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  • Fully interactive pyspades irc chatbot!

    I was just chatting with the guys on my server tonight, but when Minecraftnerd left my server, my irc bot said byeeee, all on it's own. Right after that it said, "I am God". At first I just said that it was weird, and told the guys on my server that my bot had just talked, when it piped up, saying stfu b****!!! I then said something else, and it said that it wasn't a dog :/. After a while, it added it's own comments, even going so far as to get all confused when somebody left the server. it then called our my name, asking if I was there, and even asked how I felt! after a while it mysteriiously went silent, and I will post a new comment if I see it again.
    It is possible that mat^2 somehow slipped this in, but when I told him about it he seemed to be surprised by it. It is also possible that it was like an experimental thing on quakenet, which is more likely, and that might explain its...unusual vocabulary.

    I just want to make two things clear: I am new to irc, and I had just set it us on my server when this happened. The other thing is that i swear to god that Im not making this up, and that I didn't fake it or do it intentionally.

    Does anyone here have any idea what caused this?

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    oh lawd
    kill it with fire

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    Like I said before, I a total n00b with irc. That's why I didn't know that this was just a player using /say. :P

    Posted 13 years ago
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