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  • Far Cry 2 style map editor

    Imagine something like this:
    Editing land with multiple tools
    Placing preset .kv6 files and moving/rotating them (Potential results of this feature: 1 2)
    Spawn points/areas, preset intel/base position(s) per team, ammo crates, weather/time options, water level...

    What do you think?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, that would be nice.


    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    that would definitely be cool, i agree

    Posted 13 years ago

    i see...

    Posted 13 years ago

    That would be cool, hope ben adds this

    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago

    Awesome I have farcry 2 but as soon as i start single player it crashes with no error message. Multiplayer works fine though its rreally weird.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Its working again! I forgot how much i loved this game till i played for 5 hours today.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Id rather something like a mix of Fc2's editor and Valve's Hammer editor. mainly because editors like Fc2's usually restrict you to making simple map elements(buildings, bridges,etc) in external editors where Hammer allows you to make them in-editor. But i also like Fc2's editor for its terrain sculpting/painting where Hammer's is kind of lacking in ways.
    That's just my opinion though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hammer allows you to make them in-editor

    But that'd kill the purpose of slab6, and I love slab6. Unless it'd be integrated into the new map editor, I wouldn't really appreciate such a thing happening. Don't take that as a "no" though; I think that's a good idea.

    Posted 13 years ago

    oops deleted

    Posted 13 years ago

    <sarcasm>Yeah, sure. Why not? We'll just throw a couple hundred grand at the development team and have them churn this out over the weekend. No problem.</sarcasm>

    In other news, you know the second thing you ask for.... placing premade models in Voxed and rotating them, that is; is available already with the current toolset. You just have to be sure to save KV6 files as KVX files before you import them with the 'U' key. Otherwise they are considered sprites and do not get saved with the map. The spawn/intel/tent points are all hardcoded into the game... they do change if you change the map, because placement seems to at least partially correspond to a number seed based on the map. It would be better to place these with a different method.

    I do, however, agree with you on some of the other details you mention though... it'd be great if one could change more atmospheric map things like the amount of fog or water level... but it's a simple game and far from a simulation of realism. And while it would be great if we had amazing map editors like the ones developed by big-budget code houses, we should really be pretty amazed at what is capable with the tools we have been given!

    Posted 13 years ago

    <sarcasm>Yeah, sure. Why not? We'll just throw a couple hundred grand at the development team and have them churn this out over the weekend. No problem.</sarcasm>

    Never did I ever say this was going to be an easy task. I personally believe it would be worth it, for the community's sake, and, in turn, the game's general popularity.

    In other news, you know the second thing you ask for.... placing premade models in Voxed and rotating them, that is; is available already with the current toolset. You just have to be sure to save KV6 files as KVX files before you import them with the 'U' key. Otherwise they are considered sprites and do not get saved with the map. The spawn/intel/tent points are all hardcoded into the game... they do change if you change the map, because placement seems to at least partially correspond to a number seed based on the map. It would be better to place these with a different method.

    I do know of that feature.
    You do know that the person handling the map editor is the person handling the game itself, right? It wouldn't be a hassle to make a few variables dynamic.

    I do, however, agree with you on some of the other details you mention though... it'd be great if one could change more atmospheric map things like the amount of fog or water level... but it's a simple game and far from a simulation of realism. And while it would be great if we had amazing map editors like the ones developed by big-budget code houses, we should really be pretty amazed at what is capable with the tools we have been given!

    If everybody in the world was constantly content with everything, there would be no improvement in anything whatsoever. It is true that what we have now is good, but there is potential for so much more, and in so many places. One moral you may know of, I've seen all over the place; I mention it now because of its relevance. The spoken-of moral involves consistency in the momentum of process: to keep moving forward. With that in mind, there is no reason not to at least take a chance with this.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure where you got your info from, but Voxed (the map editor) is from Ken Silverman's original project that AoS was based off of by Ben Aksoy. Although Ken, at one point, did actually give Ben a hand with some optimization of the code for the client, as far as I can recall, he has little to nothing to do with the game except designing the engine it's based off of. In other words, Ben didn't design the map editor. It's a legacy product from another project.

    I'm happy to stand corrected on this matter but I am pretty certain this is the case. All you say is well and good. Keeping momentum of process going in AoS is an important thing to be sure. Should be a new beta version (.60) coming out very soon... but it's going to be additions to client and server stuff. There do seem to be other people making map editors for AoS, though. the pyspades team made a very simple one that has some promise but lacks most of the functionality you speak of above. There was another browser-based one someone posted about a week ago but I don't seem to be able to find the thread and it looked like it was in a pretty early stage of development. Anybody have that link?

    Posted 13 years ago

    i just started highschool online and i have it electoves i hopeil be able 2 lern how 2 code stuff

    Posted 13 years ago

    Might want to start that off with learning how to type first. ;-)

    Posted 13 years ago

    thanks but this is my fast typin. when i write papers i spell corectly . ive ben in spelling bees before

    Posted 13 years ago

    Okay. Well how about just stop spamming off-topic stuff then? It's not particularly helpful to learn that "u hope 2 lern how 2 code."

    I stand by my original statement.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok im confused but thanks

    Posted 13 years ago
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