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  • What NOT to add
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    There's tons of threads about all the KEWL NEW THINGS that should TOTES BE ADDED. This is different. I'm going to tell you what I don't want added to the game. To me, the game has an incredible amount of theme and atmosphere. I feel many of the suggestions on how to "improve" the game will just turn it into "FPS #9821373".

    Don't add a billion guns. Please don't add things like rocket launchers or missles or mortars or shotguns or sniper rifles or flamethrowers. One of the best parts about this game is how the rifle puts all characters on the same footing, while also making long-range combat encouraged, something unique outside snipers in most FPSs. It gives it a feeling of war rather than a deathmatch. Adding the trillions of explosives that people want would completely change the dinamic of the game. Machineguns might work, and might fit the theme of the game, but their implimentation should be carefully balanced, so people still want to use rifles.

    Don't add classes. As above, one of the best things about the game is how anyone can do anything. You can dig tunnels or build forts, but then when the heat is on you can fight. People seem to just want this game to be Team Fortress: Building Edition. The only thing I'd think would be an acceptable thing to "customize" would be the ability to swap grenades for other things. Grenades are situational equipment so replacing them with something equally situational shouldn't hurt. For example, mines are often talked about (although those would probably just be placed in one-square halls rather than used for minefields), and I think some sort of demolition charges would be a neat alternative. They would be more powerful (to better destroy structures), but would require contact rather than throwing, making them trickier.

    Don't change the graphics. My laptop is crap. It's garbage. I can barely place flash games. But this game? IT RUNS FLAWLESSLY. One of the huge advantages of this game is that it doesn't require a high-end comp to work. It could reach a huge audience who don't have gaming computers.

    I'm not saying the game shouldn't change at all. Just keep in mind WHY it's fun, and just as important, why it's DIFFERENT than every other shooter. This is a unique game, and it should stay that way, not just adding every single thing every other shooter has done. The building element ALONE is huge, with fully destructable terrain that no other game can match, and player made structures that are to EXACT specs. It's really amazing.

    Posted 13 years ago


    And please do add machine guns in some capacity. They would make fighting tactics more sophisticated than just dudes sniping each others mouse holes in the side of a mountain all day and add to the tense ww1 atmosphere, WITHOUT turning the game into team fortress of duty.

    Posted 13 years ago

    So what you're basically saying is, don't add anything.

    I don't see why we shouldn't have things like flamethrowers or mortar teams. All of these things cancel each other out. Pinned down by a sniper? Get a flamethrower in there to burn the bunker ala Saving Private Ryan or have a mortar team flatten it. Pesky mortar team/bazooka squad blowing up your comrades' buildings? Snipe them or bomb them back. Shotguns would be great for trench/rathole warfare. Hell, we could add biplanes and tanks if the maps were big enough. Biplanes could easily be shot down, just shoot the wings. Tanks would be slightly harder, but not too much of a threat with the proper explosives, or perhaps an ant-materiel rifle.

    Bipolar Hernandez
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, I agree that there shouldn't be TOO many weapons, but maybe two or three more. I also like the demolition charges idea and mines. Maybe the graphics could have, ya know, textures, but not much else.

    First post, yay.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There should be some weapons included. Sniper, Smg, LMG, Shotgun is what should be added.

    If the developer is going for full scale war, then he should add mortar teams and maybe vehicles like tanks or something.

    I think Killstreaks and classes is stupid as hell, they should never be added.

    Crafting needs to be added. Like Amno boxes at bases and medical tents at bases. You should be able to make small bases for pushing up, limiting them to some amount like 4 or 5.

    This is all brainstorming, but I hope at least the first suggestion I made may see some light and get added.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Said it a thousand times, we need static mounted machine guns, maybe a few different sorts of explosives, bayonets on rifles, and that's it. Since you'd pretty much have to put a 'class' (even if it would only be two) system in for the machine guns that 'class' could also carry a handgun as a sidearm I suppose.

    A lot of stuff should be environmental. Different level generating algorithms, environments, game modes, and block types.

    Tanks would never, ever, ever work. Have you even taken the time to think about tanks in this game?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Snipers would turn this game into a counterstrike AWP fest.

