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  • automatic rifles
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    why is there no auto weapons... just like m16 or ak47 or thompson??? put one more weapon in 5.3

    Posted 13 years ago

    This is World War 1 there were no automatic rifles. Only machineguns. on top of that theres no machineguns. And automatic weapons would kill the game. however it would be cool if there were classes to choose from.

    Posted 13 years ago

    skully may i remind you as this game is in beta it has been out for about 4 months now and ben has been focused on fixing the bugs of the game and then adding more guns! P.S Ben did say he was adding guns in the next update probably

    Posted 13 years ago

    @ trizzaxx this game is not based on WW1 apart from trench-warfare and tunneling. but the scenery (basic map) describes a more Vietnam war/WW2 experience
    and during the Vietnamese they had tunnels like in WW1 but this game has no resemblance to WW1 apart from the trench-warfare which hardly happens.
    and the rifle is fully automatic. if you hold on the trigger (mouse) it fires like BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! you may disagree but its just slow rate of fire like the BAR.
    so don't complain. what this game needs is an M1911 handgun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "This is World War 1"

    God these people get annoying. As far as I know, there were no semi-automatic rifles in World War 1. On top of that, the standard rifle's model is almost a spitting image of a M14 (used mainly by US forces during the Vietnam War).

    As for a sidearm, I disagree. It seems like everyone wants a handgun for some reason, yet how many of you stop to questions its actual effectiveness? Long story short, the standard rifle works wonders at close range (if you can aim it correctly). The only difference a side arm would have is that it would (most likely) be much weaker.

    On the other hand, the effectiveness of an automatic weapon is easy to appreciate when you stop and think about it. It would also do some serious damage against all the spawncampers on the "hallway" server. And vice versa of course.

    You just have to weigh the pros and cons, then make your decision.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    An auto weapon wouldn't help in that situation at all. You still have to spot them before they kill you, and once you do you need a high power weapon you know will strike with pinpoint accurracy to bring them down. i.e. the standard rifle.

    As for getting annoyed at people claiming it's WW1, calm down, cripes. Most people are just saying it's more like WW1 than Vietnam, which I agree with. After all, LancerG2:

    It's far more closely tied to WW1 than Vietnam, regardless of the original design intention. Both wars used tunnels, but in WW1 it was by both sides. Non-fully automatic rifles were the norm in WW1, not so in Vietnam. Digging in and making trenches and bunker systems was far more common in WW1, by BOTH sides. Vietnam was predominantly jungle, swamp and urban combat, usually taking the form of hit and run raids. WW1 was a prolonged stalemate over a stretch of barren, lifeless wasteland, just like in AoS.

    And in that WW1 wasteland, the remains of former buildings, observation posts, old overrun trenches and other unrecognisable structures dotted the landscape in no-man's land, which soldiers of both sides used for cover between the shifting but more or less clearly defined front lines. Just like in AoS.

    Both armies use the same tactics, and neither side has helicopter transport.

    Both armies are usually of roughly equal size.

    Both armies' weapons are super accurate with low rate of fire and the soldiers seem able to use them extremely effectively.

    Both armies use a distinct colour-coded uniform.

    Both armies use a clearly marked hospital. I don't recall the VC ever making such use of the red cross to mark their buildings...

    There are no civilians for either army to try and blend in with.

    Both armies begin with a clear rear base area, which always remains theirs no matter how long a battle lasts.

    More people die from sticking their heads up over cover, rather than wandering into enemy patrols in a forest.

    And on, and on and on. It's not based on any particular war, we know. But quit whining about people drawing parallels with WW1. It is by far the closest match, and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out.

    And yeah I know it's copy pasted. But as long as relevant threads keep popping up, the point is still relevant too.

    Posted 13 years ago

    To answer OP: Because this isn't Call of Duty: Run 'n' Gun

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    A message to all the purists who want the game to stay the way it is forever: I have sad news. It's a beta. There's a shitton of content that hasn't even been implemented yet. He's already said he plans on adding new guns, and why wouldn't he add an automatic weapons of some sort. Everyone says "IT'D RUIN THE GAME" but you forget that he can modify other things to make it balanced.

    Posted 13 years ago

    As for the hallway comment, an automatic weapon would be ideal for pointing out spawn campers who hide in the walls directly in front of the base. Spotting them is quite easy, getting your idiotic team mates to do the same is another story. It would also help to keep the enemy's head down allowing your team mates to:

    1) Find the camper's new position. The easiest way to catch a spawn camper after they have moved from their previous "hole" is to watch and wait for the next part of the wall to be dug out. Or just do a rough scan of the wall, but as I stated, most of your team mates are idiots.

