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  • Vehicles
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    Edit: Moved.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I would love to see this implemented, having a side by side car fight would be epic. In my opinion, as long as planes aren't added default maps would be perfect for these, Here's how I think it should work.

    Jeep: Small, fast, and convienent, maybe 2 times running speed. Carries 4 soldiers, who can all fire there weapons (except the driver). Ment for a quick escape in case of an emergency, or could be used to scout. Infantry may enter from any side except the front, and it can only climb a 45 degree angle. off little protection other then the windshield.

    Halftrack: Can carry 7 people, 1 in the cab 5 in the back, and 1 firing a completely unprotected machine gun on top. No one inside can fire there weapons except the gunner, but its relative speed (maybe 15-20% less) and high walls protecting occupants are a great help. It also can only climb a 45 degree angle, and infantry must enter from the back (unless they are getting in the drivers seat)

    Tank: The tank could probably be an M4 sherman, because it was used in 2 of the 4 wars that the game spans (WW1-vietnam, it was used in WW2 and Korea). It carries 2, one who drives and 1 who fires the gun. Gun must be manually reloaded and takes just as much time as a standard weapon, and carries 15? rounds. Can also double as an artillary gun when used from affar. The driver and shooters views would have the top and bottom thirds of the screen cut off. Its speed is a little faster then running. (Running is actually pretty fast in this game) Takes 2 grenades to take it out, grenades will be less likely to roll off then though. The crew however is protected from the first grenade.

    Helicopter: Basically an air halftrack, not an attack helicopter. Carries 6 soldiers, 1 pilot, 2 gunners, 3 passangers. Passengers and pilot cannot shoot. Moves rather slowly, maybe 50% faster then walking, but is very succeptable to anti vehicle rockets (to prevent spawn camping and use as a gun ship, and encourage transport use) Mounted guns are basically the original SMG, with heavy recoil and maybe a little less rate of fire.

    In any of these, the windshields act like a regular block and can be broken, and anyone visible can be shot while in a vehicle. I didn't include planes because they would be quite useless in a game geared toward infantry and they move way too fast to be any use. I'm not opposed to the Airship/Zepplin mode thats been suggested before though.

    Also, have them toggleable.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I don't think vehicles are gonna happen in Ace of Spades, they'll have to wait for the sequel: "AoS II, Dig a Little Deeper"

    But it's fun to think about how they'd work!



    Also this, a one-man tankette:


    The first is a bridge-deploying vehicle, which fits in well with the military engineering aspect of AoS.

    The second is a one-man mini-tank, which might look more natural while covering terrain and might make more sense for the way the game's played than a full-sized tank. (sort of like how mortars make more sense than full artrillery).

    [I think any vehicle should be useable by any player who finds them, no matter what team they're on. And I think they should randomly spawn at randomly placed "vehicle spawn points", rather than be a reward for a good kill streak or something.]

    This is not a title.
    Posted 12 years ago
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