    Shotguns would be ok I guess but ultimately unnecessary and would contribute to a rock-paper-scissor game dynamic, same with SMG.

    Mortars would be both boring and aggravating, like in real life.

    Bayonets would rule.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Firstly, those asking for vehicles are idiots. The map is too small, and finding a way toget a vehicle to move on CUBED TERRAIN without looking stupid is going to be a challenge. No vehicles.

    No SMGS either. Placed machine guns, yes, because they suit the game, but not SMGS. No Flamethrowers either, and no mortars/rocket launchers. Keep it SIMPLE. MAYBE a handgunfor when your rifle runs out of ammo. Somesort of melee weapon, like a bayonet, would be good too. Other than that, don't ruin a perfectly good game with stupid shit.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I wholeheartedly agree. Adding a lot of classes and weapons, letalone vehicles and shit would really over complicate this game. It's really beautiful in its simplicity, and battles really feel intense and lethal. I've taken part in numerous civil war and World War reenactments, and while this is of course totally different, the feeling is the same. You are a simple person, who is up against a lot of other simple people. If you get lost, you're lost, you don't know where your enemy is unless you see them or hear them. If you miss, I hope you can aim quickly.

    Personally, I think a WWI theme really fits this. The only weapons necessary are a bolt action rifle for long distances, and a pistol for close range. Rifle has good accuracy, but is slower to fire. Pistol is quick to fire and reload, but has poor accuracy. Simple. No need for smgs or flamethrowers or shotguns. If anybody could have a sniper rifle, let's face it, everyone would. Getting sniped is already a problem, but at least it takes some skill to do it, and the sniper has to be within sight distance. Add a scope, and all that goes away. A placeable machine gun would be good to have, it would give forward bases much better defensive capabilities with only a few men in it, and would discourage people from running in the open even more.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think simplicity is the way to go here.

    If I were going to implement something like artillery(it fits the game world) I would make it NOT damage terrain, and I would make it so that it is not an object controlled by the player but rather a fixed game mechanic, shells come in "from elsewhere". I don't know what system you might use to initiate it. That will be easier to figure out once we at least hinder simple inventory hacks, otherwise it could be implemented as a marker grenade.

    I'd like to be able to also have access to stronger materials, something like concrete would be enough. Make it take five blocks per block to build with instead of one. Actually, I would love to see something where structures in general stayed intact more than three F*ing seconds when under fire.

    MG emplacements would be good for that, I think. But balance is the issue. If you give every player one it will be broken but if you just give the team a few and let them be moved people will fight over them. If you spawn them randomly and permanently like the tent and intel they might be in a position where they're useless to one team and really strongly placed for the other team.

    To summarize;
    No new player-level weapons or classes are needed, IMO
    one new block type, buff block durability vs. gunfire
    two new team-level weapons that the developer wants to do anyway

    One final suggestion: you should be able to hit enemies with your pickaxe and shovel.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The dev should just add loads of modding capabilities, I for one would enjoy having some sort of artillery available, but I understand that some people don't.
    So just give the host ability to have their own stuff on the server. If allow people to mod the game then it becomes immortal by always having new content and hundreds of people constantly improving it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If this turns into Call of Duty, where everyone runs around with explosives all the time, then it won't be as popular.

    Posted 13 years ago

    add serverside mod support

    so each server can have its own selection of mods and weapons/gameplay elements

    a simple uploaded cvar list/ mod database with small files would be easy to run/implement,

    so you join 1 server thats like vanilla ace of spades, then join a modded server with planes and tanks and crap

    Posted 13 years ago

    Rather than all player placed blocks being stronger, why not just make it so all non-natural colored blocks can take more bullets? Seems like that would be easier to keep track of, programming wise.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Don't add vehicles or sniper rifles

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just fix the bugs first. Also do not add sniper rifles ever. I think it would be best to not add any more guns.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Do not add hats.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You guys can't say "don't add this" or don't add that, it's stupid". You guys aren't developing the game, therefor you have no say on what gets put in or taken out.

    If he wants to make it complicated, let him.

    Posted 13 years ago

    People are just giving suggestions, relax.

