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  • ** Forum/Game FAQ **
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    This is both the forum and game FAQ.
    Here are some answers to some common questions floating around the forum...

    Forum FAQ:
    - Q: How can I change my forum avatar?

    A:Avatars in this forum are linked to a global site called gravatar.
    By creating an account on Gravatar (making sure that you use the same email address as that you use on the forums), and uploading your custom avatar to their site, it should automatically synchronise the two accounts within a few seconds.

    - Q: How does the text formatting work here?

    A: The basic formatting information is displayed to the right of the text box you use to create a post, but here are the tags again:
    Create a link: <a href="">Create a link</a>
    Write some code: enclose your code within ` (commonly used for quoting other users also)
    <strong>Write in bold</strong>: <strong>Write in bold</strong>
    <em>Write in italics</em>: <em>Write in italics</em>
    And lastly:<blockquote>Write inside a blockquote</blockquote> (this entire paragraph is in a blockquote)

    - Q: My threads are being closed/posts being deleted - why?

    A: Likelihood is you are breaking the forum guidelines.
    These are the guidelines that both users and administrators should follow. At the end of the day, it is the admin team's discretion on whether a thread/post stays or goes (based on the guidelines).
    Excessive arguing about the discretion in thread will likely provoke an admin to punish, so all complaints about such matters need to be presented and dealt with in an official manner through posting an aptly named thread in the Support forum.

    - Q: How can I be a good user on the forum?

    A: In one sentence: follow the forum guidelines.
    In more than one sentence: keep thinking whether what you say is related to the topic and is not some junk and/or designed to provoke anyone. Keep threads as 'clean' as possible and make sure than any links to external websites are not advertising products or hacks of any kind.

    - Q: How can I edit the title of my own thread?

    A: Click on the 'edit' button by the original/first post you made, and change the title from there.

    Game FAQ:
    - Q: How can I change my ingame name?

    A: Your ingame name is defined in the 'config.ini' file in your Ace of Spades installation folder.
    So to change it, simply go to your Ace of Spades folder (often 'C:\Program Files\Ace of Spades'), then open the file 'config.ini'.
    Inside there is the line 'name Deuce' - simply change 'Deuce' to the name that you want (remembering to keep a space between 'name' and the name you choose).

    If you get permission errors, then you shall need to: copy all the contents out of 'config.ini', paste it into notepad, delete the original 'config.ini', now change your name in notepad as described above, save it onto the desktop as config.ini (remembering to make sure it's saved using 'All Files' option rather than '.txt' if using notepad), then copy/paste that desktop 'config.ini' back into your Ace of Spades folder.
    Step-by-step video of this process can be found here (Thanks to Andrea for the video).

    - Q: What is the purpose/goal of this game?

    A: Ace of Spades is an FPS (First Person Shooter) with sandbox terrain. The goal is to capture, and return to your Command Post (marked as a team-coloured '+' on the map), the enemy Intel (marked as a square in the opposition colour).
    By capturing, you increase your team's score and you receive the ability, for one minute, to see all enemy movements (as red circles on the map). You have limited ammunition on your player, but you can restock your supplies at your own Command Post.
    You have two digging tools, a rifle and some grenades. The pick-axe is used to gather blocks, destroying one block at a time; the spade is used to destroy three blocks at a time (destroys the block you point at, plus the blocks immediately above and below it - useful for making tunnels).

    - Q: How can I play the game on linux?

    A: using WINE. Details on how to do this can be found on the Wiki.

    - Q: How can I play the game on mac?

    A: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8zhioibefcxb0ak
    Unzip then right-click on the app and select "view contents" to access the config.ini file.
    (Thanks goes to knottycorpse for creating the original app, and Pwaa for highlighting and updating it)

    - Q: How can I remove the fog?

    A: You can't, and it is considered a hack if you do so..

    - Q: How can I change my controls?

