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  • Buildings

    It would be nice to have some buildings in the field to use but everytime someone makes one it gets geifed.
    I understand its funny to ruin someones hard work.
    I also understand that sometimes blocks need to be broken to get to the intel.

    Posted 13 years ago

    So are you suggesting buildings being spawned on the map at the beginning of a game? Those will be destroyed as well eventually, unless they were indestructible.

    Try being more specific. Do you mean small bunkers littered throughout the map, sniper towers or massive apartment complexes littering the land?

    Posted 13 years ago

    any one of those suggestions would be great imo.
    depending on how the editors/builders went about it.

    I enjoy fighting from buildings more than hills and tunnels.
    Having destroyable buildings at the start would give geifers a goal and if the map reset every hour/day what ever, then people like me would have fun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like to think that buildings lifespan is directly proportional to there usefulness
    Of course I would be wrong but at least you can votekick someone that griefs an important building,that is if its not the enemy otherwise kill him instead
    In other words don't build useless shit

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, I'll bring this up again: Ben is going to make a map maker tool in the future, and after that we will have tons of maps, where are bunkers, houses and structures ready.

    Posted 13 years ago
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