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  • asiekierka's map generators

    Hey! My friend (GreaseMonkey) coded a simple app for writing AoS maps, so I decided to create mapgens for the app.

    Here's a few: Mapgen set 1

    Mapgen 1
    This pack includes Dungeons and Rainbow Cubes.

    How to create a Dungeon map? Assuming you're on Linux,

    java CraftrDungeonGenerator
    gcc makedungeon.c

    What about Rainbow Cubes?

    gcc makerainbowcubes.c

    Here are pre-generated maps for the two:
    Dungeons and Rainbows
    poop.vxl is the dungeon file and rainbow.vxl is the rainbow cube file.

    Have fun!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Can we get some screenshots of what this thing can do?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Doesn't work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Asie? Is that you from asciimator?

    Anyway, cool!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Both of these sample maps you provide, at least, just crash when you try to load them in Voxed. So... you might want to look into this. Sounds interesting though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Buffet_of_Lies @Arceus25 The voxed bug is related to the huge size - it runs normally in pyspades, official server and official client. GreaseMonkey (the map saving code dever) is busy searching for compression algorithms in Ace of Spades, if any.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Did he use my saving code or my file format spec? If either, and he figures out what's wrong, make sure he propogates that info back to me. ( http://silverspaceship.com/aosmap/aos_file_format.html )

    Also has anyone ever tested this thing I commented on? "It is unclear what happens if you don't obey the "surface" voxel rule, i.e. supply colors for voxels which are hidden. They may work correctly, or they might break the voxlap engine since it loads the data unaltered. I haven't checked."

    I'm pretty sure I noticed the "stalingrad" tank map had interior colors on a few things (when you dug into things they were already colored), so I doubt it's that, but...

    Posted 13 years ago

    @nothings I am not sure I have had enough coffee this morning yet to fully comprehend the totality of what you are saying here but, yes, my tank map had interior colors on things. All I remember was that some of it behaved strangely, though never crashed voxed or the client. But in Slab6 the interior "brown dirt" blocks read as white instead of brown. And editing those white blocks would cause other blocks adjacent to them to change color according to some sort of chthonian logic that was over my head.

    @asiekierka Some screenshots would be nice... but I'll probably try these maps out on a test server later today.

    @everyone It's interesting to see all these different people developing maps and techniques and generators. I'd love to see an All-In-One map generator program with some controllable parameters... hint hint. ;-) Or maybe a program that you could run exisiting VXL maps through to add premade objects like trees or procedurally-generated bomb craters. It's such a pain in the butt adding details like that manually... especially when voxed crashes on me randomly whenever I start switching pallettes with the numpad - and + keys.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If you were just using Ken Silverman's stuff to generate everything, I imagine that all works together well. The question is what happens when people use custom software to output stuff that Silverman's code wasn't expecting (but maybe the slab6 => vxl conversion does have the same issue, and does prove that it works ok).

    As to "modifiers", I'd be intersted to collaborate on something like that with proven map developers who want something specific (as opposed to me just trying to make something that might be useful). Send me an email ( address at bottom of nothings.org ).

    I also still kind of want to make an interactive map generator for the gen-style terrain, where you can tweak the algorithm and stuff. But making interactive stuff is a lot more of a hassle than command-line stuff, and it would really need a 3d preview or something, so I got scared off the idea. (I can totally code a 3d preview -- in fact I already have a voxel engine I wrote one weekend as a clone of voxatron, it's just a lot of work for something I'm not sure would actually see much use in practice.)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Voxatron looks really cool. Anyways... yeah, aside from bildramer's heightmap tool I think everything I use is by Ken Silverman. BTW, nothings, I love the stuff you come up with.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Buffet, that email comment was meant for you!

    Posted 13 years ago

    I tried the map generator. The maps crash voxed. Didn't bother trying to throw up a server to see if they work with the actual game.

    Posted 13 years ago
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