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  • [Unofficial] Ace of Spades Ideas!
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    Want to discuss ideas about Ace of Spades? Come post in this topic, and maybe (maybe, see, maybe,) your idea will be taken! No need to be shy, this game is new, and I'm sure the creator would love to see ideas!

    My idea: Have a mini-map so you do not always have to press 'm' to see the map. It would be very helpful!

    When replying to someones idea, just use @TheNameoftheperson(not that really silly!) and your thoughts on it! This isn't one topic, just let the ideas flow through you! *does a dance*

    Posted 13 years ago

    Copy and pasted from my thread (sorry if this takes up a lot of space)

    Sprinting, medic items. Also machine guns and hard blocks as maybes

    The medic weapon should be switchable with the grenade and will only heal others, not yourself. It should heal at 5 or 10 points at the speed of the spade. I think this should really encourage team play which is what this game is missing. Alternatively every player could get this item and not have to switch it with the grenade, but im not sure if you want players having more than 5 items (too cluttered).

    Sprinting should be 1.2~1.5 times normal run speed and you would have a higher jump cooldown meaning it would not go up hills less than a slope of 3 or 4 blocks. After jumping you would have slow down to normal speed for 0.5~1 second. Falling would put you to the same speed as it would were you walking and fell (depending on how this feels you could give a speed boost here too) This would encourage the making a of roads and tunnels which i think is a good thing. Obviously you would not be able to shoot while sprinting and should not be able to shoot for a small amount of time after sprinting.

    A couple of other suggestions i'm not sure will make the game better.

    One mounted machine gun per team: This would spawn at the HQ and would take 2 people to carry (maybe only one if this feels bad because of jumping) and would slow you down considerably. You would also have to crouch jump to get up hills (like getting out of water). the machine gun would have to be planted and would have to be brought back to the HQ to resupply ammo. It would also be destroyed by grenades making it spawn back at the HQ. (maybe after a period of time)
    It would take time to set up and take apart discouraging one person from just moving around wherever he goes and keeping it a defensive weapon.

    Hard blocks : Would cost 10 blocks to place and have maybe the durability of 3-5 blocks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok, ill just paste this from the last failed unofficial suggestions thread then.

    I think the game should be split in two. This is gonna be long as fuck so bare with me.

    Classic mode - Pretty much as it is now with minor improvements.

    Hardcore mode - Basically as close to world war 1 as the voxel engine will allow but not sacrificing working well balanced gameplay for "Realism"
    Below are my suggestions for hardcore mode.

    1. Tanks - No tanks because it would just look silly as fuck and would ruin the pace.

    2. Boats - As another player mentioned, all vehicles will pretty much ruin the game. Boats i think are the only vehicle that would fit in. Not much to say about them really, maybe carry 4 players max, have a really simple design (Think minecraft boat) and have no firepower whatsoever. I dont see water physics being implemented so i wont go further on this.

    3. Biplanes - Some kind of planes implemented into the game, either non controllable or ai controlled with targets marked by players. Planes have a very low altitude restriction for more interesting gameplay( will go into more detail on this)
    They spawn at something similar to the supply tent, with say a hangar skin and need say 4 blocks wide and 16 blocks long to take off.

    If Player controlled planes are implemented they should do little damage to ground targets through very clumsy and primitive bombs. Basically a fighter bomber plane that doesnt really excel in either role, but can be very useful when controlled by the right player.
    Perhaps a mounted machine gun that does very little damage per bullet and ends up being only as or a little more powerfull than the infantry rifle.
    Players could also use this to manually scout the map and mark targets themselves through team chat.

    If the plane is ai controlled, there could be 2 branches of plane. Scout and Bomber. Both have little fuel so return straight after their objective.

    Scout - can see around it in a small radius marking targets on the map similar to what happens when the intel is returned, only above ground of course.

