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  • My ideas for Ace of Spades

    It would be nice if you guys made a Skin upload on the website just like minecraft so everyone can upload a skin for there character to have in the game that everyone can see. But that all players have some kind of headband in there team colour so that everyone can see what team they are in.
    I would love to have a function like this and I think everyone else would too.

    It would also be nice with more kind of game playes then capture the flag. Like first team to get 500 kills, have chckpoints around the map that the team have to take/protect where the first team to get all checkpoints win. Last team standing where everyone are on the deffensive cos if they die they are out. The team with the only survivors left win and get 1 point to there team. When a team have 10? 100? wins they win and the score is reset.

    More weapons. Each player should have 2 guns. a big one like rifle and a small one. I think you can come up with ideas for weapons without me telling you what weapons :)

    vehicle like jeps that can transport a group of 4 players. the vehicles can take damage. if it's destroyd it will respawn at the teams spawn. It can only be one jep/team.
    Some kind of medic car that the team can take with them to get there health back. Can only be 1/team
    Tank that can shoot and destroy like 4x4 blocks and make 2x/3x the damage of a normal weapon. can be spawn 1/ like 50 kills? if the tank is destroyd it will disappear and the person who got 50 kills need 50 more to get one more tank. it shall have like 3x/4x/5x the health of a player?
    Boats! We need to get over water faster. a boat can take max 4 people on it. a person need maybe 10/20 kills to spawn a boat. like the tank it will disappear if it's destroyed.

    Maybe add different classes/groups like in team fortress 2 where you can choose pyro, medic, sniper, spy etc or what ever class/group everyone wants to play.

    Yea, that's pretty much all ideas I have for now.
    I hope you guys don't mind my english, I know it's not that good.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Pretty much, I'd say all but part of your first suggestion has been said before.
    Try using the search next time.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh sry xD
    But I just wanted to put all ideas I have in this thread.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm going to tell you now, this will NEVER happen.

    Not because it's a bad idea or anything, it's just that many ideas never happen or even considered.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I never said I expected them to make any of those ideas real. I just want to share them so they maybe get some kind of idea how to improve the game. Im going to enjoy watching this game evolve into a amazing game and it's now in the start that I can try to give them some kind of idea of what I like and maybe they get some good ideas how they can make the game better.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Skins are a great idea but keep in mind that AoS is a war game so I don't like the idea of random skins that doesn't fit =P
    CTF isn't the only mode ;D
    Vehicles... yes... but as a kill streak reward :D otherwise there would be people just camping to get it =P
    Boats and Tanks wouldn't fit very well I guess
    Ranks... NO there would be people just spaming around how good they are just cause they have no life and play the game all day long =/

    Posted 13 years ago

    i love ce of spades

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't mean ranks like status. I just can't remember how to put my thoughts in english atm. I mean like different kind of characters for the game. people that like snipers can be a sniper ''rank'' and someone that want to go around and heal her/hes team mates can be a ''medic''

    EDIT: now I remember, it's called a class/group. like a medic class that specialices in healing there team mated in battle. and maybe get some kind of assist (?) for it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok so you made suggestions but you don't expect them to be real?


    Posted 13 years ago

    Ofc id love them to be real. but's its still a small chance that someone listen too my ideas. but if they like them Id love if they made them real! :)
    But I can't expect too much now can I?

    Posted 13 years ago

    But you don't expect them to be real.


    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, both yes and no.
    I hope they will be real.
    But on the same time I don't expect that the team behind aos will like my ideas.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1) User skins that everyone can see: YES
    2) More game types (that aren't just Pyspades hacks): YES
    3) More weapons: EH, WHY NOT
    4) Transport vehicles: NO!
    5) Tanks that can destroy blocks: HELL YES
    6) Boats: NO!
    7) Classes with special abilities (that aren't just Pyspades code): NO

    Player skins, YES, this would let you design your own camouflage to match the map!
    As for classes, I like classes, but I wouldn't want to force them to be on every server. Also, land-based transport vehicles and boats don't seem like they would add much to the game. Who wants to ride in a Jeep if there are tanks around?

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    well, I could host a mod upload site as well :)

    Just need someone to code it for me XD

    Posted 13 years ago

    We want custom players skins and make it seen for every one xD

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah man, the business would be kind of skins, you could change one thing or another (it has an own editor for it) is not not going to look like a war game. until the classes would be a good idea, but would have to be over with, killed 50 people Shotgun, you are a soldier etc ...
    Terrestris vehicles but I see only temporarily place it would be nice Jeeps and tanks, after all, the Jeep would you want to fast forward (away with the bag of infromaƧoes) prara and the tank would destroy the jeeps and other players.

    Posted 13 years ago
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