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    @hazard: You can one-hit with the rifle. I wouldn't mind the rifle stepping down to a true semiautomatic (I never use automatic fire with the semi anyway) or even a bolt-action, but I'd really like to get the old accuracy back. I think a semi-automatic would fit better with AoS's rather loosely-defined time period, which seems centered somewhere around WWII or the Vietnam War (although various aspects come from earlier or later than that time-period).

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with Beret's post, seems like a nice idea, I'm sure we could only hope though.

    EDIT: I think if the pick does damage it should do 25 damage each swing, regardless of where it hits. It swings pretty fast, so 25 per hit wouldn't be that bad, it'd be quick enough to kill from behind in most cases, but anyone facing the attacker will have a quick chance to do some damage back.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    It's already been stated, but if enough people mention it, Ben might do something about it:

    1.)Remove "server-side hit verification" (it sure has hell feels like server-side hit detection, but Ben claims that hit detection is still client side.

    2.)Return the rifle to its old accuracy. I'm getting sick of having my sights aimed directly at someone's head while firing off 2-4 rounds, just to have them nail me in one shot.

    3.)Add a medical kit/ammo pack. It works like this: you press "." to choose your weapon, after you have chosen your weapon, another selection comes up with a medical kit and an ammo pack (so you can only have one at a time). Both of them are items that you need to have in your hand before they can be used. It can be used in two different ways. You can left click on a fellow team mate to heal them/give them ammo (25% health per click/full ammo per click, as I believe that ammo is not as important as health). You have ten uses per click, and the number will be displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen while the medical kit/ammo pack is selected. Or, you can right click and throw the item down (you will be unable to pick it up after you have thrown it down), at which point it will remain where you have thrown it for then next 60 seconds and any team mate within its heal/refill radius will reap its benefits (almost like a mobile, temporary CP). The only way to switch your kit would be to die, since you must choose a weapon first before choosing a "kit" so to speak.

    4.)Get rid of this lag. I suspect that all of the current server-side shenanigans are to blame for the laggy environments.

    5.)I don't know. I had something else to complain about (as always), but I can't remember what it was...

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    I was just on a server with a bit of lag (thanks to someone trying to speedhack). We got teleported all over the place, and thanks to the server-side hit verification we'd shoot each other zillions of times (hard to do when everyone's teleporting everywhere) with no effect. Needless to say it turned into a totally lame experience.

    Posted 13 years ago

    All i got to say is OU7BR3AK!!!!! Were you been? and that was my thread of the Bolt Action Rifle

    Posted 13 years ago


    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    Is that supposed to be like repelling down cliffs 'n shit? How would that work with voxels (not implying that it won't, just wondering how)? Will we have a rope or something?

    Also, ladders would be nice. And the ability to build on top of water.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Beret: "Just three hits per block or so will make a world of difference."
    Is this not how it is now? As far as I can tell it takes exactly 3 SMG bullets to break a block, and if you're shooting straight-on, you'll waste a bullet or two on lag.

    Also some problems:
    The smg does 49 damage per headshot
    The rifle does 49 body shot, 33 for foot (wtf?)
    Means if you shoot someone twice in the head with and smg, they have 2 hp
    Twice in body with rifle - 2 hp
    3 times in foot with rifle - 1 hp

    So be careful falling from more than 5 blocks high, it might kill you later
    And if you can see any part of your enemy, just go ahead and shoot because you'll probably need that 8 points to finish him off

    Posted 13 years ago

    i just think bolt action rifle wold be awesome.. than we can make a sniper .... you know... then when you aim the fog is lower and we can see far away

    Posted 13 years ago

    *beatboxes onto stage* I agree with Beret's very long comment on the 7 things. Except SMG accuracy should be increased only a little, and Semi Auto Rifle aim should be tuned, it seems to go several pixels to the left of my red dot. *beatboxes Billie Jean off stage*

    P.S. How do you make text bold?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Id like to see muzzle flashes instead of bullet streaks and land mine addition

