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  • AoS Good Smaritan List

    I realize that many lists have been made up to warn Server Admins, etc about questionable players. This will just be ones that I've witnessed.

    I can't vouche for anyone adding to it, but if you do I would suggest following my guideline below.

    Known Name/Alias: Jihad_Nasheed, Jihad, Jihad_Nadasheen
    Reason: Griefing legitimate defenses, blocking in tents/players, taking intel and hiding away with it, hacking.
    Servers frequented: Aloha uscentral hallway, aloha uswest island, aloha uswest pinpoint, aloha uscentral gen

    Verified: I witnessed this guy on Aloha servers before doing this kind of asinine behaviour - to be expected of those - but i noticed in a game I played at 0900 (Central Time US&Canada) July 29/2011 in addition to low level griefing he was employing some weird hacks. He would be able to fire his gun and create a block in the air - not a server feature - and also be able to teleport from the bottom of cliffs to the top or across the map - in a server with no lag. Hopefully he just sticks to Aloha servers.

    Just a heads up to any Admins who notice this guy join their server. BAN ASAP. Sorry I don't have IP.

    Good Smaritan
    Posted 13 years ago

    ..Good luck... I guess....

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    "Nadasheen" doesn't mean anything in Arabic, and I'd be glad to enlarge his vocabulary if he wanted.
    He can get in touch with me on #spec_ops @ Quakenet

    Also, what's a "smaritan"?

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    "Good Smaritan" Can't even spell "samaritan" right...

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    Lies. I was there at that time and Jihad_Nasheed was doing none of the things above. He is not a troll and I've never seen him hack in any way. He's usually a nice guy most of the time. Don't believe this guys lies everyone. Please.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Plus there arnt even any hacks like that at all in any game I've seen. Don't get irrational and start believing this guy out of fear.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And one more thing: I've never seen anyone call him Nadasheen. Where do people come up with this stuff? It's all lies everyone. Go to aloha hallway and meet him.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'll go with timeismoney25's side of the story, because he spells words better.
    (although he said "arn't" in his second post)

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    Thank you for seeing the wisdom and not being irrational.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good Smaritan, thanks for the report. he's already under watch and this further confirms suspicion. why do you have two forum accounts, though? please choose one.

    timeismoney25, please don't double-triple post. read community guidelines: http://ace-spades.com/forums/topic.php?id=1760

    Posted 13 years ago

    Sorry. This is just a bunch of crap. Watch him.Watch him 24/7 and see the crap then delete this worthless post please.

    Posted 13 years ago

    What's going on here? Did I get fooled? :o

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    No. Not by me anyway.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Samaritan wouldn't work for some reason, hence smaritan.

    No I just have the one account...one that I use anyways. Any others might be duplicates, like I said I had trouble getting the Samaritan one so I may have accidentally made a duplicate.

    And yes, from what I have seen three people under the three names I named above have displayed the same behaviour/hacks.

    Not trying to be a troll, just letting admins or anyone else who is interested avoid this person if possible. Their choice to believe me or not.

    Perhaps someone else is using Jihad's pseudonyms and griefing under them, but not likely. Unfortunately the main target of his griefings were Deuces so I don't have any witnesses I could name to back it up. Though from what izzy says he already has a history.

    Take it as you want - it is doubtful anything will even come of it, like I said above this is just to be helpful to admins and those looking to actually have fun with the game without being stalked and harassed. He probably drove away the Deuces from playing the game and that hurts the whole AoS community, especially at this stage.

    Good Smaritan
    Posted 13 years ago

    Sure... You're probably that guys Jihad_Nasheed was fighting with. Yeah I remember. There was this guy on hallway called 13 I believe. Jihad was building a house with the Deuce and 13 griefed it and blamed it on Jihad. Then when he left he said he was going to report him on forums for teamkilling and griefing. I dont really know the whole story but all I know is the Deuce was mostly yelling at 13. I was there at the exact time, date and everything. Remeber seeing Jihad and the Deuce fighting with 13. Im not saying this is you but it's not just a coincidence. Guy saying he's reporting Jihad on forums, same time date and server I was on. Whatever, Jihad's a nice guy and you know it. If you met him in game you'd all know it too. Guess what they say is true about nice guys finishing last. And I dont know where this guy got the hacking from. Probably just made up to further incriminate Jihad. I never heard anyone say anything about hacking. If you see it tell it to everyone next time.

    Posted 13 years ago
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