    A: Unforunately control-changing functionality has not been programmed into the game, however Ben Aksoy (the developer) has said that custom key bindings are on the agenda for future updates.

    - Q: I cannot load client.exe, what is wrong?

    A: Ace of Spades works by webpage sending information to 'client.exe' to load it automatically with the correct settings. This means that you can't just load 'client.exe', you must choose a server from the play page and let it load itself.
    Currently there is no GUI (Graphical User Interface), however some members of the community have created their own alternative server browsers with nifty extra features, more notable ones being listed here.

    Posted 13 years ago

    needs a server FAQ

    Posted 13 years ago


    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yea I'd like to see a Server FAQ as well. Here are a few I've noticed:

    -Q: How to play a custom map?
    A: Download the map you would like to play and put it into the vxl folder (default C:\Program Files\Ace of Spades\vxl) Now when you start the server type in the filename without extension (For example: if the map was island.vxl you would type in island)

    -Q: What is PySpades and how do I get it?
    A: PySpades is a community created alternative server software. It can be download from their page at: http://code.google.com/p/pyspades/

    Posted 13 years ago

    If you are in pain from inept forum posters, redirect them here.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's spelled "sentence", not "sentance" FYI. :3

    Posted 13 years ago

    should be in there for all the old fans.

    Maybe a direction to insall mods, since some people dont get it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You need to add these:
    How do I change my title?
    What is a clan and how do I join one?
    How do I install Mods (this is the most goddamn irritatting question I get asked in games)
    How do I change my sight?
    What is Spadille?
    Add a server FAQ, with psyspades and server commands.
    My AoS isn't working, how do I fix this?
    What is Griefing?
    How do I votekick?
    How do I teamkill?

    I can't think of anymore.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think we'll probably create another FAQ for the Maps/Mods section at some point, which should have scope/modification questions etc.
    As for a server FAQ, I suppose we could tie that in.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think this should go back to being a sticky on the front page.

    The titles thread should become a sticky (it would be good to go on the front page).

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    I am happy to see this.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    so am I, and the shotty

    Posted 13 years ago

    Uh, I derped. Terribly sorry about this. I won't forget to search first in the future.

    (For reference, I was asking about middle-clicking opening the link in the current as well as the new tab.)

    Posted 13 years ago

    needs a few updates.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    What are the uhh... commands for the forum? like do I use <strike> test </strike> or [strike] test [/strike] or what? and what are the things that can go inbetween the [ ] or < >?

    Posted 13 years ago

    That's question 2 -.-

    Posted 13 years ago

    Geese I read that over; guess I missed that. I feel humiliated hehe. My bad.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I want to know... How do you edit the names of the threads that you made? Like i made a thread and accidentally misspelled it very badly and want to edit it, is there a way to do that? If there is how?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Edit the OP Mr.Dragon.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ Thanks :D

    Posted 13 years ago


    I'm not that mean
    Posted 13 years ago

    WHY U BE CHANGEN TEH TITLEZZZZZ TO "I'm not that mean" (although it is better I guess) WITHOUT TELLLLLINZZZ UZ
    (sorry for spam trollpost, no really, sorry)

    Posted 13 years ago

    You guys should also add the IRC for the heck of it :P

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    do i have 2 pay extra 2 server host cause i dont want my dad getin mad at me caus ei raised his bill and does it put ware on my comp and router?

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Rambo No. If you want a dedi (Makes it 24/7) it costs 100$ a month. But if you don't want it to be 24/7 then its free. Btw, I'm not gonna yell at you for bumping a week-old thread because you have an unresolved problem. Next time, use IRC and go to #AoS or #pyspades.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I find commenting on these threads is not bumping. They're here for people to see and get answers fast.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    http://www.mediafire.com/?8zhioibefcxb0ak is the new mac download for 0.60 - you should update this!

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Zeke K xD
    @Pwaa I'll tell him on the IRC.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Nice to know this things :) Thanks .

    BaDazz MaDafraggah
    Posted 13 years ago
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