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  • AoS loosing players?
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    Well, should you be exposing your child to graphic war-themed first person shooters in the first place? Do you let your child play games like Call of Duty? If so, you are part of the problem.

    Everybody here knows what problem I'm talking about.

    You've got him playing a game with people shooting and killing eachother, and you're worried about him reading language he hears every day at school and on television. Ignorant parent detected.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 12 years ago

    I wouldn't call Ace of Spades equivalent to Battlefield 3. For God's sake his LEGO Jedi game is more realistic than AoS.

    And no, he goes to a private school where he does not hear that language.

    Claiming that I'm an ignorant parent tells me that you are not a parent--and it tells me that this is a community we will not be joining.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Blocky graphics or not, you're still shooting people in the head.

    It's the ideals of it, really. Not the graphics. Now, don't backfire on me saying Super Mario Bros. should be rated M because Mario jumps on monster's heads and kills them. This is a game where you've got a gun and snipe people, I wouldn't be exposing my child to that at the age of 10, especially if I'm paying for him to go to a good school where I know he's in a safe environment and not hearing the type of language public school children hear on a daily basis.

    I may as well be a parent, I helped raise my two little brothers, one is 5½ and the other is 2. I also helped take care of friend's children.

    This game is for a mature audience, thus, no need for a language filter. I'm appalled that anybody would suggest that it needs one. The vast majority of Ace of Spades' players don't get emotionally distressed over seeing someone type "fuck you faggot, suck my dick" because a lot of us are from this place called "4chan".

    I don't want to see this game turn into "babby's first FPS"

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 12 years ago

    I'm not a parent, but I would imagine that it wouldn't be nice if you would be called ignorant parent. Ignorant parent is WAY off letting your child play violent games. Because every parent has a own child to raise and determines whats the best for the child. I'm not saying that Battlefield/Call of Duty is a suitable game for a 10 year old, but interest in guns and war-themed games is normal.

    On topic: Yes AoS has lost players.


    Posted 12 years ago

    yeah shooting a blocky person that falls over in two frames with little red blocks flying off him doesn't qualify in my mind as "realistic violence". As I said, his LEGO Jedi game is more realistic and considered by most to be age appropriate. Also, a 10 year is old enough to realize that guns in a video game is one thing, and guns in real life is another.

    My problem is with the poor language and poor sportsmanship of the "community", exemplified by your "I know better than you" attitude. Blocky violence aside, that's no excuse for rude behavior.

    Saying you're from 4chan explains A LOT.

    Posted 12 years ago


    Well, it's double-standard to say the least. You see nothing wrong with letting your ten year old child play a violent video game, but are opposed to the language some players >may< use. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but hey, that's my opinion I guess.

    Personally, I wouldn't give two shits about what games I let my kid play, because I'd educate him on firearms while he was young, like I was. I was shooting guns when I was five years old, playing Resident Evil when I was 10, and already had a pretty healthy respect for not using bad language, at least around adults because it's disrespectful, because I was taught the hard way, with hot sauce and soap.

    Edit: @astros It's not the graphics and animations, it's the concept itself. Like I said, I personally wouldn't be worried letting him play the goriest games out there, and also wouldn't really be worried about him hearing or reading foul language, because I know he's an intelligent kid and stuff like this doesn't really affect kids, as long as they're smart and mature.

    We really don't give kids enough credit. The ones that are immature are the ones that were never educated and just picked the crap up from school or an abusive home. I understood from a very young age that it's all just entertainment. I was playing video games when I was 2 years old, my first was either Sonic the Hedgehog, or The Legend of Zelda. I honestly can't remember.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 12 years ago

    A language filter isnt going to stop people from putting dicks on the map
    Ive seen 3 dicks made out of blocks so putting in a language filter wont make this game any more child freindly

    Also a little more ON TOPIC

    Yes I do beleive aos is losing players. To fix this we need people to actually register to play. If people register it means we can permaban certain greifers

    Also maps need to be less big as I always end up wandering around looking for intel and then getting sniped by campers

    Short and small maps baed around building cover and shooting other people in the head would be delightfull

    Also this game generally needs MORE
    Im beginning to find only having one gun quite repettitive.
    Some more modes would also be nice

    Imagine a mode where each team gets given 5 minutes to build forts and cover in their designated sides and then get to the killing

    Posted 12 years ago

    Yeah, the thing about video games is that unlike books or movies, in video games, you ARE the character. To play a first person shooter, you have to be the soldier. And I think that having a child becoming desensitized to violence and having to think like a murderer isn't a good thing, especially if he's a sheltered as you say he is. Someone says a bad word, the kid hears it, nothing happens. Everyone knows bad words. But not everyone is a murderer when they are still a child. This game looks a lot like Notch's Minecraft -- a voxel-based game for children-- but like the others have said, this game is for a more mature audience. The solution isn't to hide the bad words, but, rather, to change the type of game itself.

    Posted 12 years ago

    @astros But swearing at people is so much fun.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 12 years ago

    The game is beta right now (remember?), so we don't need lots of players. Beta testers are always the hardcore fans. There is no problem with this.

    Also, Ben seems to listen to most of our ideas and suggestions, which is the normal way of improving a beta game.

    But we must make good suggestions all the time, so he sees them. Even repeatedly.
    So i suggest:

    Bigger, more visible chat letters, for better team communication.
    A visible, easy-to-use votekicking system.
    New gamemodes.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Yeah i forgot:

    Registering could be a good idea against griefers and cheaters.

    Posted 12 years ago

    "Saying you're from 4chan explains A LOT."

