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  • Anti-griefer suggestions for discussion

    Love the game, but it seems that most of the damage done to structures is by griefers and not the other team which is a real shame.

    What do people think about these suggestions to stop griefers from just destroying things? What are your thoughts? What would and wouldn't work?

    a) Cubes cannot be removed until they are a certain age (e.g. 5 mins) by your own team (cube placer and opposite team could remove)

    b) Have a placed:removed ratio - only allow people to remove other team member's cubes (would not affect map-cubes or other team's cubes) if they have also placed a certain number of cubes (e.g. only after placing 20 cubes can you remove other team member's cubes; once below the 20:1 ratio need to place again to get back)

    c) Pickaxe/shovel fatigue - cannot continue to remove cubes constantly (e.g. >50 in one go) and would require a wait period, allowing the team to rectify bridges etc about to collapse or rebuild walls. Or just slow the rate of removal down to a crawl after a certain number

    d) Monitor the number of friendly cubes destroyed by players (e.g. removing bridges in one go removes a whole lot of cubes). If it goes over certain figure, kill the player and force a respawn with a "name and shame" from the server to all players. Do it three times and the player is kicked and/or temp-banned

    e) Smaller sized maps so griefing is more visible to entire team and kickvotes actually work

    Posted 13 years ago

    No from my point of view.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The idea was to provoke some discussion :-) Why no? What would you think would improve the situation? Do you think the situtation even needs changing?

    Posted 13 years ago

    a/b: Griefers could just build in annoying spots.

    c: Hurts legit players more.

    d: Why would a greifer care if he died? 3 times for a kick is still a lot of damage. What about legit deconstructions?

    e: Yes, an option for smaller maps would be good, but not for that reason.

    Posted 13 years ago

    with custom maps, griefing not a super big deal anymore, cause due to the nature of custom maps, they get reset fairly often, and those that dont usualy have a large player base to kick aslong as you yell votekick #

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    When we get blocks-damaged-by-rifles back we might see a decrease in griefing, since I suspect some griefing is done by people switching teams to take down buildings they can't find any way to do legitimately. Rifle damage provide that legitimate way.

    Of course, that's only one kind of griefer. The total out-and-out dicks, yeah, I dunno.

    Posted 13 years ago

    we really do just need whitelists.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I know how you can severly hinder the ability of griefers while at the same time not ruining game play for others.

    Here is my idea: Add a timed counter that keeps track of the number of friendly blocks you destroy withing 1 minute. So that if a teammate destroys (lets say) 20 friendly blocks within 1minute; auto kick their griefing ass!

    Also another possible change would be to make blocks that YOUR team laid take longer to destroy if they have been on the map for more that 5minutes; say 9 pick hits instead of 3 & also disable spade use on friendly blocks/ structures.

    I think that these simple changes would inhibit griefing severely. I know some c++ and I am sure this would be a very easy change to make to the code of the game.

    If you like some or all of these ideas please reply and keep this thread alive! - this is for the good of the game. I am sick of people taking seconds to destroy what can take hours to make!

    Posted 13 years ago

    All terrible ideas.
    This is like tk abuse. Griefers are alreday making the switch from breaking to building huge penises in your base. This is only encouraging abuse of filling in bridges, tunnels, forts, etc.

    Resident Griefer
    Posted 13 years ago

    IP banning would be the next best step I think.

    Posted 13 years ago
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