    Bomber - Inaccurate small carpet bomb effect, guided by players marking targets, perhaps with a certain block or throwable smoke grenade. (Vulnerable to griefers though, hmm)

    Both have a reasonable respawn rate and can be sabotaged by destroying whatever spawns them.

    Both can be shot down relatively easy by players focusing their fire on them.
    Players could also imitate the barage baloons of world war 1 and 2 by constructing large towers of blocks that the planes will either fly into (if ai controlled) or simply avoid (if player controlled)


    Artillery - Basically this, pasted from another thread.
    1. Cant move from its block except up or down
    2. Can shoot halfway across the map
    3. Always somwhere right near the back of the map
    4. Slow reload rate.
    5. When used gives sumthin like the ironsights?
    6. Destroyable/slow respawn rate .


    The good with people deuce (Supplies/Medic/leader) - Gives ammo and or medical supplies/can heal. Maybe give a boost of some sort to surrounding players within a small radius. Has appropriate defects and or weapon for his class.. Can only be chosen in a squad and can only be one in a squad (Assuming battlefield style squad mechanics were implemented)

    The good with blocks deuce (Builder/Sapper/Destroyer) - Has more blocks, more effective demolitions. Has appropriate defects and or weapon for his class. Not sure if it would need capped. Can build supply tent as long as its outside a certain radius of an existing one. Can carry more blocks than other classes.

    Good with guns deuce (Soldier) - Same as now, with some minor adjustments perhaps.

    As it stands now ammo/supply tents arent important in the game at all. Lowering the starting ammo amount a little bit for the weapons and introducing this class system would sort it out.

    Heres 2 changes i think should be made to the games core design as well.

    1. A squad system like battlefields that highlights people in your squad on the map, along with a squad chat button.
    2. Might be going a bit too far here but maybe a grid overlay button that puts a grid over the map and allows you to point things out to your team a little easier.

    I have a few other ideas but i feel like they are kind of restricted by griefers. The games design allows so much but at the same time it gives so much for griefers to completely destroy as well. Such is life on the internets.

    Posted 13 years ago

    to handle the long and hard hill and roads so sort of transport could be fun.
    one for attacking and one for moving quickly.
    more guns.
    less fog.
    more tools like a telescope to see past the fog.
    just stuff like that.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Armor power-up to help people survive longer during raid's.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Voice chat for relay communication since this game seems to be built heavily on teamwork. It would benefit people discussing plans and warning their team mates of enemy movement.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well we had a rather long disscussion about this on a server one night so here i go
    (it's based off a class system)

    Infantryman: your standard AOS trooper
    armed with the semi, pick, spade, and grenades

    Sniper: scoped rifle, some sort of gadget (like a telescope) pick spade

    Heavy: Trench gun, mounted gun (or BAR type thing) grenades, digging tools

    Medic: has rifle medipaks and digging tools

    Engineer: adv. spade and pick (digs faster than the avg pick/ spade) rifle grenades that destroy more land

    tell me what you think!

    Posted 13 years ago

    No, none of these. The only idea I like is adding a grid to the map.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i didnt read anybodies post, so. sorry if im taking an idea.
    but a great and somewhat needed item is, a friends list.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Honestly... I would love two things. Voice chat.... and Anti-Aliasing.... because the blocks look like crap close up..

    Posted 13 years ago

    Not everybody has a microphone, and I can only imagine the abuses that would result if voice chat was implemented.

    Posted 13 years ago

    249 suggestions right here http://www.google.com/moderator/#15/e=6f3a1&t=6f3a1.40

    Posted 13 years ago

    Vote kick and muting should be added as well. Problem solved.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You will read this post in Cave Johnson's voice.

    What we need is a mounted machine gun. Bullets do the same damage, it's a high-kick automatic machine gun with a fire rate double that of the standard rifle. Think of the BAR.


