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  • My Ques-gesstions for Ace Of Spades

    some of these are/where lingering around for a while, and if bcoolface saw this it'd just be amazing. Comments would be appreciated.

    View count for threads
    A control panel where a thread is bolded when theres a new, un-viewed post
    A way to list by ping on the homepage, great for when you arent on a spadille equipped computer

    Mod manager - shows you in-slab6 screenshot, and can just double click to apply
    Minimap coords - simple enough, says C6 or B2 in your minimap.
    Hit Indicator - helps with long range SMG'ing and the like, some sort of hit marker would be nice. Also editable?
    Map sizes and player limits - increase?
    Doubling the render size - kv6 files dimensions are doubled, allowing more details and smoother weapong/skin models.
    Sprinting with shift/tab/B, etc... - short speed boost of walking speed, maybe a bit louder to help enemy find you? Or stay normal to avoid under-ground spawn camping
    Screen resolution back to 1024? The game seemed smoother when it was at a higher resolution.
    2 Layer scopes - allows us to make 2 scopes per gun, one down sights and one with the barrel lifted, or smooth out the current "zoom" effect we have

    Server joining
    Name of server while loading, or upon choosing team
    A begginign and end line (like |-------------------|) or a % on the loading screen

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd say no to the hit indicators, simply because they're worthless if you can see what you're shooting at. If the target doesn't spray blood, you either missed, or it's a block.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    thats a lot of wuestions, and I read them all...

    Posted 13 years ago

    i mean hit indicators are nice for fog-length shots, or espicially in pinpoint and the water is red....

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd hate it with hit indicators, really. It takes away the immersion of not knowing if you hit them or not. And I know this second point may be a tad overused, but a lot of us want to keep AoS original and unique.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    makes sense, and it probably wont happen. Just a suggestion. Any comments about the rest of them?

    Posted 13 years ago
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