    2) Focus the team's fire. There are plenty of times when you will run into a spawn camper who stays in the exact same spot, even after being noticed. One of the greatest annoyances on the hallway server is when the enemy has men positioned in the wall near your base as well as on the ground level. Yet, most of your team mates will only focus on one half of the equation, which leads to you either getting slaughtered from above, or massacred from below. Organization is key when it comes to working as a team.

    As I've stated in some other thread, an automatic weapon (that is not overly accurate/inaccurate) will also prolong firefights, which I see as a good thing (although I seem to be the only one).

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    I made a burst fire M16 for this game :D


    Master Paradox
    Posted 13 years ago

    The rifle is semi-auto, technically speaking. I know you can hold down the mouse, but irl it would be the equivalent to semi-auto, due to the time between shots and the rate of it etc.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The game isn't WW1
    The game isn't Vietnam
    It's a video game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    First off, the standard issue rifle isn't an M14. Look at the front sights. It is, rather, a fairly accurate model of a Gewehr 43, a standard-issue infantry rifle used by Nazi Germany during WWII.

    So you're all wrong as to the era the gun is from, although Beret is right... the strongest parallel is with WWI. The vanilla landscapes should look very European to anyone that's ever been there and seen a river (like, say, the Rhine), and the lack of trees also suggests a heavily cultivated area (again, like Europe).

    I'm not totally opposed to the idea of an automatic weapon, but I'd prefer if it was a mounted machine gun, like the Browning M2, rather than an LMG, SMG, or MP. A mounted machine gun that would require a short setup time (and can be captured by the enemy and used against you, possibly, although this might just exacerbate a team imbalance) and couldn't be fired while being carried could make for an interesting gameplay mechanic... if you manage to hold that bunker a little bit longer, you can set up a Browning and end all your troubles with a belt of .50 cal rounds.

    The strategy could be fun. The person carrying the Browning would be incapable of firing, and would require an escort or two from his team. Additionally, while a mounted MG would be impossible/extremely hard to attack from the front, its limited mobility would encourage some planning for a flanking attack on its position. Limiting the amount a team can have would also encourage more teamwork... a 16-person team, when given only two machine guns (or possibly even one), will have to consider where best to put them. You can't defend EVERY hill and bunker, so you'll have to consider which are the most important.

    As for procuring these machine guns, one method would be to have them spawn as crates in the same manner and area as the intel and command post. Then someone can run up to it, break the crate, and get a machine gun (at the price of sacrificing their rifle and grenades). There's a bit of griefer potential, unfortunately, and making it so that machine guns couldn't break blocks at all would just ruin it for people that want to use them in the legitimate, accepted manner.

    Non-mounted machine guns would, I think, be a total killjoy. Imagine the last time you got killed (repeatedly) by a speedhacker. I think I've made my case. If you'd like to protest and claim that the SMGs/LMGs/MPs would be less accurate and powerful, I still think it's a bad idea. The last time I got killed by a speedhacker (whose name, coincidentally, was Lexsym) it was at close range, and I/my dead body got hit about a dozen times. It's no fun, let me tell you. We'd end up with spray 'n' pray COD kiddies running around complaining about how what they really wanted was a FAMAS, slaughtering anyone who attempted to do things like take time to aim (a requirement for ANY weapon in real life, let me tell you, even shotguns to a certain extent). As it is right now, AoS is actually the most realistic rifle-combat game I've encountered (bar a few glitches and the graphics), and I value that.

    Posted 13 years ago

    This is a WAR game.
    Not WWI.
    Not WWII
    Not Veitnam.
    Just, a war game. As for weapons balancing look to this:http://ace-spades.com/forums/topic.php?id=2075 None of them have the advantage or disadvantage. It just depends which situation. Sometimes automatic is better for the situation then the standard rifle. Sometimes not.

    Posted 13 years ago


    "First off, the standard issue rifle isn't an M14. Look at the front sights. It is, rather, a fairly accurate model of a Gewehr 43, a standard-issue infantry rifle used by Nazi Germany during WWII."

