not slightly faster.

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah the MG will chew through that ammo, if it doesn't then why isn't it being used? if the MG isn't seeing enough action, relocate it

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok why not have 3 machine guns, light,Medium and heavy ?
    the heavy machine gun:(think Vickers machine gun)
    >need to be build from parts 4(gun, mount, ammo,water jacket) on the map and is fixed in place
    >it has a 250-round clip,shoots at 500 round per min and need to be reloads one bullet at a time but more than one person can load ammo at a time.
    >can not over heat

    the light machine gun:(think Hotchkiss machine gun)
    > is used in stead of a rifle
    >user can only move a Crouch speed
    >user must stand still to shoot
    >uses 30 mags user can cary 3 spare at a time,shoots at 400 round per min

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't know about that...I think we need to have one MG and stick with it to prevent this idea from trying to do too much. Over time the MG can be tweaked through patches to suit its needs, or a server variable can set which, if any, MG is designated.

    Also, I wanted to say that this will be a horrible weapon if all people do with it is camp in front/behind/around the enemy base and spawn-camp. There should be some measure in place to keep this weapon around the base. Spawns like the command tent and immovable? That said, I dig the idea of having a movable MG for field posts and what-not, but let's be realistic about it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    also, consider that 500 rounds/minute equates to more than eight rounds per second. Only implementation and experimenting can determine if that number is appropriate for actual gameplay.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh, I see what you mean about the multiple MG's...Sorry, it just hit me that you mentioned a fixed turret in your post versus a replacement for your primary weapon as two separate entities. Interesting.

    Apologies for le triple post :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    the speeds and clips are copyed of wikipeda so thay may need fixing you make them fun, dito the Damage need looking at.

    the idea is that the heavy MG uses part from the HQ Tent,so it will take 3 trips or players working as a team to build one.

    Posted 13 years ago
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