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  • Suggestions - Short and to the Point

    Some suggestions to the game (I'm going for quantity more than quality, so please discuss ones you like):

    1.) Add squads. One person can create a squad, be the leader of it, and other people can join. This makes organizing group attacks easier. (WoW has a similar "party" feature)

    2.) Coordinate system should be added

    3.) Add Ability to strengthen blocks. Increase the amount of time it takes to mine them out.

    4.) Symmetrical Maps

    5.) Flat Maps

    6.) Make the blocks under the health tent (What is it called anyways?) invulnerable.

    6.) Change the map symbol for intel to something unique or harder to create a decoy of. Currently it is very easy to create mass fake intel on the minimap

    7.) Different guns are on the way, I'd like to see snipers, shotguns, pistols, bayonets, smoke grenades, binoculars. Maybe you choose a gun when you spawn?

    8.) Triangular blocks that make mountain climbing easier. Also can be place-able.

    9.) Toggle Crouch

    10.) Sprinting

    11.) Tool that digs 3 squares horizontally.


    Posted 13 years ago

    1) Would be nice but it could get confusing.
    2) Suggested many times before and it is a must.
    3) MMM no.
    4) If you mean Blue and Green have symmetrical maps to make them even. No. It is the best thing about the game not be that.
    5) You can soon edit the maps.
    6) This is a must!
    6a) No.
    7) Already like you said.
    8) Yer +1
    9) Yes, I can only do this atm using a glitch.
    10) NO
    11) Pickaxe?

    Posted 13 years ago

    So it seems like the things that this game needs the most are:

    -Crouch toggle

    Looking back at the health tent thing, I've reconsidered. It may be beneficial if you have a tunnel going under the map to locate the health tent underground. BUT on the other side when griefers get at it, a buried health tent can be a pain! ...

    Posted 13 years ago

    It is just bloody annoying when they dig the tent to the bottom of the map.

    It has no use under there and you can't get at it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think digging the tent to the bottom is fine, it is just a way to sort of disable the enemy's stuff for a short time. Binoculars might be interesting, but things like sniper rifles, and shotguns don't really need to be in the game. Maybe adding melee damage with the shovel and pick axe, or add a knife, I don't know.

    Posted 13 years ago

    knife maybe as melee, but i don't want picks to cause imagine this, you are sneaking into an enemy tunnel and you find the tunneler, you prepare your head-shot, and he turns around and beats you to death. so no shovel or pick melee, but i am all for i knife

    grids are a yes

    solid tents are a no

    no sprinting

    "5) You can soon edit the maps."

    id hate new guns but ben has said hes probably gonna add some :/

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think a shovel would make a cool melee, I guess I can sort of see what the problem with that would be, but I don't think it'd be very big.

    Maybe have one version where you can play with just the rifle, and no extra guns, then another version with extra ones. I agree, they'd sort of mess it up, but you never know, they might really add to the fun, and manage to be balanced.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd definitely like to try the game with more guns. Snipers add more to the game; you'd have to sneak up carefully instead of running in a straight line every time

    Shovels and pickaxes shouldn't be weapons at all i think. You should be vulnerable when digging things or constructing things.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Pickaxe could be used at short rage to sneak up on someone and get them in the back of the head.

    Shovel could be used to smack someone.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1.) No
    2.) Nah
    3.) Sure.

    4.) Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh

    5.) Nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    6.) Sure.

    6.) Sure.

    7.) Not too many.

    8.) Sure.

    9.) Huh?

    10.) Noo.

    11.) Perhaps.

    Posted 13 years ago

    8.) Triangular blocks won't work because every block is one voxel afaik. You can't divide a voxel. You would need to convert the block to an entity to do so. Or use smaller voxels to create a triangle.

    Posted 13 years ago

    A compass needs to be added to the hud. Sometimes it can get confusing which direction you are facing, and it's no fun to have to check the map to get an idea of that.

    Posted 13 years ago
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