    Posted 13 years ago

    what I think needs to be added

    add concrete,-can resist shovels, gunfire, and grenades. takes longer to remove with a pickaxe than a normal block, however placing it also takes time, meaning it can only hold a position that has been secured.- replaces normal blocks in inventory.

    add medkits, these can replace grenades and will heal you or a team-mate.

    make the dead drop ammo, grenades and/or medkits upon death

    What I would want to be added

    mounted/stationary machine guns, pretty much an automatic version of the rifle (maybe more like the submachine gun in terms of damage delt per shot), with less kick than the submachine gun. must be placed before firing, replaces gun, grenades, and blocks

    barbed wire- hurts and slows you if you try to pass through it, replaces normal blocks in invintory, (can be destroyed with pick)

    mortar launchers, fires a mortar up to 100 blocks (or more if you feel like it) away. mortar upon striking the ground does 2-4 grenades worth of damage. -can destroy concrete.
    replaces gun, grenades, and blocks

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can't stand playing with the new rifle accuracy and hit detection, it's painfully bad. It was fine, why fuck with everything

    Posted 13 years ago

    My thoughts exactly, WEEDBOT. I already sucked at this game before, now all I do is get killed because of server-side hit detection.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    hey everyone i've got this idea how about a SMG.it could shoot fast but have low accuracy,what do u think?

    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think you're trolling.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    This man has to die because of heavy trolling!

    DELETE dIz
    Leader of Red
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Kaede and Weedbot: Same. The current semi is far too focused on luck... just aim close to the enemy and fire and repeat as fast as you can until he dies (usually about three shots). As it was before, if you didn't have aiming skills you'd get killed heavily.

    @Jossif Stalin: Send trollski to Gulag!

    Posted 13 years ago

    oh i know what the next gun should be:

    Shotgun-Maybe a Benneli M3,8 bullets fully loaded.

    Assault Rifle- BAR ,20 bullets fully loaded . Firerate: something between SMG and Semi

    DELETE dIz
    Leader of Red
    Posted 13 years ago

    The "next gun" should have already been a shotgun. The SMG was a totally unnecessary addition to the game in my opinion.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I see your shotgun and raise you an automatic shotgun.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Eh, I kind of like the SMG. It definitely has its uses.

    A shotgun... eh. I suppose it depends on how many guns Ben wants this game to have. My personal preferential limit is three guns for AoS. The third one should probably be either a shotgun or a pistol... I think a shotgun would be better, my fear is that a pistol would just end up being a lamer version of the rifle.

    I'd really like the rifle to always be slightly overpowered compared to the other guns, so that a player that has good aim and is using a rifle can stand his ground against another pro using any other weapon. I don't mind some guns being slightly better than the rifle in some situations, but overall I think the rifle should be the most popular gun in the game. The best way to fix that would be to make it pin-point accurate again, leave the SMG the way it is, and then make sure any future guns can't surpass the rifle overall.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I see your shotgun and raise you an automatic shotgun.

    I see your automatic shotgun and raise my trollhammer.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    @MegaDeuce: ...Nowhere in that video did we get a chance to see the targets hit. The thing might've been loaded with blanks for all we know, despite the markings on the ammo. I'm unimpressed by your automatic shotgun footage.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @1337101 Good point. Check out this automatic shotgun hitting targets.

    "Worst case scenario you can always poke someone with it and fuck their shit up."

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    @MegaDeuce: Much cooler video, thanks.

    The one thing wrong there is the part where he claims you don't have to clean it. That's NEVER true for a firearm... you should always maintain your guns, no matter how tough they are. Maybe the AA-12 can endure in combat longer, but you should still clean it when you're done having to worry about shooting people.

    For the record, I now feel obliged to make a model of it for AoS use. Hmm... drum or stick magazine?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I dunno, I don't have to clean my computer.


    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Drury: You don't? You never scan for viruses or clean your browsing history or clear out unwanted third-party cookies?

    I've got to get my hands on your IP because that's some easy money right there.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Nononono, I don't clean it in hardware means.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago
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