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  • ** Ideas & Suggestions - category guidelines **

    Welcome to the new suggestions category! Don't know about you guys, but I'm glad to see it.

    Along with the general guidelines, here's some specifics for the category.

       • To be used for game ideas in terms of improvements or modifications
       • Use the search feature before posting
       • If you feel your post can expand on an old thread in this category, you may post in it

    Posted 13 years ago

    yes well i have some ideas...... its my first time posting something on the forums and i think this is were i post my ideas for the game ? idk ....well here we go :
    ya i know that in 2d games its easier to make things cuz in 3d you have to mkae models etc... thats why Kag (King Arthur's Gold ) haz resources too... but why dont we should add that in game i mean it would be cool if you have first an arballet and it would be like ages and with evolutions and upgrades and more clases like an archer and resources like that which you could get them with the builder class or miner or sumthin else and go with em at the base and you have money at the base or put the resources in a building structure like spawnpoint thingy and etc.... i know that the idea with evolving in ages doesnt sound good cuz this is modern war but what if only upgrading and still evolving your weapons....somehow....idk that was what i had to say

    Posted 13 years ago

    now you could say hey why dont YOU make those ! ? you know how hard it is ?
    well i would make them but i dont know a shit about scripts or things and models and game-making stuff.... im just sayng......and even if i knew i will not have enough time to work on sumthin like that..... and im just 13 years old .... but i have a lot of ideas but i feel kinda bad to share them cuz are complicated and need alot of work....... hope you like em !

    Posted 13 years ago

    so rrrraaaay, you jsut want it to becom KaG? No thanks

    EDIT: oh, youre 13. That explains it

    Posted 13 years ago

    fine fine i just posted my ideas in hope that someday someone will view it and a part of 1 single idea at least or so.... would be implemented in-game... i didnt want to get a response like this ... you could just sed man theyre good but hard to make .. maybe we will implement sumthin of your ideas in it ... someday..... or you could say the opposite............and i dont want it to become kag you dont have to take all of the ideas .. you could even combine them ...because getting resources is cool but eeh.... on a battlefield .. yeah maybe thats not a good idea but at least a skill tree ? stats? skills ? more weapons ? random ammo drops ? crates ? classes? no ? fine just sayng .........

    Posted 13 years ago

    peh kag doesnt even work for me

    Posted 13 years ago

    honestly, stop suggesting stuff like that. Its like me painting a potrait of the queen, then adding a vietnam backdrop and a Black Ops logo over her face. Stay on task, young skywalker. Each game should be unique.

    Suggest something like parachutes, or something that acutally improves the gamer, not changes it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeash sorry then... ... ... . . . . .................well....... maybe some vehicles ? idk but parachutes you dont really need them if you dont play on bridgewars or sumthin like that....but maybe im not right......... and maybe a ingame changing of name and controls ... eventually a menu ? but about the weapons ... ummm i and my friend wanted to crack the enemy defenses with the smgs and we both had smgs but from my screen i see that he has semi rifle annd i hear that it fires the same..... then he is in the same situation i was.... so both of us had smgs but on our screen we saw the other as with semi rifle ... but me on my screen i saw me with smg ...... and then we BOTH saw another player with smg ,,,,,............ thats from the game or the server ?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I would realy love to have a sniper with a scope that would realy make this game kickass!

    Posted 13 years ago

    maybe vehicles: Tank,Jeep,little airplayne,......

    maybe: Fire?

    maybe: a grenade launcher, a MG 42 ^^


    Posted 13 years ago

    you guys DO know that you don't suggest stuff in this thread?
    If you want your suggestion to be read, then make a topic.
    This is just the rules of posting suggestions thread.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    The maps are too big and its so boring... everytime you die you have to walk 20miles to find one guuy...please plaese fix this.

    Posted 13 years ago

    We DEFINITIVELY need more guns; such as snipers, miniguns, pistols, machine guns, etc. I would also be happy to see some vehicles, like planes and tanks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Here's my ideas on VEHICLES

    I think that tanks should have as much firepower as a grenade maybe 2 grenades and operates with 2 people, 1 driver and the other who controls the top half of the tank.

    Jeeps should travel 5 times more faster then walking speed and also carry 7 people, 1 driver, 1 gunner and 5 passengers. the gunner controls a gun that does as much damage as a rifle but as half recoil as the SMG.

    the jeep and tank should both be unable to travel 180 degree angled slopes.

    Transport Helicopters should carry 5 people 1 driver, 2 gunners with miniguns (the miniguns will have 2 as much recoil then the SMG) and 2 passengers.

    Fighter jets carry only the driver and should be the fastest vehicle out of all of them.

    If they do add helicopters and jets then maybe they should get AA guns or AA missle turrents (if you didn't know AA stand for Anti-Aircraft).

    Also boats can carry more people and like the jeep it should be faster then infantry.

    Infrantry should also have a more varitey of weapons such as RPGs, mones, C4s, miniguns etc.

    They could just make a survey just for vehicles instead of including them in every server. Also when creating a server there should be an option if vehicles should be included and if so which ones

    Posted 13 years ago

    Guys. You don't suggest things HERE. You do it in the topic.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago
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