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  • 0.58 review. Shotty Sniping Proof Inside.
  • 123

    Muncher. Shot is spelled right because you changed it. Don't try and get anything past me. Also, we don't have proof that you CAN'T two shot people. And don't be silly? Girlfriend? Psh.

    @Frosty *high fives back*

    Posted 13 years ago

    well sorry guys, but my order just came in so Im going to go work on my guitar for a bit, Ill get a video in 24 hours though.

    *psst* who wants to join the same server and let me get them from the fog?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Real mature muncher.
    Real mature...
    Personal opinion on shotgun? It's alright. I think it may need some balance in terms of accuracy, it's either that or I am horridly unlucky.

    High Fours all around.

    Doesn't, not Does'nt
    It's not, not It not
    , for, not ,For
    shotgun, not shot gun
    your, not you
    that person, not there person
    At medium ranges, on a standing target. Not At medium ranges on a standing target
    3 or 4 shots, there is no 3.5 shots.
    The fact is, bullets. not the fact is bullets
    Yeah, no. Not Yeah no
    and the chance that 5 pellets or more will hit them. Not and the chance 5 pellets or more hit them
    Well Pyspades is awesome, not Well psyspades is shit
    You can still use default maps on Pyspades...
    Pretty sure you can disable dirt grenades.
    Implying free kills via raining grenades is bad.
    Thinking that we all like pinpoint despite not ever mentioning it.
    Implying everyone who posted in the thread is a kid.
    Implying all "Grown-Ups" would like to play on the default map.
    Implying the game is meant to be played on that map (IT COMES WITH A GOD DAMN MAP EDITOR).
    I read your post, and I. Not I read your post, I
    Implying that you are a grown up and that you have made relatively no spelling errors.
    two shots, not to shots
    "Has to happen every time" = "Has to happen 5 out of 10 times/ 50 out of 100 times"
    Implying they are lying about sniping with it despite saying it can happen.
    Implying all "grown-ups" do not say r-tard
    With random spreads, there will. Not With random spreads there will
    just, not jus
    fog line consistently, not fog line, consistently.
    One time you got killed by a shotgun is not research = ? Grammar problems.
    does not give you a tested/does not give you tested points, not does not give you tested
    . You, not . you
    melee isn't worth playing a shitty map on = ?
    Implying melee is useless (Conserving ammo, ninja killing, lulz, and more)
    Implying all admins that are "kids" ruin the game for all.
    Implying that turning on team damage encourages TK.
    Implying banning gives "kid" admins more power.
    shot is spelled right, I. Not shot is spelled right I
    Again with the does'nt
    that doesn't give me proof that you, not That does'nt give me any proof you
    No, just disappointed, not No just disappointed.
    Implying you have a girl friend (more or less joking on that one)


    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^amen to that.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Damnit Frosty.
    I was going to reserve that post for when muncher makes more posts/ edits the ones he made.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow, this may be my most successful troll ever!

    Thanks guys!

    I can't wait for the squeaky high pitched video of you knocking someone down to 20 health with the shotgun, then recording you getting one lucky kill, then saying that's proof of you 1 hit killing someone on the fog line.

    You guys can continue your circle jerk, seems like you all enjoy it!

    Posted 13 years ago

    shotgun is awesome need to mod my weapons again to be back on top will be back with a review

    Posted 13 years ago

    I love how trolls think that when they are extensively proven wrong, that's a successful troll. Fucking retard.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i'm back and .58 is great i'm still owning everyone haha

    Posted 13 years ago

    Successful troll is successful.

    I give you a 6.5/10 on the troll scale for me.

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    one thing i just noticed. i can hear things happening from everywhere even like bullets flying past me when there's no1 there whats up with that? and the shotguns are loud as crap haha

    Posted 13 years ago


    If you want another 5 of these then ok.

    My health was at 100 aswell.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Just wait frosty, just wait. He'll be all like "WHERES DA PROF DAT YU DID HAVE ALL HELTH, HOW DU AI KNO DAT HE DID'NT SHOT YOUR 3 TIMES!!!!!" and so you need a proper recorder. Use camtasia's trial just to prove to this idiot. He said he was trolling but notice that when we started talking about age and we had much better odds than him, he said he was trolling but obviously he was worried and said he was trolling to stop the age talk and not have to speak with his voice to prove to us, meaning he is basically ten.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think shotgun 'sniping' is real. Not often happens, but I think it does work. Been victim to it a few times myself. It's not anything to get into a heated debate about, we just need to address the supposed problem to Ben.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There is a bug with the update (or a bug in pyspades) that mixes up the weapons. I was playing on shams and SOOO many people were being accused of "hacking" with the shotgun when really it's just a bug and they are actually using a rifle.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    Where's the proof you where at full health?
    Where's the proof he shot you once?
    All we have is your word, which does prove anything.

