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  • Mods - Cheating or Not?

    I see people everywhere using mods, different guns, tools, grenades, skins, etc

    I don't mind changes in appearence really, my biggest concern is with like the scopes of guns or crosshairs. If I have a mod for a guns scope to make it easier to see, is that cheating. What if it isnt like the real gun or it could be just a red dot which would be easy to aim with. Is that advantage over the other players cheating. I'm not here to say it is or isn't, I'm here to ask the people of the forum.

    Is using mods to your advantage cheating?

    Posted 13 years ago

    no, if people feel it gives other people to much of an advantage, theyll go get their own mod, or rant about it on the forums, personaly i dont care, im pretty good with the regular scopes, and ive only faced one point where enemys with custom sights even bugged me more than a normal player, so kudos to you eggnogg, kudos to u....

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd say custom scopes are fair game, so long as they do not change the level of magnification, which as far as I know the can't. People should be able to change things like that however they prefer, since a different sight only changes how well you can put the sights on a target, not how well you can spot a target. What I consider cheating is changing player skins to bright hunter orange and yellow or other forms of modding that make it easy to spot targets. Likewise its no big deal to change your gun to some different model or even eliminate the model completely for a little more vision. It would be cheating, however, to color it bright red so you can see every sniper pointing his rifle at you, or color grenades similarly so they stand out and you know to watch out. Basically with models if you wouldn't want to wear it, don't make them wear it. And if you do want to wear blaze orange ski masks in a sniper-infested mountain range, maybe you should get banned from the servers for the sake of your sanity.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ummm, i am totally with OP hear and it really sounds like you 2 are using mods to give yourself an edge.

    i like the idea that being blue i can hide in water at a distance easier then green just like how green tends to hide in grass better as oppose to one tema being bright red for only one player so that advantage is completely lost.
    i would find it very annoying if i were up against someone with full view because they turned their iron sights to a single red dot on the screen.
    i would flip the fuck out if someone made my shovel, pick, rifle, and grenade all different bring primary colours so they could pick which one i was using from across the map.

    yeah, custom skins sounds like cheating to me. some just use it for strange pointless things like changing the models of all the players into girls or just improving the graphics to their liking. that i am fine with, but this can be an intense game and i want a level playing field where skill and strategy in the game are the only factors.

    Lex Talionias
    Posted 13 years ago

    @lex i play vanilla, and anyways if they realy use the skins just so they can spot enemy easier, they are 1 in 1000, most people as you say "use it for strange pointless things like changing the models of all the players into girls or just improving the graphics to their liking"

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago
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