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  • [Welsh's Nato Pack] [COLAB WITH Jagyr] [4 spoilers, need feed back]

    Ok so this is going to be my first weapon pack but 1 have made lots of skins in the past. In 1.v there will probally be 5 guns. Some will have up to 4 different kv6's with 3 sights each, so u can get more of a choice. I started work with rifle as he would be doing the irons but i think Jagyr will be taking over.
    I dont no how long this pack will take beauce it is very big.
    I will be posting any updates here so make sure you stick around.


    Change log 1:

    Ok so we have completed one full gun set which is the M249 including sights and I have finnished the model of the barrett. Here is a spoiler: http://i55.tinypic.com/zuni9l.jpg


    Lol i forgot. I will probally add a better bipod onto the 50.cal if i get time.


    Wat do the public think?
    1. Is the bipod good?
    2. Should i improve it?
    3. No Bipod?
    4. Version with bipod and a virsion with out?

    Tell me wat u think.


    Ok so wat do u think of the mag on these models? There the saame size just stretched differently: http://i54.tinypic.com/aw3nf5.jpg

    More Info Lol:

    Ok spoiler 3 of one of the models of the M249: http://i52.tinypic.com/2wck7r4.jpg


    We need some more feed back on how u want the barrett bipod and mag to look like. Also the other thread was getting to clutterd.

    Change log 2:

    Ok so i am now going to add a version with and without bipod.


    Should i make the bipod better and how?
    Also your thoughts on the mag?


    Is this M4 up to standerds? http://i51.tinypic.com/bi1jyh.jpg

    I still have a little work to do on the shading and dont wory, there will be lots of diff versions lol.
    Plz leave feed back on this so i can fix any things the comunity dosnt like.

    Posted 12 years ago

    These look awesome. Nuff said.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 12 years ago


    Keep up the good work!

    Posted 12 years ago

    I kind of need feed back on the questions i asked ok?

    Posted 12 years ago

    Love the machine gun thing!
    *I made that one right?*
    Lol JK.
    All is epic.

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 12 years ago

    Yes the M249 sights are winstons, its the barrett i want feedback on. Read my questions in op.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Bipods are lame and not needed.

    MACHA Project
    Posted 12 years ago

    I think they're great.
    What's wrong with them?

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 12 years ago

    "not needed" is the keyword. I find that things that aren't needed on a gun shouldn't be there.

    Just my opinion though. :D

    MACHA Project
    Posted 12 years ago


    Posted 12 years ago

    Ok going to post a change log in op then.

    Posted 12 years ago


    Posted 12 years ago

    New Spoiler!

    Posted 12 years ago

    Bump sorry for doing this but i really need feedback and it seems no one scrolls down any more.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Any one?

    Posted 12 years ago

    This looks promising. I would just update us with more teasers. If we just have the same pics we wont know what to expect. I would post what you have now, maybe some dl's, and have people give ideas for certain things.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 12 years ago

    I want feedback on the m4, did u not see it? THIS WOULD BE A LOT QUIKER IF JAGYR WAS MORE ACTIVE...hint,hint:P

    Posted 12 years ago

    KillerRed is someone you might be able to look up to. He is very busy so don't expect him to say yes, or have sights as frequently as needed.

    M4 looks pretty nice actually. Great work.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 12 years ago

    Thanks, going to try do a l22 or SA-80 and a shotgun.

    Posted 12 years ago


    Posted 12 years ago

    nice job mate!
    cant wait for new weapons

    [C.H] JKT&Lust
    Posted 12 years ago

    U really need to be more active if ur going to help me!

    Posted 12 years ago
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