    You must not be up to date with AoS. As I've stated, the standard rifle is almost a spitting image of a M14. The new iron sights don't seem to be based on any particular weapon.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    @ Galaxy, I meant the placement of the ironsights on the .Kv6 model, not the ironsights image, which is pretty generic. The front sight on an M14 is slightly back from the tip of the barrel, and has a bayonet lug on the underside. The front sight on a G43, however, is all the way forward, right over the muzzle, and doesn't have a large bayonet lug underneath it. Obviously, the .Kv6 model more closely matches the G43.

    Heck, just use Wikipedia to look up the M14 and the Gewehr 43. It should be fairly obvious which one's closer.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Machine guns? Mounted miniguns?


    All we need is a Pistol possibly, and an RPG.

    We don't need any fucking Machine Guns.

    And if you're going to have anything mounted, at least make it an artillery thing, it can only be shot every two minutes or so, it reaches half way across the map, it can be destroyed by picks and takes 10 minutes or so to respawn.

    We don't even need a pistol

    Posted 13 years ago

    why do we need an inferior weapon like a pistol or something OP like an rpg?

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ah, I see what you mean. After taking a closer look at the weapon and its counterparts, it does resemble the Gewehr 43.


    I feel the same way. The standard rifle does perfectly fine at close range. A pistol would just end up getting you killed if you ran into a rifle-baring enemy who knows how to aim.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    but i say again... i want auto guns... to make things more easy just like u close to the guy... then u miss.. and again... AND AGAIN.... because u need to shot 1 bullet by 1

    Posted 13 years ago

    uhh these bullets one hit, we dont need guns that can shoot 240 SPM

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    for those who say the M1911 (pistol) is a large no-no because there are no stats to it. ill mark out some pro-cons to the pistol.
    pros body-hits and head shots are instant death from close range + for those who disagree think about how big the bullet is and how much it can F**K you up at close range.
    7 bullets in 1 mag and 35 in reserve. good if out off ammunition and so far from the bloody tent.
    looks: its looks like an M1911. A pretty damn awesome looking pistol. whats not to like?
    not for long range.
    fairly noisy except for reload.
    35 bullets in reserve. thats like 5 clips? what its not gonna last forever.

    now in conclusion read this. this will change your minds for thinking this idea is shit.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ...but you're missing the point. The standard rifle will always be more powerful (unless the pistol is seriously overpowered), regardless of range. Two birds with one stone comes to mind.

    Also, are you saying that the 1911 would be capable of one-shot kills, even if they were body shots?

    No thanks.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    well the i suppose i will just have to get an M1911 which uses 45. bullets and shoot you.
    make sense yet? And also the pistol is a last chance weapon. plus it seems to make more sense for close ranges. what no-body would have the littlest common scene to go snipe with it. and plus the faster you click the fast as it fires.
    and it would be quieter than you noise dragging rifle of yours. and a pistol can be more imitating than a rifle.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i really don't see the need for pistols

    you have a rifle/main weapon, i really dont see the need for a sidearm.
    instead you should be able to take ammo/grenades from the dead (team-kills not withstanding)

    a shotgun (with the actual range of a shotgun) would be fun too,

    for those who dislike the ideas of mortars and heavy/mounted machineguns, I think they would be far better in encouraging digging in/fortress building.

    Posted 13 years ago

    well if the pistol would had 7 bullets then i will chooce a desert eagle

    Commander in Arms
    Posted 13 years ago

    ok guys ive read this whole thing wat u need is a friken machinegun like a aug make it weaker than rifle but not really weak and get the fire rate up it would be useful and it would not be unbalence coz every one could have one and use as they pls.

    Posted 13 years ago

    general E stop think about COD shit. the desert eagle is not the best pistol in the world. its accuracy is shitty and no good attachments can be added ( suppressor etc )
    a shotgun is a yes/no we would need to limit it. like a double barreled one.
    maybe the Browning Automatic Rifle would do good. you could deploy it and it would be accurate as the best sniper on your team. it would be better handheld looking down the iron sights of the 20 magazine fed awesome automatic rifle. but the rate of fire is not that fast of an Sub-Machine Gun. but not as slow as thy rifle. it will make a god addition if swapped at the tent. yes thats what we need. also i shouldn't bring this up but a day night cycle would be cool. and deeper water. thats like 2 blocks deep. derp. also flashlights for nighttime would be great.

    Posted 13 years ago


    there was a submachine gun made by the germans called an mp18 its like a sten

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    i think add a maxim machine gun and a mp18

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago
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