    Also, I've done plenty of playing with the shotgun myself, and I can assure you, it is impossible to kill someone with one shot at more then five blocks away. It's possible to hit someone at very long ranges after many shots (about 4 or 5), but it's impossible to kill them with just one shot at those ranges.

    Still waiting for that video though.

    It's cool, I'm sure Ben won't change it because some kids whine saying "NO I DID GET KILLED FOR REALZZZ!!!"

    Not to mention this video here, completely shows your lies

    Only the last two shots (which were extreme close range) had any chance of being a killshot.
    Also, if you notice, the first two fog line shots didn't even register.
    It's obvious that entire screen-shot is faked, and you're just plain wrong.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Somebody should set up a test where a shotgun is fired down a tunnel with enemies at various intervals, then post a video of it. Preferably one of the shotgun's supporters so we know it's unbiased.

    Posted 13 years ago

    admit it muncher, you've been defeated.
    I was at full health.
    And he did shoot me once.
    If I had fraps I could show you undeniable truth, I swear to god.
    Plus you must be poor with the shotgun anyway (for gods sake, your shooting a wall! Your supposed to hit the enemy not the walls!).

    Maybe to settle this I'll go ask ben myself, hmph.

    And also Deuce13's Ghost, I think It was a shotgun, It had the same sound, the same hit on a walls etc.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Implying that video was mine.

    Implying that you are telling the truth.

    Implying you can defeat anyone on the internet.

    Implying you have any real proof other then your word, when I have a complete video showing how the spread of the shotgun makes it impossible to one hit kill people on the fog line.

    Implying you are'nt just grasping at straws and trying to insult me to cover up your clear lack of evidence.
    Your word does'nt mean shit, stop saying "OH IT HAPPENED!" No one believes you.

    The facts are.
    My proof:
    My video shows how it is impossible to one hit someone on the fog line with the shotgun

    Your proof:
    A picture and your word.

    You're clearly wrong, just don't want to admit it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    What I said was true, he did say pretty much exactly what I said he would. Also, that was back in 0.55, before the shotgun got that bug. I'll record it happening, but I first need someone who is willing to snipe me with the shotgun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Shrooms, what server?

    Posted 13 years ago

    To put in my two cents to this problem, I've probably been sniped with the shotgun once or twice since I started playing on 0.58. I probably wouldn't notice, the Rifle is still THE weapon for long-range sniping.

    Also, please stop with the insults. You won't get to Ben with your notion for nerfing if you keep that up.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think you guys really played to much COD, here my take:
    Shotguns have DIFFERENT types of Rounds, the most popularized is the

    Buckshot and Birdshot, when fired, they release a ass-load of individual pellets that spread over distance.

    The ones that are (Probably) used now are called a "slug"
    They turn the shotgun into a crude rifle, Slugs are usually fairly accurate compared to a Buckshot, they still do a massive amount of damage due to their caliber (usually 50.+)

    If you watch FPSRussia, he basically stuck a arrow into his shotgun and made a accurate headshot.

    Here are some other types:
    Dragon's Breath (Inflammatory) (for all your COD nerds)
    Door Breaching Shot
    Sabots (The bullet gets shot on and the metal jacket falls away over a set distance, and the pellets disperse)
    Flechette (tiny arrows instead of pellets)
    Gas Rounds (Combat shotguns are sometimes used to disperse Chemicals)
    Beans (yes, used in Crowd control as a non lethal weapon, the police shoots beans at rioters)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Tyler your getting out of point we are talking about e balance of the shotgun, not about it.
    In my take on the shotgun, you could be incredibly lucky that you get the shotgun spread on someone's face or the glitch on Pyspades that mix up the weapons. Period.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well. The shotgun just needs more spread.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Agreed =]

    Posted 13 years ago

    "Implying that video was mine."
    "My proof:
    My video"

    Posted 13 years ago

    Haha Frosty totally won this, I've been shotgun sniped about hmm 12 times in an hour today, its possible.

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    It's possible and it's happened to me so many times. It's not exactly easy and I don't see it happen much anymore, partly because everyone I see with the shotgun is a griefer. So Muncher. Stfu. I haven't see the video but apparently you were shooting blocks. The shotgun does less damage to blocks then it does to players. Unless you're at point blank range at which point it'll do about the same (one shot). On blocks, you cannot get headshots. On players, you can. Retard.

    Posted 13 years ago

    This topic makes me lol.

    Guy 1: Shotgun can snipe!

    Guy 2: No it cant! you lie!

    Guy 1: we need to fix long range damage of shotgun

    Guy 2: SHOTGUN IS FINE! DON'T CHANGE IT! ....i'm secretly using it to snipe...

    (because really, if the shotguns damage at long range is crap as is, does it really matter if they change it so the damage at long range is crap? its already there according do you, so why do you care if its changed?)

    Posted 13 years ago
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