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    We don't need realism in a game where everything is blocks.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Kaede: Well, some realism is nice, like making the rifles super-accurate and powerful, as they were in 0.52 and earlier.

    However, restricting people to a realistic carrying capacity (AoS Fans, you can only carry a single block. Sorry! - Ben), while much more like real life, would not be fun.

    I think the guns should be realistic, and so should the players' mobility. Obviously, the game would be no fun with a fully-automatic no-recoil pinpoint-accurate one-shot-to-any-body-part gun with inifinite ammo, or flying players. But some other things pretty much HAVE to be unrealistic to work. Imagine if once you died a single time your name and IP were permanently banned and your client deleted, to simulate a real death.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Being limited to carrying 1 block would kill the gameplay. I don't think bcoolface would ever do that.

    Kaede-chan (かえでーちゃん)
    Imageboard Moderator
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Kaede, why? World of blocks is limited at realism only because of blocks?
    It can just be done and left for mods...will they be in 0.55? I just asked if it's real to do it in game.
    About weapons...I'm afraid of this game becoming a "CS & Minecraft" or smth like that...Let it be original as it is now. Maybe to do new weapons system, different from other games?
    I see here a lot of members want to have weapons "like in *no matter what*". Why do we need a game with smth "LIKE in..."? It won't be as good as Minecraft at blocks idea, so maybe it can be good at...smth NEW?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't want a bolt action rifle. I want the normal rifle's accuracy returned, and if any new weapon is added I want a pistol or a shotgun.
    Don't think I troll.
    Pistol would be a high-speed-semiautomatic medium-damage close range weapon.
    Shotgun would be a low-speed-semiautomatic, high-damage close-medium range weapon.

    Emperor of Spadia
    Posted 13 years ago

    I see a pistol as redundant
    a shotgun i would see as a better weapon than the SMG

    What i want (but likely won't happen) is for a mounted machine gun to be added in game, this gun would fire at a rate similar to the smg, but with damage capacities similar to the rifle. there would be less recoil than the smg as well.

    to counter-act the potential damage said machine gun could do, i purpose a new block type be added... Concrete/cement:
    this block would take time to "harden" after being placed, however once "hardened" the block would be resistant to bullets and shovels, (the use of a pick would take longer to destroy a concrete block as well)

    Posted 13 years ago

    hmm i want the Rifle Accuracy back.
    The time when sniping was easy is over.

    (We need a BOMBAR!!!)

    Commander in Arms
    Posted 13 years ago

    I have a question: what if there will be not weapons but PARTS of weapons, and players will make weapon themselves just choosing a part(barrel, receiver, handle, etc.)? Every part have its own stats that will affect weapon's spread, recoil, accuracy, rate of fire, etc.
    Nearly five types a part. I think customization will be interesting(but, also, hard to make).

    Posted 13 years ago

    I want a assault rifle. Same rate of fire than smg but with more damage and less recoil

    Black Op
    Posted 13 years ago

    yay 100th post and i want a bayonet on the front of the rifle
    that would be cool for tunnels

    chicken wings
    Posted 13 years ago

    A gun with the rate of fire of SMG, more damage, and less recoil? Sounds way OP and nobody would use the smg anymore.

    I personally would like to see REGISTRATION

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Doodgrn: Yeah, I think most everyone does.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think Ben should hurry up and make it so when you kill people, you get money, with which you can buy better guns for your current life. (Gun is lost when killed)

    I wish I could work with him on this! I have so many ideas I want to put into the game. Maybe I should make a fan game....

    And oh yeah, registration, which could eventually stop greifers because they can't change their name and come back. It would also stop identity theifs, which I have had a problem with. They seem to copy your name, then continually post gay insults because they are all homophobes it seems.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i would like the normal rifle accuracy and separated reloading sounds for semi and smg

    Posted 13 years ago

    Written by Kaede-Chan: I just want the old semi back, with no hit spread.

