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  • Ben, please add video filters to the game.
  • 12347

    I fail to see how I was "burned". All he did was say, "STOP TROLLING ME!!!" and then complain about my language. HE also failed to, once again, give any reason this should be added over more gameplay items.

    Also, do I need to be a game designer to criticize ideas? Do movie critics need to make a movie before they can criticize movies?
    If you want to use that logic, you should have to have developed a triple A game before you can submit any ideas.
    So do you have a "yes" to any of those questions?
    If not, I don't think you're qualified to post any ideas, or suggestions.

    So, try proving to me your idea is worth two shits, and prove to me why it deserves to be in the game before things like more guns, more explosives, vehicles, and many other things that would have much better impact on the game then this.

    But you'll probably just yell troll some more and try to insult me, instead of giving and proof you idea deserves to be in the game.

    And seriously, if you guys want to suck each other off, do it somewhere else please?

    Posted 13 years ago

    You still contempt to argue?

    You lost, deal with move on you have nothing on him, me, or cobalt.

    And as a matter of fact I DID design a fabulous game ( or at least did most of it) its on the 360 network (or used to be) it was called Audiosurf

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ben please don't add video filters to this game and focus on adding more important stuff and fixing them bugs.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I still have yet to see any reason that this is more important then many other important things like vehicles, machine guns, pistols, more explosives, mortars and many other things.

    All I see is just a bunch of kids trying to win an argument by insulting the other side.
    Are you by any chance part of the Tea party?

    Posted 13 years ago

    For sure you are, end the arguement your only prolonging waste your energy this is my last reply

    El Fin

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    Why the FFFFFUCK is this thread still here.
    It adds nothing to gameplay. Literally nothing. Playing in sepia tone or grayscale or with film grain would only make you do worse, while simultaneously making you think "this is a real hipster game now!"
    I would like you to give me four (4) good reasons this is a good idea. Also, tell me why me or muncher are trolls.

    Hanz Ketchup
    Posted 13 years ago

    Translation: I can't think of reasons this is better then etc. etc. so I'll just try to passively aggressively admit defeat.

    (see how dumb this sounds?)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Really, both sides have the same origins.

    I really don't give a fuck overall, about you, or 'your so called 'opinions'.

    We all were born the same way.

    WHY GOD?! WHY?!?!?!

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Yep, just try to get out while you still have some dignity left.
    It's ok, I know how important your internet penis is to you.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ Lol I HAD to post to this

    I loled at that PhoeniX

    I loled And that's hard to make me do >_>

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago


    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    Aww the 3p1cn3ss was ruined with th.............. DID YOU SAY CHOCLATE CHIP MUFFINS!
    I want one o.3

    Edit Add_on:

    Lolz at below

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    BTW. I won. Period.

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    God, I can just feel the underage in this thread.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Thank you, for knowing my intellectual 10,000 year old brain is held in a four year old child.

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    I feel the overage?

    Fyi, 16 can easily script LUA BBC Python and HTML

    (Java is a no go, thats hard as ****)

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    Muncher, Why should your ideas be added? Helicopters would be way over powered or a large flying target. Mortars would need to be watered down so much before use that people wouldn't ever use it.

    My idea However would:

    A. Be quick to add compared to your ideas.

    B. Give better impressions to new gamers.

    C. New gamers bring in more new gamers and so on.

    D. More gamers means videos about the game on youtube, where people try any games someone tells them to.

    E. Enough people start playing and companies want ad space, cross promotion, and AoS themed products.

    F. Ben gets an income from the game and has more time to code the game and/or hires coders.

    G. The game has progress from free indie to massive money making super game.

    H. AoS changes the gaming industry and pulls mainstream away from making CoD clones all the time.

    I know this could be a little bit of a stretch, but look at minecraft. Notch had an idea and made a game. He made it look amazing and caught the eye of the world. It has turned into a multi-million dollar investment. Youtube draws in new minecrafters everyday, companies like EA has done cross promotion with notch, Notch doesn't even have to code anymore he has thousands of modders making him new content daily with out even paying them.

    So, is that reason enough to get you to shut up?

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    And so this thread was ruined by a disgrace to the brony community and his cronies. Muncher and myself won while the original supporters ran off into the sunset, pretending it was them that won because they retreated before the battle was lost.

    Hanz Ketchup
    Posted 13 years ago

    I Doubt it will be...^
    Just warnin' ya prepair for some smartarse remark from 'em

    Damnnit people stop ninji'n me

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like waffles. And I'm still here.

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    Now comes the divide, are we going to make the game bigger, better, and on the grid?

    Or will you focus on adding features instead?

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    So you're saying that if your shitty effects get added, more people will want to play?
    ...I'm fucking speechless.

    Hanz Ketchup
    Posted 13 years ago

    Number 1

    Preferd choice

    MY opinion this game needs to advertise and expand

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh god, that was the most convoluted and bullshit thing I have ever seen.

    No one is going to play this game because it has a "filter" in it.

    People will play this game because of actual gameplay changing things, like I listed above, many times.
    No one is going to make a youtube video just because the game has a filter in it.
    If you do want it for youtube videos, just do it in after shooting editing.

    Those are'nt reasons. That's just a pipe dream from the land of completely bonker retards.

    Filters won't make the game bigger, better, and on the grid.

    Let me get this in your head.
    No one will play this game because it has some shitty effect filter on it.
    They will play the game because it has fun and interesting gameplay.
    You get fun and interesting gameplay by devoting development time to things that effect gameplay (All the things I have listed and more.)
    No one plays a game because it has filters on it.
    Do you get that?

    Adding new features WILL make the game bigger, better, and on the grid?

    Filters, will not and never will

    Posted 13 years ago

    And you any better then us?
    Don't Think So

    As said Advertising is needed from this game so it expands

    Mini Moose
    Posted 13 years ago

    Muncher and ketchup are the true trolls here. You don't really care about the features, you just trollin' for fun. If you were here to make a point you would have made a new thread.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    Then why are you on this forum if you don't like us?

    SpazDragon1397 (コバルト)
    The Badass Pony
    Posted 13 years ago

    Falco, shut the fuck up. If anything you're the troll here.
    Yes, I DO believe we think better than you guys, just by looking at that cause-and-effect list and your spelling.

    Hanz Ketchup
    Posted 13 years ago


    Uh... then why are we feeding them? They're obviously trolls, so just ignore them. (Or try.)

    Let 'em slip in to oblivion because they can't get a trololol out of us.

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago
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