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  • Suggestion and equip stuff

    Hello guys, I've been playing this game for more than a week or so and I got some ideas that might improve the gameplay:
    -Players MUST have his number ID displayed on their location circle, so your teammates can know where the hell are you
    -Intel carrier could use a yellow circle so other people can help you and support you
    -Map signals (like "Warcraft 3" map signals) could definitively help a lot
    -A kill console would be awesome, so people won't have to ask "is that guy dead yet?"
    -Votekick messages could help people know when someone calls a votekick (so people don't have to yell "EVERYBODY TIPE /VOTEKICK BLABLA, HE'S CHEATING!!11!"). Also an extra command could be "/votekickr [ID or name] [whatever your reason is]" so the people know why you're calling a votekick
    -Server admins should be able to set an amount of time or captures to make an automatic server reset.

    Now, about the equip stuff, many people has suggested classes for this game, but this game is not Team Fortress, so it doesn't need classes...but how about equipment? this could be ten times better than classes, and it would work like this:
    You have 5 slots for your equipment. You can equip whatever you want if you stay on your slot limit. You can only equip stuff at your CP, and if you die your last equipment is saved (so you don't have to go to equip stuff everytime you die). This could be used for new items and weapons and this are the ideas i have:
    -First of all, the classic items (Shovel, Pick, Blocks, Rifle and Grenades. They all use one slot).
    -Improved Shovel (2 slots): It digs 1.5 times faster than the classic shovel.
    -Improved Pick (2 slots): same as improved shovel.
    -Spike barricade blocks (1 slot, 15 max amount): They're spiked blocks that deals 5 of damage every 1 second if you touch them. They're specially effective if you place them on water edges (but they can be destroyed just like normal blocks).
    -Knife (1 slot): basically instakill.
    -Pistol (1 slot, "10-50" max bullets): It's a bit weaker than the rifle and has no scope, but is faster and makes less sound. Perfect for ninja guys.
    -Machinegun (2 slots, "25-50" max bullets): It's basically a machinegun. Lacks accuracy and single bullets deal crap damage, but hey, it's a machinegun :3
    -Sniper (3 slots, "4-16" max bullets): It has a painful recharge time and takes 5 seconds to keep it quiet after every shot, but has a 2x scope and deals really high damage.
    -Landmines (1 slot, 2 max amount): They take a few seconds to be ready and can be placed only on floors. Secondary button can copy the ground color, but has a red dot on the center to make them detectable.
    -Kevlar (1 slot): Gives you 50 extra health.
    What do you think guys?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the following:

    - player-ID displayed on the map next to the location circle
    - friendly intel carrier (fic) has a yellow circle [I would add: when you see the enemie's circles for one min the enemy intel carrier (eic) should also have some other color]
    - a kill console [has been suggested 1000-times]
    - improved visibility of votekicking [has been suggested 1000-times]

    I'm not sure about the slot-system. Would definitely need some testing first.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like warcraft 3 bit :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    The weapons and tools are a bit iffy, but i like the slot idea

    Posted 13 years ago

    I REALLY like all of it. I never thought of putting numbers in the circles for the map - a brilliant idea. But I'm on the edge about the specific weapons/blocks. Other than that, great!

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the slots and gear idea, except for the sniper, machinegun and the landmines. Any of these will make ppl angry and stop playing.
    The currently rifle is already good for sniping, and it's rate of fire is just enough not to be imbalanced like a machinegun would be. Landmines? :(

    iammorthor.com owner
    Posted 13 years ago

    Like all of these, though I do agree a sniper rifle or machine gun is OP. Landmines are fine as long as they can be seen and defused.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Slots; brilliant idea for solving the "implement more equipment without making inventory enormous" issue

    Map pinging sounds pretty cool (in wc3 it was called pinging) but with the way the map works doubt they could fit it in as it is.

    To me I think weapons need to be close to the theme;

    Machine guns in WWI were mounted, didn't fire very fast and needed like 2 people to operate, one guy to aim and shoot, another to feed the belt and water it when it got hot :\ however such co-operation might be hard to achieve if no one listens, I think 1 man MG nests should be allowed though.

    As for sniper, contrary to common believe I think that could work;

    Sniper rounds deal +25% damage of a normal rifle (20 to limbs becomes 25, 40 to body becomes 50, headshot stays instant) can zoom in further than normal rifle, however, to balance it, its rate of fire is much slower (about 1 shot every 2 seconds), and it only has 5 rounds to a clip.

    Land mines have been suggested, and I think thats a cool suggestion, also qwerty, your suggestion to landmines is brilliant, a way to disarm them would be great (perhaps one of the slot items could be like pliers, that can arm and disarm mines). I can see people chucking mines at the bottom of holes as a sneaky trap. I think mines should be able to exploded with a nade though

    Posted 13 years ago

    *heaviest facepalm in the history* how long did you search for this thread?
    did you even realize the last post was 1 month ago?

    Posted 12 years ago

    I think that this is a brilliant idea, I support it fully

    Posted 12 years ago
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