    I just read that ahaha. It's soo true.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 12 years ago

    Yes, AoS is loosing players.
    But it's perfectly normal situation, because we already pass the "new game - i'm gonna try it" stage. When AoS was pretty new, many people want to try it - now we're just experiencing situation when people who don't like the game quits, and there's less new players flow to advertise the game to their friends.
    The good side of this situation is that AoS already developed a solid group of fans, who will be stick with this game for a long time. The only thing what AoS needs now, is to keep developing, and from time to time, some viral marketing around the internets, to gain new players. That's all - this game is awesome already, but 99% of potential players didn't heard about it yet.

    IMHO the biggest issuse for the game (if we are really needs more new players right now) is to make it more easily customisable, like adding chat fonts small/medium/big, swear filter, easy name changer, optional registering nicks, easy accessible guns/skins gallery and all that candys that makes this game easy to figure out for newcomers, because gameplay of AoS is already nice.
    And of course, we need more servers to choose - some people like geometrical figures map, some other like islands, bridges, cities or forests - this game would gain +100 to playability if everyone will be able to acces their favourite type of maps whenever they want.
    And of course the griefers/cheaters issue - they are causing most pain in the asses of new players.

    The Fluffy One
    Posted 12 years ago

    In terms of anyone who is complaining about the votekicking issue, if there are 32 people in the server, only 8 (a mere 1/4) has to votekick a person. This number only decreases if there are less people.

    In terms of more game modes or something, I'm scared that's gonna cause this game to turn into a mini CoD and that will absolutely ruin this game, there are already too many [CLAN]xxXXxXXXxXpr0d4nksn1p3rxxXXxXXXxX on this game. Keeping it simple is cool. But some game modes would be cool I guess.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Well astros, I hate to say it but it's not really Ace Of Spades' fault- it's the whole online community at large. For EVERY online game. The fact is if your children will probably never find an online game that is free of bad language. Quake 2 isn't such a bad idea though- older games usually have all the idiots move away from them over time, if you're lucky enough to still find players for it.

    Minecraft is always a good alternative in general though- since it isn't violence based the community is -sort of- nicer. But generally any popular online game with guns will draw language. Games allowing sprays or graffiti doubly so.

    Make sure your kid plays plenty of The Edge- one of the best deathmatch maps ever made ;)

    Posted 12 years ago

    @bob minecraft is not a voxel based game, it is an open sandbox terrain. ><

    Posted 12 years ago

    A voxel is just a 3D block. Think pixels, but 3D. It is a sandbox game (as is Ace of Spades), but it expresses itself with voxels (as does Ace of Spades).

    Posted 12 years ago

    @Nico: Minecraft uses voxel terrain, but the blocks are assigned properties instead of colors... It's a 3-dimensional grid of blocks just like Ace of Spades, just polygon rendered and with some non-block objects thrown in. So it uses voxels for storage.

    Edit: Late

    Posted 12 years ago

    Minecraft uses an OpenGL system that is barely like voxel.

    @Kaedechan You have no right to call him ignorant, in fact YOU are ignorant for thinking there isn't any violence in this game. If you give a man a stick, he'll turn it into a weapon. And that what Ben gave us, a block the should be used for building but is used for a penis or anything else that pleases them.

    @astros I totally agree there should be a censor, people cuss so much because they know they can change their name anytime and they can never be banned.

    Posted 12 years ago

    honestly i haven't been playing aos a lot because we need something new & make it more complex or its just like a kid made it

    Posted 12 years ago

    Most kids can't even open the config file to change their name

    Posted 12 years ago

    Do you guys really think that a picture of a penis on the map is more offensive than murder? Every male sees his own penis at least once a day, I'd imagine. I mean, fuck, saying that Ace of Spades is bad because people can draw penes is like saying a piece of paper and a pencil is bad because people can draw penes. Go into an art museum and you'll see all kinds of guys with tiny penes and you're friggin' cultured if you enjoy it.

    (Penes is the plural form of penis, by the way.)

    Posted 12 years ago

    i am not sure why i stopped playing, i think it was that i got kind of busy with other stuff, and i just sort of lost track of the updates, and things.

    i do not think the swearing is too bad, but maybe a censor would be a good idea, i do not really mind. i guess i will begin to play again, though

    Posted 12 years ago


    bob made a very good point, get your kid to play minecraft, thats a flippin excellent game for kids!
    But maybe adding a censor with on and off in config could work.

    Anyway, on topic (kind of), I think griefers are slowly killing this game, I still love it, but theres been many times where I've opened up server after server only to be greeted by complete RETARDS spamming, teamkilling and generally just pissing around.

    I don't know if any of you guys have played with me, but I try and be a good sport, helping build things, stealing intel, giving co-ordinates and not getting butthurt when I (occasionaly) get owned by Green.
    I just don't understand griefers, this game is SO much fun when people work together, the times when people are I have the time of my life.

    Like everyone else I don't know how to solve the problem other than making votekicking more Deuce-friendly, but also its a pretty small community, so what if people that ran servers only accepted certain names, surely it wouldn't be that hard to make, a list of names which a serverbot would run through, if not matched player would get kicked.
    Of course it can be cheated, but not by people with no knowledge of the community (plus its a lot of effort when they can just go somewhere else).
    A problem with this however is that good Deuce's would be stuck in shit servers - but if this list were to happen it wouldn't be all servers.

    also... PERMA IP BANS

    Posted 12 years ago

    @bob People choose to go into an art museum and look at it, I don't join a server to find art with (penes?It is penises in english, unless your speaking latin.) in it.

    Posted 12 years ago
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