    15 shots per magazine. You start off with 60 shots on your character. You get 120 in a HQ tent. It's redeployable, picking it up with E, you carry it like you would any other weapon. But the moment you die or switch to your weapon or such, you drop it, and physics are applied on the object. Meaning, dropping it while moving could cause it to roll down hills or off a cliff. At the time you're away from it, a dwarf could come from underground, snatch it, lead you back into his tunnel and use it against you. Damn dorfs. Just pop a grenade in there and get another MG from the supply tent, and you're good. Only 1 MG per team. If it's not on someone's back, it's marked on the minimap. Anyone can use it, even those <insert opposite team color> scum.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I will post this everywhere I find it to be relevant:

    Spades ought to only be capable of digging literal surface-features.
    They should only be able to destroy the -initial- two-highest blocks of the map (i.e. "the surface").
    They should not be able to plow through any other blocks, including any blocks placed by players.

    Pickaxes ought to function as they do now in that they can destroy any type of block one at a time.
    However, they ought to take longer to destroy any blocks placed by a player than ones generated with the map. Just make an additional value for a block [as placed by a player, or not], and if so increase the number of strikes required to break it by some multiple.

    These previous two notions would bring balance to tunneling, without adding or removing any additional elements to the game.
    It increases the reward for investing in fortifications while still having it remain possible to breach said fortifications, while still including the ability to tunnel as well.
    As it stands the balance of time+effectiveness between tunneling and fortifying is immensely in favor of tunneling, and this would help bring them to a more equal level of influence.

    In addition to these concepts, I'd like to add one more.
    Bullets should not destroy any player-placed blocks.
    It is very novel, I know, and there is certainly fun to be had in shooting the legs off a guard tower.
    But destroying defenses from afar should be a privilege reserved for something more explosive, such as mortars.
    Right now it is too easily rewarding for attackers to be able to destroy structures with bullets

    Posted 13 years ago

    woot someone liked my post on artillery :OP anyways, stronger blocks are a must in my opinion, not to mention a smaller spawn zone around the tent area, umm mod can move the tent, spawn aread only buildable by ops?, server ranks so its not just guest and the mod, cause those griefers get annoying on servers were the mod is never on,so maybe guest mods owners?,umm possible to build in or directly above water, the bedrock destroyable to water,tool for mods like water maker cuboid the jazz?, and many more say sumthin if u want to hear the others, OH AND MAKE SURE TO TELL ME WHY OR WHY NOT ON MY IDEAS >:O

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    Okay, from playing a little, I figured out just what AoS needs.

    A account system that tracks IP of the accounts. With the anonymous players, hackers run loose. Accounts would keep them from hacking and if they do, they get permabanned and can not make a new account since their IP is stored. The same should happen for servers, too. Once accounts are abnned from the server, that player can not join with that account unless the admin removes their name from the blacklist.

    Posted 13 years ago

    That sounds a lot like Minecraft. IF you ask me, Minecraft is great but this game is a separate game and should be treated separately and should be totally independent to owe up for all the respect this game deserves. Making player placed blocks harder to destroy would ruin the point of having people guard the Intel, which is crucial in teamwork, as of now. Bullets are meant to break blocks. What would that function be useful for? No one is going to dig a tunnel using bullets. That's also why the player needs to load three shells into a block before bringing it down and why it matters to build reinforcements and have people on the constant lookout.

    I'm sorry, but those ideas almost defeat the purpose of the building and digging system. They are, however, good ideas, though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think a cool idea would be multiple blocks with different costs for each.
    list of some block ideas:
    -immobile block: floats in air costs 3
    -rack block: kinda like a shelf that holds ammo and health if you cant make a trip to the tent, cost 10, has to be supplied with items you have so its not infinite.
    -ladder block: works like a ladder, this one might be a bad idea, cost 2
    -trap block- when you place down a trap block it becomes very noticable to teamates, but not to the enemy, and when enemy steps on it, it breaks and they could fall in a pit or somthing, cost 5

