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  • shotgun addition.

    Though i have seen the idea of the shotgun suggested before, i believe that it wasn't as balanced as it could be, and therefore wouldn't be as good as the current smg or rifle. I think the specs should look more like this:

    ammo/reload: 8 in the gun with 24 extra. the gun should be pump action with a delay between each shot of around .20 of a second. The reload of the entire gun should be slower than 1 round per quarter second, so that the player has to "top off" the ammo in his gun while he is moving around, so that he doesnt get stuck spending a few seconds reloading his gun.

    range/spread: I think that it should spread out to 3blocks X 3blocks at 35 blocks range. this way you can use it for CQB with relative success but you wont be very effective at range.

    damage: around 8-10 damage per pellet X 9 pellets. headshots with pellets should deal 15+ damage. The damages should make it kill in one shot (aimed at neck/upper torso) within 10-15 blocks.

    Use: should be for a player who could put down a spread of bullets if he is used at range, or quickly clear out a trench system at close range. The shotgun should also break blocks faster than the rifle or smg, making firing at long range not very lethal, but destructive towards enemy positions and buildings.

    Posted 13 years ago

    shottie shottie shottie!

    Posted 13 years ago


    shottie shottie shottie!

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago


    Cause my Model 1887 would look stupid as a semi

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah I think that the shotgun would add a unique twist to gameplay. (I accidentally posted this thread twice! so that is the reason why there are 2 posts that are called shotgun addition. sorry!)

    Posted 13 years ago

    The poll results are looking pretty favorable for the shotgun (and I have no idea why... the rifle can one-shot point-blank so I don't see the need, but w/e). I probably won't be using it all that much myself, but it will make some of my models make a bit more sense.

    I think that in order to balance the shotgun at close ranges it should require a reload for each shot or a very small magazine. A Browning Auto-5 would be a good example of a small magazine, the Winchester Model 1897 (AKA the "Trench Gun") is a good example of a gun that requires reloading for each shot.

    Posted 13 years ago

    shottie shottie shottie!

    add the shottie!

    Posted 13 years ago

    The Spencer Model 1882 Shotgun is a good example of both.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    @TheGreatKhan: Yeah, the Auto-5 and Model 1897 are guns that are a little more familiar to the community, as far as model-inspiration purposes.

    Of course, the gun will simply be called a "shotgun" in all of the files, but so far the guns seem to have definite single influences for the models (G43 and MP5).

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah in my ammo/reloading tangent i was trying to point out that you should have to load each round in at a time, which would allow "toping off" and that this process should be pretty slow so that the player wouldnt shoot all of his ammo in his gun in one engagement. i was also thinking of saying that it should have a 5 round magazine but should reload and pump faster. i think both the eight round but slow idea and the 5 round but fast ideas would work well though so i wouldnt really care.

    Posted 13 years ago


    And the handgun would most likely be modeled after the M1911. Assault Rifle would probably be the M16 or AK-47. IDK what the MG would be, so i'll guess the M1919 Browning.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah those would make sense, of course it doesnt really matter because you can change the skins to whatever you want, heck i made a bazooka skin for the rifle class.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago
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