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  • Hacking [Closed]
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    there was a ton of hackers in the minit mesa server today i just saw extra powerful shotguns flying people and more it was crazy

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^sounds like it was a blast!

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^(Pun music)

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Just think of how much better the world would be if they just learned to masturbate properly.

    They probably would not hate the world as much.

    I am adding a sexy new avatar, to give them a hand in the process.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Since somebody released a hack for AoS people on almost every server are hacking now and i feel embarrassed because im the only one who is not hacking.The game itself is getting boring due to it i just hope it will be okay and people will start to play normally :'(

    The Man
    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually, people may be hacking because they don't find the game interesting enough.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    wait, have I read this right? reuben was global banned for hacking? LOL finally.

    Now this game just need DNS subnet key ban ware, that cant be changed, he'd be totaly fucked.

    See you on the vaniila servers reuben! OWAIT IDONTUSETHEM!

    reuben should have been added to the ban list when he made that vid showing hax, the forum mods could simply add his forum ip to the list, i doubt he uses a proxie to access the forums.

    But no, apparently the forum admins are totally blind. (no offence, just tellin it as it is)

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like speed hacking on vanilla servers, however vanilla servers lag alot so when I go on psyspades I get kicked D:

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    If there are hackers on Minit/Juusteli/Sky's build server/mat^2's/aloha/Sham's/Goon Haven, there are admins contactable in #AoS at all times (pretty much).
    Just come in and say when there's a known hacker in one of those servers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I was playing on that shithole known as Goon Haven yesterday (my name was Kimmy_Gibbler lol) and I almost got kicked for hacking.

    I hate this game.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    Try CH server, I'm on it as long as I can connect.

    (I can't always connect due to server timeout issues)

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    DeathEnhanced can suck my nuts.

    I've explained my side of the story to the admins, and I was only on that server to test said hacks. In my whole time there, I was only breaking random dirt nade spam I found, and I didn't even try to kill anyone.

    Oh, and that "video" I had was taken in a private server. By that logic, GreaseMonkey should also be banned.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If I were you, I'd edit out the website name. But yes. :P
    EDIT: His post is already gone. Lol

    "Now this game just need DNS subnet key ban ware, that cant be changed, he'd be totaly fucked."
    No, because I don't care enough to go through IP changing to access Ace of Spades. My life is a bit more than this game.

    "reuben should have been added to the ban list when he made that vid showing hax, the forum mods could simply add his forum ip to the list, i doubt he uses a proxie to access the forums.
    No, because the admins aren't scumbags like you who go scrounging for IPs every time they dislike a person. Speaking of which, remember the time you "tracked down" someone to their house using an IP?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I was playing on the Iscool classes server when suddenly the message You have been permabanned: hacking popped up on my screen, I dont get why, does switching classes frequently trigger this, or was an admin just rage banning because i manage to kill him?

    Posted 13 years ago

    @JoJoeStinky: When I was scrolling down the ban list I noticed that you had banned somone for being a child and/or not being fluent in English. So I couldn't play this game if I was only fluent in German, Spanish, etc.?

    Quote: "multiple IP seems lilke a little kid or really bad at english"

    Phat J
    Posted 13 years ago

    ugh - JaKe, read more carefully.
    First off you missed 'Hacker:' from the start of that quote, and also the guy had already been banned twice, one of those being in a different server.

    Posted 13 years ago

    dat thread

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    I've seen multiple infinte ammo hackers. One recently was on sham's server and tuneling with a shotgun...

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    ive seen quite a few fly hacks recently
    mostly by a dude named hello12
    and Hitler is just extreme pro with that smg...or just has chams O_o
    whichever its not worth arguing about

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^If you mean "Hitler"(no quatations) then hes just pro :)

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    bandos is a hacker
    i asked him 2 join my squad so im playing and die before that i see him walking behid teh base[im in pinpoint] so i spaun in the air and die from height.e admited to hacking 2

    Posted 13 years ago

    They don't have to try that at my server hehehe
    i will hunt them down and beat them up

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can confirm that Hitler is indeed a pro.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Kwote -- "I've explined my side of the story to the admins, and I was only on that server to test said hacks. In my whole time there, I was only braking randum dirt nade spam I found, and I didn't even try to kill anywune."

    Talk all you want, you are still on the list. no-one is going to help a known hacker get back into their servers.

    "This, OMG you all fell into my little plan" is total nonsense. No one fell into your hair brained little plan.

    You where banned, you still are banned. Nothing you have said, or will say will end that.


    Enjoy Vanilla!

    PS, please go back and fix your spelling.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    maybe its Quote ?

    Posted 13 years ago

    lol, read back a few posts about Kwote and Quote :)

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm a Moron

    Posted 13 years ago

    Nowhere did I mention any kind of "plan". Nor did I have one, past "get on server, test hax, see if they work or not, and leave".

    And yes, I know I'm on the list. Do I like that? No, of course not. Do I want off the list?Of course I do, I already made an appeal. Do I expect anyone here to do anything about it? No, I only posted here so people would know my side of the story.

    EDIT: Also, cute, you've made my spelling awful in your "kwote".

    Posted 13 years ago

    maybe u should test it in a vanilla server on ur pc ?

    Posted 13 years ago

    And I even told the admins that I should have done that, and apologized for using a public server for testing.

    Posted 13 years ago
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