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  • Some stuff I think should be added/Changed

    I will first start off that THE SUB MACHINE GUN SHOULDN'T HAVE RECOIL!
    2: Snipers. Sometimes I just cant get that aim on that guy, so I get killed. It should zoom in but not change the fog.
    3. Secondary. Pistol.
    4. Melee. Pickaxe/Bowie Knife.
    5: Stealing from other CP. Ammo/blocks, not health.
    6: Slow Health Regenaration. 'Nuff said.
    7: Water=Less fall damage/none. 'Nuff said
    8: Classes. (Scout: Faster, less health, shotgun, 25 blocks, only pickaxe. Sniper: Snipe Rifle, 25 blocks, normal speed, both deleting items, Normal Health. Solider: Rifle, 50 blocks, Spade, normal speed. Almost like TF2, but with something like the Builder: 75 Blocks, Both tools, Rifle or Pistol..? Normal speed, Normal health.

    That's all... I had alot.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1: Why shouldn't the submachinegun have recoil? Real guns do, the rifle does, CoD guns don't. 'Nuff said there.

    2: The old rifle could be used to snipe, and Ben has confirmed that the rifle will be getting a lot more accurate for the 0.55 update. Frankly, I just want the old rifle back. Either way, a sniper shouldn't be neccesary.

    3: No. Just no. Because this is inspired by real war, not mainstream shooters.

    4: Yes. Pickaxes should hurt.

    5: It's already possible to camp in the enemy tent purely using the cover it provides. We don't really want to encourage that by adding some bonuses to the deal.

    6: Eh, nah. Too camper-friendly.

    7: Probably a good idea.

    8: No. Don't overcomplicate the game. Different guns is enough.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Get ready for the dreaded wall of text.

    Why wouldn't the SMG have recoil? It's shooting bullets at a rapid rate, how the hell wouldn't it kick? And, snipers are going to be useless when the .55 update comes out, when the semi's accuracy will be upgraded. If you want a scope with your rifle, there are sniper skins out there.

    Health regeneration, I don't like. We want to keep AoS original. With falling in to water, it'd be pretty much the same as falling into concrete at high velocity. If somebody falls of the bridge in bridgewars, they would die, water or not.

    And, I really don't like the idea of classes. There's not a whole lot to customize with AoS, just choose the team and your gun. It's a nice change from preset classes that mainstream shooters have.

    Oh, yeah, with the melee? Go to a server with pyspades installed, (like sham's little pony or something). The pickaxe does melee damage there.

    EDIT: Damn, you, marksman, and your post-ninja-ing!

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    To promote team play I think regen could help.

    I forget what games do it, but when you are close to team members, and you dont get hurt for 10 seconds you start regenerating.

    I REALLY DO NOT LIKE MEDIC CLASSSES IN ANY GAMES! They always get some special gun for people to play medic, then when it comes to healing people they totally ignore everyone.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    There shouldn't be any health regeneration at all. Period.

    I'd love to see the ability to have a medic put in to AoS. They'd have the same gun as everybody else, but they would be able to drop health kits. They'd also be able to see friendly soldier's health, to judge wether or not to waste a health pack on them.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    1. No
    2. No
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. No
    6. Nope
    7. Nah
    8. No

    If snipers were implemented EVERYBODY would use them and EVERYBODY would camp, it would suck.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    to me the game need 2 things:

    1 Key configuration
    2 Sprint
    you know like in real war
    your not walking slowly waiting to someone to headshot you
    it would enable some tatic base on fast attack like in real conflict

    Posted 13 years ago

    @ Duece13's ghost

    I don't see what's wrong with melee, really. Pyspades already has it with pickaxes.

    And, to the dude above me who's name I forgot again, sprint really isn't going to do any good for teamwork, it'll just promote running around and getting shot.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Jo: The idea of proximity to any friendly player causing a slow regen is intriguing... it certainly encourages teamwork. That might be somewhat more interesting to try.

    @Harraps: Like it's reasonable to expect someone to run faster than that loaded down like they are. Forget about it. Key configuration would be nice, though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    your not walking slowly waiting to someone to headshot you

    You don't even walk slowly in the first place. Hold down shift to walk, your character already runs.

    Oh yeah, I barely even read the OP so I fixed it el oh el

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    1. No - Bullets + High Speeds + A God Damn Sense of Basic Physics = Recoil
    2. No - Old Semi
    3. No - Cause you know, a headshot, burst of SMG, or an upfront shotgun shot isn't enough -_-
    4. Already - Pyspades
    5. No - No need for more people to camp at spawn areas -_-
    6. No - /COD and Wolverine
    7. No - No, If 4 blocks or so = 2ft or more, that's a min of 8ft hight you are jumping from. Nearly a story. ITS GOING TO HURT.
    8. Hell No

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Will people please chill about melee already being on PySpades? He said it was an idea for an addition to the game, not a third-party tool. Frankly, I think it's a nice idea for the vanilla program as well.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Reverend you're right on every subject. We don't need this CoD with blocks. Snipers are over-rated. VERY over-rated. Everyone would use them, be terrible with them, etc. etc. because they think they're an awesome weapon. Health regen? No, just no. This is war, not a water fight. But water absorbing damage, I'd say from about 3 blocks more than the ground it would negate all fall damage. Above that, minus a mere five points of health. Classes are a terrible idea. The most it should be is weapons, & maybe a different grenade type or two.

    Someone intellectual
    Posted 13 years ago

    i don't see why sprinting is a bad idea
    i mean i'm always fighting with the rifle, for long AND short range
    and sprinting would allows some subtilities in the gameplay
    (when your are sprinting, you've got a stamina bar and you can't shoot)

    but the walking is useless and annoying, why ?
    because the key to walk is shift and the key to crouch is Ctrl while most of the time your crouching and not walking: I don't get it

    so even Ben don't had sprint he should add some keys configuration
    (why not in the config file)

    Posted 13 years ago

    The only reason I would want sprinting is so I can close the distance between people.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Meh, the classes, thinking about it that was a big mistake.
    Sprinting, yeah, I could see how people in the real war would do that.
    Campers? SOMEONE would want to fight and that SOMEONE would probably stop snipers (They would kill them, and they would switch to a new gun to fight)
    Promoting campers? What if they had only 2 health (Rifle 2 times) and their CP wasn't close? And it would give away their hiding spot. I said SLOWLY! (1 HP per second) so they would have to wait.
    I hate Pyspades, to many griefers. Plus, it's one server! Sometimes it's full too.
    They should also have the configuration in-game. (Less Deuce.)
    Maybe less recoil. I mean, you have to be RIGHT THERE to kill them (Far away, they look at the bullets going above your head, Shoot you with the Rifle)

    And last thing: It's MY thoughts. Not yours. I appreciate your comments, but the fighting, just NEEDS to stop.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^Our players are already running. They don't need to sprint.

    Also, here's a thought: use the rifle. It's supposed to be long-range and accurate, so just use it instead of complaining about the SMG having recoil. The smg is for close. range. It's not meant to be accurate. If you want your shots to hit? Use the rifle.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    Snipers camp,yes,changing sniper nests here and there.BUT that the reason that there are the COUNTER-snipers.

    Brazilian Atheist
    Posted 13 years ago

    I still think a sniper rifle would be absolutely useless right about now. With the .55 update, the rifle will be accurate again. (Unless you fire rapidly like a panicked idiot, then you'll be missing like crazy.)

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago
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