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  • Reduce rifle RoF
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    I've never had problems with weapon balance, and I don't see why everybody else does. Maybe it's because I don't suck.

    Posted 13 years ago

    So if you never have had problems with weapon balance then we can expect you to not have problems with a nerfed rifle, correct?

    Posted 13 years ago

    To be honest Tek, I don't understand why you and other people clamor for the Rifle to be nerf just when it got buffed.

    Would you care to explain why you proposed for this for I'm just an ignorant forum-goer and I'd like to know what you think.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    So, all you who are saying the semi should be nerfed because others own you with it?

    I find all the weapons to be equally useful. Rifle for long range, SMG for medium, and Shotty for short.

    Maybe it depends on the map, though. On the hallway, it would be very nice without rifles, in squished urban maps, you don't mind them.

    So this puts rifles in a wanted and unwanted state, neutral.
    But the devs put the semi there, and I THINK they know a teensy bit more than you do.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Tek, Yes, I would, because the rifle and everything else is fine right now, there's no need to nerf it. Especially right after it has just been returned to (close to) it's former glory. Nothing needs changing right now except maybe a few tweaks to the shotgun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Too the people who think it's easy to be accurate while firing full-auto: The rifle has had a change in accuracy, so your first shot is dead-on, but as you're blasting away, your accuracy decreases, so the rifle gains spread when going "full-auto".

    I've been able to get quite a bit of kills at medium range w/ the SMG, by burst-firing and catching enemies off guard. Don't complain about the rifle being overpowered, just use the other guns to the best of their effectiveness. I.E. Using the element of suprise, and burst firing (With the smg).

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    stop trying to shut down rifle. practice makes perfect just learn how to use it and you'll be fine

    Posted 13 years ago

    Its the user, not the weapon....Stop running in open ground and you won't be sniped.

    Posted 13 years ago

    -> Nobody even addressing the points I already made.

    Posted 13 years ago

    That's because you're not taking into account the people who wield the weapons.

    You're just assuming that every shootout is a straight/ dead-on gun duel.

    (Forgive me if I'm wrong but that's how I view what you're pointing at.)

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    shottys pwn the rifle at close range.

    Too wrong. The shotgun doesn't even kill as fast as the rifle at its own fucking designated range. Rifle users could simply spam those 10 shots they have at you while you take forever to reload after doing minimum damage with those 6 underpowered shots of yours. The shotgun needs a ton more pellets. It feels like I'm at a disadvantage even when I really shouldn't be with this weapon. Too many times does it take 3-4 shots with the shotgun to kill someone when they're only 10 blocks away from me, yet between 1 and 100 blocks a rifle user could kill in one. Anyone who thinks there shouldn't be a change is just as much of a bigot as the AK-74u and FAMAS users on Black Ops, who believe they simply have more skill than others, while they're actually using incredibly unbalanced and superior weapons: the AK-74u has unmatchable accuracy and damage, and the FAMAS has an extremely fast fire rate while keeping almost no recoil and pinpoint accuracy. In this case, the rifle is much more versatile than the shotgun, and does what it does better. Faster fire rate, incredible accuracy, huge magazine... who wouldn't constantly use it? The SMG has a higher fire rate than the rifle, but it's butchered by its sub-par accuracy and horrid recoil. The shotgun was intended to outdo any other weapon at close range, but it can't even outdo another weapon (the rifle) in what should be its forte, because its fire rate is so slow, the magazine is smaller than the rifle's, and it's much less accurate. The accuracy part is explainable, but it doesn't shoot nearly enough pellets to balance things. This game needs damage falloff - that is, the damage of the weapon's bullets lessen over time. For example, a shotgun would begin to be less effective past about 20 blocks, doing less damage. However, the shotgun's damage and pellet count should be increased by a lot. The rifle needs some time to rethink, as, as it is, it does too much to be competing with other weapons. A smaller magazine and slower fire rate would be a start, along with a loss of accuracy when hip firing while moving.

    Well, there's my input.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "That's because you're not taking into account the people who wield the weapons.

    You're just assuming that every shootout is a straight/ dead-on gun duel."

    No. That's still not addressing my points. Try again.

    Posted 13 years ago
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