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  • Custom ironsights should be cheating.
  • 123

    I've been using one for a while now, and it just feels way too good. Part of the charm of the game originally was everyone having a level playing ground, and with a crappy iron sight that didn't let you see much. Now with everyone running around with sniper scopes, it's lost that. I can see that there has been some discussion about it, but I feel that it really removes the equality and charm the game used to have.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I prefer fights coming down to accuracy rather than trying to see through shit in the middle of the screen

    Posted 13 years ago

    Personally, even though custom ironsights are very handy, I think the .png should be automatically generated by the game dependant on what the gun model is.
    So if you modded your gun, the ironsight will be that of looking down the barrel of your gun. If unmodded, it will be that of looking down the ordinary gun.
    To me, this would make sense.

    Posted 13 years ago

    You can be way more accurate with less shit to look through. Let everyone look through the same amount of shit and it's a lot more fair. It's not a matter of having the old ironsight, it's more a matter of everyone having the same one.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I switched to a custom scope which was only a circle and a dot. I could see everything while aiming. But my aiming got bad and I switched again to the default one. Yeah it might give advantage to ones but others like me are simply better with other (default) ones. Just pick one you are the best with.

    Fat Idiot
    Posted 13 years ago

    I honestly can't believe I'm reading this-

    I've been using one for a while now, and it just feels way too good.

    So you're a... masochist then? You have found a system that works better, smoother, and improves over the looks of the default, and is open to all, and you just can't take it?

    Part of the charm of the game originally was everyone having a level playing ground,

    It still IS a level playing ground! ANYONE can use custom sights! If you want to block off your vision when shooting that's your own business, but don't drag the rest of us down into that blurry black abyss with you.

    [the old sight was] a crappy iron sight that didn't let you see much. Now with everyone running around with sniper scopes, it's lost that.

    Why anyone would be mourning the loss of such a "crappy" ironsight I have no idea, especially since it hasn't actually lost it at all if you never deleted the default image.

    I can see that there has been some discussion about it, but I feel that it really removes the equality and charm the game used to have.

    OK, that's your opinion. Now here's mine: The equality is still there, and the charm is not only still there but now expanded- seeing the custom guns and sights taking off really gives people some individualism and shows how much the AoS community is flourishing.

    I may never use a custom gun, but do I get my knickers in a twist just because others do use them? No, because it's none of my bloody business.

    Posted 13 years ago

    People who don't know that you can replace the sights have a blatant disadvantage, the default one should be better

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, that's true- It could at least look like this.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Where's the front sight?!

    EDIT: And you don't fucking use that retarded argument that anyone can change their sights ever again.

    Because anyone can hack.

    And anyone can grief.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Drury if you want to argue with me again then take it up where you left off in the other thread. I believe you left it hanging right about when someone asked:

    What the hell is wrong with you Drury?

    I'm still waiting for your official explanation to that question too.

    Besides, anyone can hack, and the game has had changes to address these hacks. Has the game creator made moves to prevent ironsight editing? No, quite the opposite- He made it possible for anyone to edit them as they see fit, therefore the creator of the game has no problem with ironsights editing, so who the hell are YOU to dictate that he is wrong?

    Posted 13 years ago

    what beret said

    was an interesting thread and discussion until Drury came in screaming bloody murder.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Because I'm not sure how you guys, but to me Ben seems to make steps in wrong direction constantly with every update. Custom sights, map editor... It's all sounds nice. Mods are quite succesful in Minecraft too. But this isn't Minecraft but game with goal and competitiveness.

    And as Notch said, give people what they want, not what they think they want. And you don't want all this fancy cheaty easy stuff, you only think you want it. Best comparison would be easy mode in most singleplayer games - you get throught campaign like hot knife through butter, but where's fun in that? Everyone loves hard/veteran difficulties for this reason.

    Map editor was another failure, because again. People thought they want to take green/blue personality away for balancements sake. But that's wrong - river gives blue more territory for a reason in original map. Custom maps are fun for a while, but then it gets cliché and like all other games. Blues used to be my worst enemies, camping everywhere and now... It's even greens who do that because maps are fucking same for both teams.


    No more blue mountains full of campers, no more green forts.

    Also, I'm waiting for counter-argument Beret. If you don't have any, don't reply ffs.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    You're making an awful lot of assumptions there, tough guy

    Have you considered that you only THINK you don't want custom ironsights?

    Posted 13 years ago

    drury suck a dick

    Posted 13 years ago

    You secretly agree with his argument because I said so

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, I got everything covered and tons other arguments written at work.

    *need to buy new notepad

    Have you considered that you only THINK you don't want custom ironsights?

    Umm nope, it's all written there:

    Everyone loves hard/veteran difficulties for this reason.


    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    I guess every fps without ironsights has been easymode?

    "Everyone loves hard/veteran difficulties for this reason."
    Prove it, muscle man

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh well, CoD kidbase seems to love easy difficulties.