    Also, it does say in the readme that he plans on adding more weapons.
    "more weapon varieties (sniper rifles, machine guns, etc.)"
    Although that could have changed, I really really doubt it.

    Personally I want this game to embrace the crazy and just go nuts with the weapons. Laser Guided Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, Proximity Mines, Sticky Grenades, whatever. I want some chaos.

    Really though just let servers have options they can disable/allow whatever guns they want. Everybody wins.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with Failure117. What kind of developer would listen to feedback from the playerbase?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Jeuce mine as well just get rid of the terrain features and add bloody screens, motion blur, and brown, right?

    Posted 13 years ago

    It already has 2 of those.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes, I realize I'm commenting in a topic so old it's probably started to smell, but hey, I felt like it.

    This game doesn't need sniper rifles, and anyone that says so obviously doesn't have a clue about how to use the current rifles. Standard-issue infantry rifles like the G43 that the current model is based on were usually high-powered, low-rate-of-fire weapons that were extremely effective as many as 800 yards away, in the hands of an experienced marksman. It wasn't uncommon for snipers to use the same rifles as the standard infantry, albeit with a scope attached (true to the modifiable sights now. For all intents and purposes, any AoS player with access to GIMP or Paint.net can add a scope to their rifle). The current rifle is true to that history. A majority of my kills are headshots, at at least three-quarters of the fog distance. I don't want or need a sniper rifle. Sniping is a fun challenge now... making it easier would ruin the fun of it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I felt the idea about swapping grenades out for different explosives was interesting, but I didn't like how the options were explosive only. I think a good idea to create a sort of miniature class system would be to allow players a choice of 'accessory' tool before spawning. You'd have (1.) your two grenades, (2.) a medic pack, and (3.) a supply station.

    1. Grenades would be exactly the same as they are now, and you would never be able to exceed the limit of two grenades at once.

    2. Medic packs would heal a good 40-60 damage (1-1.5 body shots worth), but would take significant time to use on others (4-8 seconds) and an even greater time to use on yourself (6-12 seconds), during which you would be vulnerable. Medic packs would be most useful while defending since one or two players could heal others, resupply at their team's tent, and continue.

    3. The supply station would be a deployable, destructable 'mini-tent' that would serve to help an offensive action far away from your team's base. When inside the station, a player would wait for 3-5 seconds before being healed and having their ammo restored. The station would not be able to replenish players' accessories and would not serve as an alternative place to deposit enemy intel. The supply station would be as easily destroyed with a pick as any block.

    Deuces Old Boy
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think it would be cool if there was more things happening in the environments, like maybe it could rain sometimes or if you shot at a mountain some pixlated birds would fly off of it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I dont give a fuck. Add chaotic shit. Makes the game more fun. Gtfo purists.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Razor stop posting dude

    Posted 13 years ago

    My. Kaputtnik is a faggot.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Razor, chill or be iced by the moderators for your trolling. You're entitled to your opinion... you're not entitled to throw a tantrum about it, plus it's childish and embarassing to watch.

    I do like the idea of a few environmental factors. They'd have almost no practical purpose (or would they? Rain making you slower? Wind affecting shots? Nighttime darkness adding to the fun?), but, provided they're kept simple, they could make the gameplay a bit more interesting.

    One of my favorite, and perhaps simplest, ideas is nighttime. Yes, I know, this isn't Minecraft, but it could be a changable server setting (always day, always night, adjustable cycle), and it could be fun.

    A sample night would consist of the fog fading slowly to black or dark grey (a simple shade-change of the current fog using basic code), and the dynamic lighting fading to match. Some sort of flashlight would have to be used in order to see people (preferably an accesory, using similar code to the "flash" command in Voxed).

    The actual nighttime fade would require very little CPU, and shouldn't affect the game's performance greatly. A flashlight or similar device could be a bit harder to code, and I'm sure it would be at least a bit buggy the first time around.

    On the one hand, this could be really cool. Imagine you're out in enemy territory when a patrol around the intel sweeps close by, threatening to reveal your presence and get you killed. The opportunity for dramatic chases, stealthy advances, etc could be really fun.

    Or it could just screw the balance all up. There's no way to tell. It could be interesting to try.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ADD C4!!!

    Posted 13 years ago
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