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  • -= H a r b o r v 2 =-

    It's coming. I was trying to get this done before the end of the month but I am juggling it with a very promising game project and as I start really working on the map it's become clear that it'll take a while to finish. I figured it would be good to keep a devlog so it doesn't look like I've fallen off the face of the Earth.


    As you can see it's similar to the old layout, but the map is now mirrored, and it will have lots of details:

    An underground/aboveground light rail (not functional)

    A suspension bridge leading into a tunnel through the central island

    Canals, docks, sewage tunnels

    Parks, lots and plazas

    The idea is basically to flesh out the "big city" concept with more landmarks and more opportunities to sneak around, and to make the center part of the map a more exciting place. As a result of these additions, the map will have some tunneling gameplay since the average ground height is higher; but the ability to sneak into a skyscraper and snipe people will still be around, and it should be even better than before, since the buildings will have more details now.

    Since the first version of Harbor, I am now able to build my own map-editing tools - I have a building maker that translates an ASCII floor plan into a .vox, and I have a custom heightmap generator that will (eventually) support customizations for this map - things like texturing different areas and adding tunnels. Since the map is mirrored I only have to do "half" of a map - if it were an entire map I'd probably never finish! But it's still going to be a week out or more, since I have so much I want to get in here.

    Next post: screenshots hopefully.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ascii map editor sounds brilliant!

    Posted 13 years ago

    So...will this be like you are playing a Crysis 2 style map in AoS? It would be very fun if it was. Hopefully whoever runs it in Pyspades could make it a good deal indestructible.

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago


    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    Bumpity bumpity bump.

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    Spaz, why do you have "kobaruto" in your name?

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's supposed to say 'Cobalt'...does it?

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh. Yeah, it does. Oops.

    Posted 13 years ago
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