    This. +1 for the accuracy. I hate the new model. With a good scope, even a completely untrained guy like me could probably hit a target @<100 yards and the guys in the game are trained soldiers FFS. Also, why does the screen go all wobbly when looking straight down?

    Posted 13 years ago

    "I think Ben should hurry up and make it so when you kill people, you get money, with which you can buy better guns for your current life. (Gun is lost when killed)"

    I have to disagree. This system is in Counter Strike and I find buying the same gun over and over again is very very annoying, even when you keep your money for the whole game and even with a hotkey for autobuy. Unlocks is something else though.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't like unlocks either. I just want the old rifle back...

    I should relate something at this point. When I first joined AoS (beta 0.26), the graphics were bad, the hacking and griefing were awful, and the community still hadn't been very strongly extablished. The building made the game a bit more fun, but what sealed the deal for me was the rifle. It was balanced (by definition... everyone had the same gun), versatile, and surprisingly realistic. Hiding under the very beta look of the game was a rifle that needed almost no improvement (I think I'd like the shots to travel at a more realistic speed, which is a lot faster).

    Then Ben added this server-side hit verification which makes lagging players an even bigger pain in the neck, and even on the servers nearest you where the ping is below 50 milliseconds, it still takes nearly 200 milliseconds for hits to get from you to the other player and back. A fifth of a second is a lot of time. The problem is made even worse by the cone on the rifle... now the rifle is less accurate than a modern SMG. The innacuracy on the SMG in AoS makes sense (it's somewhere between a Thompson and an MP40, I think, which fits the somewhat fuzzy time period for AoS pretty well), but the rifle is only about as accurate as a well-made unrifled flintlock musket.

    I'm not entirely sure why I still play AoS, but I'm no longer as addicted to it as I was. I've discovered other games since then, and without the fun of the old rifle I'm spending more and more time on them.

    Posted 13 years ago

    we want a shotgun!!!! or a handgun or.. misc... or.... knife?

    Posted 13 years ago

    bayonets = yes :D
    actually being able to dig down a bit more through the base rock would be neat :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    I want the old rifle accuracy back, an assault rifle with less recoil than smg and a knife for melee combat.

    Black Op
    Posted 13 years ago

    i agree with ichigo

    Posted 13 years ago

    i agree with drewdog

    Posted 13 years ago

    I really want a friends list! If any of your friends are on line you can message them and tell them what server you want to go play in. It could also tell you what server they are in and you could just click on it and and it will send you there.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Whats wrong with the new rifle? I rack up kills like hell. Have you ever fired a real rifle? just hold ctr and shoot and the accuracy is fine. the old rifle sucked, no rifle would ever be that accurate in real life unless you were lying down with it mounted on a bipod.

    Posted 13 years ago


    I think your lacking some perspective. a SMG and HMG have very different functions

    a mounted MG cannot be moved and fired at the same time, it requires time to set down/ready, a stationary position, and time to pick up.

    to put it simply a SMG would allow a greater range of freedom in movement, instead of being stuck out in the open you would be able to fire and dive for cover, ect, impossible if you have to stay in one place to shoot with a stationary machine gun, a SMG would be great for assaults.

    a HMG (heavy/mounted machine gun) would offer a very different function, a way to make charges ineffective against certain areas. to put it simply a HMG would be great for defense

    Posted 13 years ago



    Posted 13 years ago

    A heavy machine gun that could only be fired while mounted/deployed would actually be pretty nice. As long as it wasn't nerfed to hell (i.e: having a massive cone of fire, taking more than 2 rounds to kill someone, having a super-low amount of ammunition).

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    really? Seemed like a genuine wish to me.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it would be nice to be seen who is trying to votekick (you)
    most likely they'll be votekicked but it will become less

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the idea of small pickups but don't make it crazy. We need a reason to resupply and not suddenly regain all my ammo just because I got a lucky headshot. Along with specified amounts of ammo, perhaps no health drops. Ammo is at least more or less real useful, but if both health and ammo appear, SMG rush rape.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago
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