    But we can't blame them. We all were like that in their age... Playing with toy trucks dreaming we'd drive real thing someday.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    there should be a limit to modding.

    i'm not only talking about ironsights here. you can mod the rifle and soldier models(im not sure about this though, you can give them bright colors right?) to gain an advantage too.

    i wish i had no penis
    Posted 13 years ago

    im "driving the truck"

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hahaha, oh Drury, you crack me up. You really think I wouldn't have a counter-argument to something as paper thin as that? Sorry to disappoint, but I'm only just rolling up my sleeves.

    So let me get this straight: You think sights customising is bad. That's already pretty well established. You also then say that we only think we want what we've been given. Basically you're saying that custom maps are a bad idea too.

    I hate to say this, but you're out of your mind. Players are going crazy for custom maps. This new sense of diverse landscapes and scenery is taking the game to a whole new level. Not only that, but by making the maps more even, each side now has a fairer fight that allows both teams to use all the tactics available.

    It sounds to me much more like you're not talking about what people want at all. What your agenda is really about is what YOU don't want people to have, and the fact that we're all out there enjoying these new features is something you find sickening.

    I'm pretty sure there are still servers that use the old map layouts. Nobody's preventing you from playing on them. Nobody and nothing is preventing you from playing on the old style servers, using your default ironsights (or even the 3D ones you made personally- which would not have been possible without the editable png feature you keep whining about), while the rest of us are out suntanning on the Mesa, renovating our houses in Broville, dodging fire in the forests of Incomplete fortress, or going for a nice war-holiday in Paradise. You think we don't really want it. I think everybody now playing on custom maps with custom sights speaks for itself.

    How's that for a counter argument? And where's yours for the other thread, by the way? Following your own logic, did you not reply (ffs) because you didn't have one?

    Oh well.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i'm not only talking about ironsights here. you can mod the rifle and soldier models(im not sure about this though, you can give them bright colors right?) to gain an advantage too.

    There is only one team color in pallete if you mean that - so it's not possible to make brighter blue/green. You can put red voxels on their heads though.

    I would address it to your name but I guess most folks here would die from laughter :P

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    which is why hes mad beret cuz no one wants to play on just the default maps

    Posted 13 years ago

    It sounds to me much more like you're not talking about what people want at all. What your agenda is really about is what YOU don't want people to have, and the fact that we're all out there enjoying these new features is something you find sickening.

    Well, not sure who is crazy here Beret.

    Let's look at it from different angle - when people wanted guns and dragons in Minecraft so much, why didn't Notch implement them?

    Don't take me as guy who's trying to take your fancy funny stuff away, but as guy who's trying to save this game from total idiocy overhaul (like what happened to some good games before, including Runescape, Call of Duty and Minecraft even). When you keep adding nice, colorful stuff on tree, you end up with Christmas tree. That doesn't happen if you simply keep watering it and keep sawing off sick branches

    I'm pretty sure there are still servers that use the old map layouts. Nobody's preventing you from playing on them. Nobody and nothing is preventing you from playing on the old style servers, using your default ironsights (or even the 3D ones you made personally- which would not have been possible without the editable png feature you keep whining about), while the rest of us are out suntanning on the Mesa, renovating our houses in Broville, dodging fire in the forests of Incomplete fortress, or going for a nice war-holiday in Paradise. You think we don't really want it. I think everybody now playing on custom maps with custom sights speaks for itself.

    Well, there still are some default maps, but only very few. And it's few days after VOXED release, while VOXED itself is still very awkward to use!

    Default maps will die in 3...2...1...

    Well no. They will die after VOXED will be updated so even newbie user could make maps.

    And thin arguments take ususally one-two sentences to kill *trollface*

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ironsights are not on the same level as dragons or genre changing elements and you know it.

    If default maps die it's because nobody wants to play them. It means that people are playing maps they have more fun on. This is a good thing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, we're back at "people don't want what they think they want"

    While I agree map variability is never bad, I don't agree with no difference between green and blue.

    And again with ironsights. Colorful fancy stuff.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    If it doesn't affect environmental variables (player movement, damage, size, etc.), then it's not cheating.

    And yes, adding dragons that deal 9000 health or whatever people think is fancy counts as variables (sights are not).

    Posted 13 years ago

    Maybe custom display resolutions and cursor movement speeds should be cheating too.

    Any AOS ironsight graphic still is a location indicator of 1px in the center of screen and this game has no randomized shooting directions so it doesn't really matter how it looks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "Maybe custom display resolutions and cursor movement speeds should be cheating too."


    I know you are jealous of my eyefinity set up but thats too far.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Letting you see through walls gives you an advantage.

    Letting you see through the area where the default iron sights are gives you an advantage.

    Having a higher resolution and higher frame-rate and smoother cursor movement for aiming gives you an advantage.

    These are all true. Who cares whether it's "cheating" or whatever. I like to play against people in a test of skill, not in a test of who's got the better wall hack, the better iron sights image, or the faster computer. And so would most people.

    Now, we make compromises, like letting people with better computers have better frame rates (current bug notwithstanding). Because (as far as I can tell) there'd be too much complaining if you tried frame-limiting and forcing the resolution to be the same for everyone.

    But the others, I don't see any good reason to let people mod the game to have an advantage. If the default sights were "optimal" in terms of giving an advantage, then let people mod them all they want. If not... bleh.

    Posted 13 years ago
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