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  • The rifle is unbalanced.
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    -rifle and SMG accuracy increased




    It's already the primary weapon used in AoS. Wanna know why?

    -Up close, headshots are easy.

    -The gun is accurate with manageable recoil at mid range without even crouching or looking through the sights.

    -The gun has 10 shots per clip, but only needs 1-3 shots to kill an enemy.

    -The gun is the only gun with the capability to kill with one shot. This means that if two players spot each other at once, the rifle is at a considerable advantage. The SMG might shoot fast, but if the rifle player gets off a shot, and it hits the head (Typically at medium and close range given the range of the other two guns) the rifle player will win the 'duel'.

    -With the update, the gun is almost back to pinpoint accuracy. I literally killed 8 people with 8 shots at long range... two of which were behind one-block windows.

    -Lower the clip size and total ammo for the rifle to maybe 3-5 shots and 20-25 total ammo.

    -Remove the ability for rifles to kill instantly with headshots (namely doing 100 damage), and instead just change the damage to a high amount (like 75). Also, lower the damage for bodyshots to about 35-40.

    -Reduce rifle accuracy significantly (like, misses by a mile and creates ridiculous recoil) while not aiming down the sights and crouching. The gun is meant to be camped with, not used sightless while walking (that's more the shotgun's territory).

    -Reduce the size of OUR HEADS. I like the current head sizes, but if you really gotta get crazy, reduce the size of the head to make headshots a less effective way of dispatching enemies.

    Each of these solutions individually would be well on the way to making the other guns as useful as the rifle, rather than having the rifle being almost impossible to deal with short of camping under cover with anything short of another rifle and HOPING the person behind the rifle can't hit the broad side of a barn.

    Going to post this on the forums as well.

    Posted 13 years ago

    agreed. the smg and shotty dont even come close to comparing with the rifle

    Posted 13 years ago

    - "Lower the clip size and total ammo for the rifle to maybe 3-5 shots and 20-25 total ammo."

    - "Remove the ability for rifles to kill instantly with headshots "

    - "3-5 shots and 20-25 total ammo."

    - "Reduce the size of OUR HEADS"


    ^^^^ are you fucking KIDDING me??? that would make the rifle by far the most USELESS gun in the entire game!

    Your version: accuracy is only slightly better then smg, it has half the ammo, you cant one hit kill, its even HARDER to get a headshot and even when you do it doesn't kill them, AND you have to reload every 3 shots.....

    Your talking about not only completely NERFING the rifle but literately making it POINTLESS to use. The smg would be a far better option each and every time, no matter the map.

    You would have to be mental to do this.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    If this was the rifle i think i would kill myself. The rifle is balanced. Why? Well first of all the shotgun is a close range weapon and it's very effective, it does a lot of damage in one hit. The SMG is good at killing close range too as it fires bullets fast (like it's supposed to do). The rifle is good at close range to be able to defend itself from the shotty and the SMG. Let's talk medium range, the SMG is the best at it, the shotgun is not the best to use at medium range but can do some damage, the rifle is good too as it is accurate but i think an experienced SMG player could defeat the rifle user at medium range as the SMG is the king of the medium range. Looks balanced to me. Now let's talk long range. The rifle dominates in it. The shotgun isn't good at it but with luck it can hit sometimes. The SMG can kill rifle users at long range, it's not the best at it but it works right? That looks balanced to me.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ "You would have to be mentality to do this"

    ^^ that makes no sense, its mental not mentality.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^Look, we are sayin that the rifle shits on the smg and shotgun. there is no best range for the rifle because it is too universal. It needs to be fixed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    What the hell is with these people bawwing about the rifle? FYI newfags IT'S THE FIRST WEAPON AND PEOPLE ARE MORE ATTACHED TO IT.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Sorry but you are stupid. ANY FUCKING GUN IN THIS FUCKING DAMN WORLD MUST KILL INSTANTLY WITH A HEADSHOT. H-E-A-D-S-H-O-T. Smg and shotgun should kill instantly with headshot. The accuracy must be the best possible. Man....this is a rifle not a plastic water gun. And we need more ammo not less. Our heads are very well done. Your argument is not valid.

