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  • ------Sensible Weapon Disscusion------
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    Most of you agree with a shotgun buff so far.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    -Faster firing = Maybe not
    -Instant kill at close range = Sure
    -More damage at medium range = Sure
    -Slight damage at Long range. = A tiny bit at max
    -Spread range increased? (multiple targets get hit) = idk

    -More damage = Sure
    -More accurate = Sure
    -Less spread = I don't see the difference between accuracy and this, so sure
    -Better range = range really is about damage, accuracy and spread, so sure
    -Faster firing = No

    Posted 13 years ago

    i stil want a plow truck so i can dig faster
    only if we use my new system idea

    Posted 13 years ago

    I want a drill or something like that so I can dig like 3 blocks in front and faster.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    -More damage = agree'd 200%, headshot dmg stay the same, body damage 1,5x and limbs damage 2x
    -More accurate = just less recoil
    -Less spread = I'd rather say less recoil
    -Better range = probably
    -Faster firing = no way, the SMGs back then fired actually slower
    -Faster firing = only when not w/ iron sights
    -Instant kill at close range = at VERY close range, adding more pellets would work for that
    -More damage at medium range = only to blocks
    -Slight damage at Long range. = yes but keep the same damage to blocks as medium range
    -Spread range increased? (multiple targets get hit) = should be a choice of ammo type

    and btw, a plowtruck could be possible w/ pyspades actually IMHO

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lazer cutter?

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    i think that increasing the pellet count by 1-3 with the shotgun would be fine, it is not very hard to hit a long ranged target, i mean, it is obvious that the rifle will kill you when you're trying to snipe a rifleman and you have a shotgun, but that is because the rifle is meant for long range. the only thing wrong with the shotgun is that it can sometimes take 3 hits at close range, so that is kind of weird or something. maybe a little more body damage for the SMG, but the rest seems alright.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with the shottie but if that updae does come the shotie is going to need more recoil

    [Ex] Falcon [Isaac Clarke]
    Field Engineer
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ben has confirmed via twitter that the SMG will be fixed, how? I don't know.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    We'll just have to wait and see.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    I would like to see a clip loaded shotgun, for faster reload.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I dont get you guys, you want this to be a battlefield game? Make 4 classes, medic with SMG, Assault with rifle, Engineer with RPG and a sniper with... sniper. There you go, another game just like others... I love this game because it is a rifle game, the first shooter that gave me the realistic fear of putting yourself in the open. Nerf rifles and buff SMGs and shotguns and you lose this fear and get COD with a bigger map, a run&gun. If you want a run&gun game you're in the wrong place.


    fine only give it bipods and 200 bullets magazine and make it a heavy MG (with class limit), used for covering fire and blasting enemy bunkers, NOT pinpoint accuracy.


    Pretty much useless as it is, but it can only be buffed with class limit, you don't want sixteen one hit killers running around you...

    And a suggestion to add an RPG, that doesn't do any damage to players, but a massive damage to walls.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i hope they add a deployable weapon with low accurately high reload time but very powerful like a 3 hit kill

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well here is how I find you should have
    Rifle (Long Range)
    Slower RoF (make it maybe bolt, I don't always liked bolt action guns, getting a head shot with a bolt gun is just so satisfying)
    1 bullet per second would balance its CQC

    SMG (Medium Range)
    Less Recoil ( It fires like a damn AK-47 but hits like a Pee shooter unless im crouched and aiming down the sight)
    Run faster (We don't one shot and we take a few bullets to kill we might as well being holding cement blocks not a light weight sub machine gun, but im not saying too fast but a slight bit faster)

    Shotgun (Close range)
    One shot up close
    Run faster (again both guns seem as mobile as a rifle, and so all really a rifle has to do in a clear long range map is back pedal and no other gun can stand a chance against him, (not sayying you should be running right to a rifle but i think you catch my drift if a rifleman sees you and your going cover to cover all he has to do is run back and your at the same position before, him being able to snipe you and you hopefully landing one pellet to a block beside him)

    Why i believe you should run faster then the rifle, as i believe in the design of the guns right now that the rifle isn't the all range gun and just the long to medium gun

    Posted 13 years ago

    the smg needs some improvements
    but if people want to reduce the semirifle they can just instead turn it into a bolt-action rifle

    Posted 13 years ago

    Shotgun could use a bit less spread, and the SMG just needs less recoil.

    Baby steps, folks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I actually think the weapons are balanced as is. Shotgun dominates indoors, SMG dominates mid-range, rifle dominates long range.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Maps that don't have long uninterrupted lines of fire. Drop a bunch of trees everywhere or throw in some caves.

    Posted 13 years ago
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