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think it would make things a lot easier if you didn't have to press ctrl everytime you jump up to get two blocks higher.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think, rather than medic classes or whatever, people should just be able to drop ammo and med packs. You can't use these, yourself only your teammates can, encouraging team play. They last for 10 seconds on the ground before vanishing, and during that time each teammate can only use it once, but there is no restriction on the ammount of teammates that can use it (maybe, I'm still unsure). Health packs add 30 health, and ammo packs give 40 ammo, so the more teammates with you, the better. Every player carries up to two packs, of any combination, to add a little bit of strategy.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think there should be different guns and specials, switchable at the base camp tent, rather than classes. For example:
    1-existing standard rifle- medium power, semi-automatic, cost 1 ammo per shot
    2-submachine gun- fully automatic, low power but fast, cost 1 ammo per shot, has cooldown
    3-sniper rile- high power, slow, scope image instead of ironsights, zooms in much farther when in scope mode, ammo cost 3 per shot
    4-shotgun-short range, high power, no sights, medium speed, ammo cost 5 per shot
    5-pistol-very low power, medium speed, no ammo cost but has cooldown

    1-existing grenade- exactly like it already is in game
    2-medi-kit-heals full life of a player, left-click to use on teammate (if within range), right-click to use on self
    3-motion sensor- puts all enemies within a certain range of the sensor on the map, "shorts out" if it lands in water
    4-adrenaline pill-makes player move faster and take less damage for a few seconds
    5-mounted artillery-place it and fire long-range, high-power, splash-damaging shells at the enemy. The cannon has limited ammo, is very slow, and is not removable once placed. Unmanned cannons are neutral and either team can use them if nobody else is.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't know if this is already taken but when you press esc there should be a menu.
    There will be choices like "Quit Game" "Options" "Controls". The Options include volume (I know there is already a key for this one but you could do it from options),
    Fullscreen mode on or off and all that. It would NOT pause the game and you can still get killed while looking at the menu. You could also change the controls on the controls menu. I already have an idea on how to change them but it's just like changing the controls in Minecraft when you click the control and press the key you want it to be.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I wish that killing somebody nets you some kind of drop reward. Perhaps health or ammo packs like people are suggested, or currency in a sort of Killing Floor fashion.

    Posted 13 years ago

    2 words, Trench Club

    Posted 13 years ago

    Changes i would welcome:
    An elegant solution to the press_jump_30_times_to_climb_a_hill problem. I dont know how could it be done smoothly, but it would be very nice.

    Semi transparent cubes. Ones, that you can look through a bit, but they are not invisible. Fortified glass windows.
    Permeable cubes. Ones you can shoot through, and/or walk through. Like planting bushes. These should also be semi transparent, so it wouldnt be an annoying clipping bug party the whole time.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think it would be great to have C-4 which you can stick on the walls of the enemies!

    Posted 13 years ago

    there is my idea of difrend kind of blocks.

    1.ammo block that gives you ammo
    2.weapon block gives randomly weapon

    the block would be limited like 16 block's per team what you can lay down ewerywhere in map the block should have some time limit like you lay down 16 blocs wait 15mins the block disapears and ammo/gun spawns there then you can make another block, enemy team can destroy the blocks and the timelimit is still on and ammo/weapon doesnt spawn there if the block is destroyed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i think that it will be good to make texture better (like grass and something....)

    Posted 13 years ago

    well i have a few...
    1) change the sounds- they'r kinda annoying, i know you can mute but still-
    2) texure better- like minecraft better.
    3) ability to make armor. camo color so youll be hard to see
    4) a hut to hide in- you cant destroy it. JUST CANT. and your base (+) is in there too. with a tv...lol
    5) more guns! at least a pistol.. er somthin
    6) more easy controls. like minecraft.
    7) torches. we need light
    8) aaaaand halfblocks.
    thats all!

    - P-body ATLAS & GLaDOS

    Posted 13 years ago
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