    Black Op
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^^how long have you been playing because ive probibly been playing longer than you. i just want weapons more balanced, no more ammo or less, no bigger or smaller heads, and no taking away the headshots, just more balanced firearms

    Posted 13 years ago

    I edited my post and deleted mentality, i don't know why i wrote that, i felt like it xD

    Posted 13 years ago


    Even if you have been playing longer it doesnt make your opinion more valid then anyone elses.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago


    he called me a newfag

    Posted 13 years ago

    got back to the way it was the update they had fixed auto climbing

    Posted 13 years ago

    I play since Beta 0.21. I'm one of the first 50 players on this game. Please don't offense me.

    Black Op
    Posted 13 years ago

    Why not use the shotty, and just don't use the rifle? The shotty can one hit kill up close, is decnt at mideum, and has lower accuracy. So if you want something like what you want, there you go. It also doesn't completely suck because of only close range firing only. it QUICKLY reloads a quick shot (one at a time) so you can quickly kill the enemy if you happen to miss a lot. You also have a higher chance of winning with the shotty if you and the enemy are up-close and shooting at each other. So if you want a weapon that you're describing but still good, USE THE FRIGGIN SHOTTY. Did you realize that the shotty exsited before I posted this? 'Cause clearly you didn't notice.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "-rifle and SMG accuracy increased


    JUST WHY."

    If I recall this is what people wanted most, so it got fixed.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The only thing that is under powered is the SMG, and that's just because it has yet to fit the assault rifle mode. Why? Run down.
    Battle Rifle is for the long range and medium range. It has a full power cartridge and does damage equivalent to it's bullet.

    Shotgun is for CQC. If were in close range, 1 shot and you're dead. Although the spread should be tweaked a bit. I have shot it in-game and I hit a block 5 blocks that was level with the one I was standing on while shooting straight forward.

    SMG is not used as much because of the recoil and damage. It has great destroying potential, it just can't hit anything with enough punch to be effective.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    I didn't say all the changes have to be put in simultaneously. I said any one of the changes would make the rifle more balanced. Not that all the changes should be implemented at once. The rifle should NOT be good at all ranges. It should be GOOD at long range, DECENT at medium range and CRAP at close range. It should not be able to be used while MOVING.

    I checked out the shotgun s'more, and I compared it to the rifle. Compared to the rifle, the shotgun has:
    -More recoil
    -Less accuracy
    -Less damage (EVEN UP CLOSE takes two shots, only one if you're literally within pickaxing range)
    -More ammo (9 total clips compared to 6)
    -ZERO long range capabilities
    -Almost no medium range capabilities
    -Faster reload

    The shotgun should be a shoot it and forget it at close range. It should be the ALPHA and OMEGA at close range. You shouldn't HAVE to aim if you get into the correct range with the shotgun.

    Compared to the rifle, the SMG has:

    -More recoil
    -Less accuracy
    -Lower accuracy while moving
    -Less damage (15 per bodyshot compared to 49 for the rifle)
    -No one-shot potential
    -Less ammo (5 full clips per loadout compared to 6)
    -Faster rate of fire


    The SMG is useless at long range versus the rifle. You shoot the rifle user with your burst fire and hope to get in a few hits and the SECOND you hit that rifle user, they can detect where you are, and once they find where you are, you're dead if you don't flee for cover. At medium range, you hope you can kill the rifle user before he turns around. At close range, if you even manage to get that close without being detected, you STILL NEED TO CROUCH TO FIRE THE SMG. You DO NOT NEED TO CROUCH TO FIRE THE RIFLE AT MEDIUM AND CLOSE RANGE.

    I agree with you. If all guns killed with headshots, then it would also be balanced.

    Just because players request a certain change doesn't mean it should be implemented. Balance-wise the gun was accurate enough and still deadly at the fog-limit range with 3-4 shots to a headshot. AT THE FOG OF WAR RANGE LIMIT. That's MAXIMUM POSSIBLE RANGE HEADSHOTS WITH 3-4 SHOTS. Now you can get the same in 1-2 again.

    The SMG change was requested and justified because the SMG had trouble aiming at medium range targets. It is still useless while standing or moving.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "The SMG is useless at long range versus the rifle."

