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  • Three Class Proposal; Gunners, Grunts, and Assaulters
  • 12

    You know, I see your point. This game really does work well as a casual in-n-out experience.

    To clarify, however, when I said that new classes means new challenges, I thought it was obvious that people already fight up close and personal in every server on every map, and these classes would bring up variations (for instance, if you are a rifleman going against a submachinegunner, your entire mindset changes because you are up against something different, something unexpected) and I believe that these classes would make this game much more different and throw in some wild cards (which could in speculation be good and bad).

    However, this game is fine the way it is, and I won't push my point when it is clear to me that you have no intention of backing down. While my opinion has not changed either, I will concede that this is no immediate issue but must be addressed at some point in the future. I hope that this is a good resolution for both of us, Beret.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The thing is though, the assaulter don't need to dig. Gunners (hopefully) won't be moving around a lot. This idea works alot better with the introduction of artillery though, as this'll mean that the bunkers are more vulnerable too. And with the new maps long-range fighting isn't as effective (Paradise comes to mind). I'd actually support all blocks being immune to bullet damage once we get mortars, field guns and such. Tunneling could be nerfed by making the top three layers (Blocks) on a new map standard blocks then putting concrete (As bedrock) underneath that.

    Also, the MG in this proposal would happen to be a Heavy or medium MG as opposed to a light MG.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 12 years ago

    Oh dear. You wrote an essay on it.
    This is a simple, abstract game people! It's one of those you just want to spawn in and kill people in different ways. Adding complex class systems with different abilities etc would over-complicate the game and make it too much like other games..
    I personally would not want to have all these options - it limits your freedom when playing - and for me, this is what makes the game nice - quick and simple enjoyment not obstructed by complex structure.
    I hope that the choice of implementation for new weapons will give the variance needed, allowing people to merely choose their weapon on spawn (with the option of changing it at your CP) and then fighting as we've always done. If new weapons don't give variance, then the weapons need to be modified to make them balanced, nothing more needs doing in my opinion.
    I think this is the best classes suggestion I've seen yet, though I am still sceptic due to the consequences it would have on the gameplay. If there was an entirely new type of game-mode built/scripted for this, it could be interesting, but I would be against class proposals otherwise.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I'd say it's the most elaborated class suggestion, but not the best. It introduces too many new features and I even think there's so much wrong with it that I could finish quicker by writting down a new system myself, which I'm not going to do. I have enough work replying to the first paragraph.

    "There seem to be three different sub-types of players. Those who like to build elaborate bunkers, those who like to dig a little hole and snipe, and those who say eff it and rush at the other two."

    Being this a sandbox FPS, there's many more ways of playing it. We would need more flexibilty, not A,B and C. I have like five or six playstyles and that's just me.

    "I'd like to propose three classes and a few weapons that should make each camp more powerful at their preferred job, but more reliant on other players to cover their weakness."

    I can´t see how this is making every class more powerfull. The offensive class, for example:

    - Can't dig.
    - Without Rifle: Can´t snipe.
    - Dinamite is an afterthought, so it works with the new blocks of concrete. Destruction wise, this game needs remote charges, mines, rocket launchers and mortars, not another kind of grenade which destroys certain kind blocks.
    - Knife. It's trying to make it work with another kind of new block again... What knifers want is silent inta-kills with it. Anything else will make it totally under-used, that's it.
    - 10 Blocks: Can't barely build some cover.

    OK. That's just the offensive class. I could do the same about the full post... and then you say you want the players to be more reliant on others. We can already make sick strategies, not to mention numerical superiority, grouping is a high boost. Going more in that direction would make many players feel like they don't have a chance.

    I think the game needs more weapons and polish. When it starts to feel overpowered, a system of customizable classes could be introduced.

    Posted 12 years ago

    (to nikov)

    Posted 12 years ago

    Ahh classes... I remember when Ace of Spades first took off and there was almost instantly suggestions from people to add classes. At first I was quite apprehensive- this isn't Team Fortress after all, but after I thought about it I really do sympathize with the idea. However, it would need to be done very carefully. The game right now as it is, is obviously balanced (with the exception of team balancing, limitless switching, and the griefing issue) and the current assortment of weapon/items works well. If there was to be classes I can see it being done really well but I can see it even easier being implimented horribly.

    My suggestion would be to keep the current default assortment as an "assault class" (perhaps allow a bayonet on the end of the rifle to be used for melee), add a medic who has some slightly less effective gun but can heal people for points, a sharpshooter who can zoom in with a more accurate rifle, and an engineer who has a larger ammount of blocks than any of the others (perhaps 200 or something) and a rifle just as the assault class, except with lower ammunition.

    That being said, my suggestions are probably imbalanced too but I can see if they were implimented with other's ideas, they could make the game more fun. As it is though, it shouldn't be changed too radically. Some of the suggestions seem to want AoS to be some free version of Team Fortress itself, which isn't something I'd like to see, but if others would like that then who am I to stand in the way.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I will always and forever contest the need for classes in this game. Quite simply this is a sandbox game with guns. That word there "sandbox" is what sets this game apart from so many others. By adding "classes" you take away from that. The developer is aiming for something specific, that being a game where you may destroy and create cover as the situation calls for it. by adding a class without mining tools and a class which cannot lay down blocks you effectively ruin the point of the game. There are some ideas which I do agree with however, such as the camo blocks, I think that an implementation of such a thing would be wonderful but should happen later in the game's development. Currently the system works very well, it is balanced very finely and a system which isn't broken need not be fixed.

    Posted 12 years ago
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