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  • What's the worst server you've ever been on?
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    One of the bridge war servers, i couldn't take out an enemy bridge because the admin was like "no breaking blocks" pissed me off so now i dont play bridge war maps

    Posted 13 years ago

    Griefers are everywhere, if they grief one team they say that the griefers came from the other team to destroy their base, then a swarm of about 5 of them comes to the other team and start griefing it too and it never ends. I mean siriusly, even when Built my self a wall to protect myself they came rightaway and destroyed it (x500000). SUCKS!
    Also there are always noobs in there that say that your cheating. For example there was a noob that said I was cheating because he shot me 3 times in the head and I did not die (we were on the same team), and after explaining him that he cannot harm teamates he started boxtrapping me all the time (I was kicked from the server after that for cheating).
    Bridge wars, because the bridge is always griefed after 5 minutes (it should be called griefed island-seawars).
    The hallway is not that bad, I always capture the intel from the hallway cause its the shortest way, and because all the players are either camping or digging there are almost no people in the hallway itself.

    The Mighty Comrade
    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree. The bridge on bridgewars should just be godblocks so then no one griefs it. Goon Haven has a ton of jerks that live on there and pinpoint has a lot of idiots. Hallway and Double Hallway have too many campers and too many dueces...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lol YourMom. I wouldn't be surprised if you get banned. The ORS is a mockery of what it once was, the only 2 admins are some 12 year olds on a power trip. Hopefully whenever we get Booboorocks back, the server will be a bit better.

    Posted 13 years ago

    every building only server currently up....so much admin abuse
    they should be rounded up and shot in my opinion

    Posted 13 years ago

    Reuben, get on IRC. When you're there, slap me 3 times to let me know.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can't remember what server, but it was one of those TANK servers with the WWII Berlin map.

    Anyways. Someguy made a few cusses and the "mods" started LORDING over him like some righteous pricks. After awhile he initiated a vote against one of the mods on the server and me, him plus a few others voted yes and booted him off his own server.

    It was pretty funny and karmatic.

    Goonhaven is one of the next worst, since people love to initiate kicks for the fuck of it or if someone is too good.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @The Mighty Comrade
    My solution is simple, I build 6 blocks+ thick walls when I'm half desperate.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Dude, they just flat the whole map so not even one block is left standing, so 6 blocks or not, they will still be destroyed.

    The Mighty Comrade
    Posted 13 years ago
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