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  • Suggestions to the Developers

    -Make blur a setting you can toggle on/off

    -Allow users to set mouse sensitivity

    -Make the colors of each team stand out a bit more? Contrast-wise, I mean. Really, I have trouble telling enemies apart from similarly colored blocks in long range if they don't move at all.

    -Allow people to see what direction they've been recently shot from, at least for a second.

    -Win conditions

    -Feature to lock silent and/or crawl by the press of a button

    -Auto Climbing places

    -Medkits. Either the player spawns with them, or you can take some from the tent.

    -Make brick laying and removing blocks a little faster. Not everyone can stay for ages making really cool tunnels to try capturing the Intel with.

    -Special Grenades: Maybe throwing them temporarily brightens up the area? In exchange, however, you lose your normal nades until you're killed.

    -Allow admins to ban and kick, and allow votebanning (40-50% of the server pop?)

    At first I QQ'd playing this game, but it's got extraordinary potential. Keep it up, dev bros.

    Posted 13 years ago

    >Make the colors of each team stand out a bit more? Contrast-wise, I mean. Really, I have trouble telling enemies apart from similarly colored blocks in long range if they don't move at all.
    >Allow people to see what direction they've been recently shot from, at least for a second.
    >Medkits. Either the player spawns with them, or you can take some from the tent.
    >Make brick laying and removing blocks a little faster. Not everyone can stay for ages making really cool tunnels to try capturing the Intel with.


    i wish i had no penis
    Posted 13 years ago

    That's certainly constructive. Why?

    Characters better contrasting against blocks ingame would make it easier to notice people, letting people see where they've been shot from (Excluding headshots) would give people a chance of not getting sniped, encouraging better sniping on the shooter's part; I don't see what's wrong with medkits ingame, although having them spread across the map evenly would work better than an inventory heal.

    Brick laying and removing blocks having a slight increase in speed would be great for players short on time, and it'd make building a little less repetitive.

    Posted 13 years ago
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