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  • [AB]Arcane Blitz is recruiting!
  • 124

    Hello Fellow Players!
    Let's break 100 members!

    Price here, your [AB] Clan leader. We've just doubled our size! Let's double it again!

    Clan Name: Arcane Blitz
    Website: http://www.arcaneblitz.com

    Introduction and Goals of Arcane Blitz
    Arcane Blitz's vision is to establish a thriving online community, with many members that:
    1. Makes our presence felt, and to dominate in the more popular online games, and
    2. Puts an emphasis on having fun, an escape from reality for a while, along with
    3. Being Community-Oriented. Where members have a part to play in making decisions.
    4. We will be globally oriented, having no racism.
    5. We want to be a place to call home, to benefit both hardcore and casual gamer's.

    What our clan offers:
    - A Private AoS server. Buildings are saved in the map!
    - A relaxed, fun, but serious environment.
    - A competent and talkative team.
    - A diverse group of players to engage in activities with.
    - TeamSpeak3 Servers! (We don't RENT them! We OWN the servers![address: arcaneblitz.com])
    - At any time if you feel abused/threatened/mistreated along with another member, said abuser will be automatically kicked with reasonable evidence.

    Misc Game Servers/Source Game Servers
    Including but not limited to (Once again we OWN all our servers) :
    -All Points Bulletin
    -Ace of Spades
    -Source Games (TF2, Age of Chivalry, L4D2, Garry's Mod, Insurgency, and MORE!)

    - You must be mature.
    - Have an excellent Attitude: No negativity (poking fun does not fall under this category). A positive personality that synchronizes with the rest of the clan is an asset.
    - Always listen to instructions.
    - Most importantly, enjoy the game, have fun, and don't rage.

    To Join:
    -Register an account at arcaneblitz.com and preferably make an introduction post :P.
    -Hit us up on our TeamSpeak3 server (arcaneblitz.com) and we'll go from there .
    -(optional but highly suggested) make a reply HERE with your thoughts of the clan itself, we're open to constructive criticism, no worries

    -If you can create an account on the website, and contact us there.
    -Another option you have is to join us on our TeamSpeak3 Server (once again located at http://arcaneblitz.com) and chat there

    Current List of Members(Be sure to let me know you've joined so I can add you):


    Posted 12 years ago

    Well....at least you guys seem organised, good luck.

    P.S for a forum avi, go to gravatar.com or ppl wont take you seriously.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 12 years ago

    this clan sounds organized than other clans!

    Posted 12 years ago

    I have seen tons of clans who organize thenselves this way lots of people do it with teamspeak3 but anyway you just a speck of dust lost in the wind...

    Posted 12 years ago

    We are the only clan that I saw with registered domain name
    (except for .tk, but those are free)

    Posted 12 years ago

    Good Luck guys!

    Mini Moose
    Posted 12 years ago

    Thank you :)

    Posted 12 years ago

    Crap, you guys are incredibly organised.
    Your like a massive city syndicate.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 12 years ago

    I might join this instead of OTD

    Mini Moose
    Posted 12 years ago

    Thank you for the compliment :)

    That would be great, the more the merrier.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Yeah im joining this

    Mini Moose
    Posted 12 years ago

    Cool, Welcome :)

    Posted 12 years ago

    I sent a clan application to your forums, as said on the OP

    Mini Moose
    Posted 12 years ago

    I read it and added you to the member list

    Posted 12 years ago

    can i join i'm the best

    Posted 12 years ago

    All we are is dust in the wiiinnnddd...

    If I were you I would totally go post in the ArcaneBlitz.com introduction thread. Let us all get to know you.

    AB Slack
    Posted 12 years ago

    Pro cod.

    The best dosn't matter

    Team work does.

    the best trooper works well with his batallion

    Mini Moose
    Posted 12 years ago

    Pro cod, go to our forums and sign up and make an introduction.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Slack needs to get an avatar! :)

    And my name is famous now! Yay!

    Posted 12 years ago

    12 people joined overnight...
    This clan is fucking legendary.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 12 years ago

    @frosty, this isn't our only clan forum, we have some at different games as well, so more joined :)

    Posted 12 years ago

    It's LEGEN....wait for it....DARY!

    You know, it really is. =D

    Posted 12 years ago

    It's very Legendary :D

    Posted 12 years ago

    L to the E to the G to the E to the N to the D.
    The only think I don't understand is how clans can exist in minecraft...

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 12 years ago

    that means you haven't been to populated servers, where there is in game cash, and you make cities and stuff, run a hotel and stuff, stuff and stuff.

    Posted 12 years ago

    We have a server that our members play on

    Posted 12 years ago

    This server is very nice!

    Posted 12 years ago

    Wow, Bridges EVERYWHERE? That's so cool.

    AB Slack
    Posted 12 years ago

    Bridges are EVEEERRYYWHERE it's CRAZY
    Thank you Slack and Chaotix?

    Posted 12 years ago

    Don't forget the amazing birthday cake. That thing is just epic.

    Posted 12 years ago
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