    Uh... yeah. The rifle is meant to be superior at long range. An SMG is meant for medium-short range, and the shotgun is short range. Don't try to use a gun at a distance where it isn't competitive. Find a tunnel, or an urban sort of map to be truly effective with the SMG.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    Wut bout me?

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    the SMG is great at long range, i think. i think that maybe adding either a slower rate of fire, or making the rifle slightly less accurate might be good, but the best thing would probably be to lower the clip size, maybe. i also think lowering the clip size on the SMG to 20-25 would be a good idea, but maybe 30 is good, it just seems kind of crazy sometimes, how you still have so much ammo left. or, maybe just lowering pump time for the shotgun would help balance all of them a little more, but it may also unbalance it, you know

    Posted 13 years ago

    rifles fine, shotguns fine, smg sucks at anything other than wood pecking, increasing damage slightly (like 20 body shots 50 head) would be good.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Apologies, didn't see much to argue against your post.

    The shotgun is good in close range, yes. But the rifle is good at long range while still, and medium AND close range while moving. No other gun has that level of versatility. You can go mano e mano with a shotgun user using a rifle because you have LESS recoil and FASTER RATE OF FIRE than a shotgun user at close range.

    New guns aren't relevant to this thread, as they are speculatory and don't really add to the balance mechanic anyways.

    SMG has good accuracy when crouching and half-decent when using sights (individually). It has the worst accuracy ever when moving because the recoil is ridiculous and the damage with bursts isn't high enough to justify the loss of accuracy when moving.

    The rifle is meant to be superior at long range. This is true. However, it shouldn't also be superior in medium and close range. That is part of the problem. The other thing is, I shouldn't have to have the element of surprise to have the shotgun and SMG be effective. If I'm within my optimum range (medium for the smg, and close for the shotgun) I should be killing riflemen left and right. The headshot potential, firing rate, ammo per clip, and accuracy of the rifle, even when not crouched or in sights, is the main reason it champions in combat versus the shotgun and SMG, REGARDLESS of range.

    Also of note: The SMG leaves a very visible trail of projectiles when it fires, making them easy to trace back to. Rifles shoot one projectile and then it's guesswork.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ben is basically from my point of view covering up for the sniper rifle! the rifle is just basically the same thing as a sniper rifle

    Posted 13 years ago

    i think that once the sniper rifle is added(if it is even going to be) then it will help balance the rifle, but i do agree that the rifle is kind of too good for close range, mainly it is just the fact it can fire faster than the shotgun, and the shotgun does not really always 1 hit things at close range. maybe give the shotgun 8 pellets, to make up for this, but that might also wreck it. balancing things is pretty weird

    Posted 13 years ago

    The rifle is NOT the same thing as a sniper rifle. Snipers have more recoil when not crouched and motionless and often have very little ammo to compensate for their incredible killing ability. This balances them out in comparison to other weapons that lack their range and damage. Snipers are mostly immobile and require pinpoint accuracy. If they have to move to evade someone else or lack accuracy and waste their ammo, they become helpless.

    For example, think of Team Fortress 2. The Sniper has to aim down a narrow barrel (limits their vision) and do so for a relatively extended amount of time (to charge up a shot and slow down their fire rate) and then hit their target. After hitting their target, they have to reload their next shot immediately. They can't just run into the field without their scope and expect to live very long without backup because their firing rate is too low, and the damage is not high enough without aiming through the sights first.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1st of all a head shot is a head shot: you'll get a bit of led flying in high speed int youre god damn skull and brain = istant death

    the smg got WAY TO much recoil keep the recoil of that kind if you remake the smg to a HMG like FGS and an other thing about recoli AoS got 1 type of it, ok this type may fit the semi and the shotty but it dosent on the smg let the smg fly a bit left.

    The semi sins no one looks to they may like the power being lowerd but the RPM must be lowerd like atlest slowe, and its hip accuracy need to be lowerd líke so it hard to make a no aim headshot

    Posted 13 years ago

    who the heck survives getting shot in the head. headshots should be and always be one-shot-kills

    Canine Companion
    Posted 13 years ago

    Just up the SMG's effectiveness a little bit and everything will be fine.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The rifle is good. Really good. Possibly too good. I think a quick fix would be making it a single shot weapon i.e. fire, reload, fire, reload.

    Posted 13 years ago
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