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  • why do people se hacking as an entirely bad thing?
  • 12

    Hacking in video games=/=Government hacking

    Bipolar Hernandez
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Jake - I had a 5 day trip. There was a RoT party to welcome me back. :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    And what a party it was. :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    IMO, the reason why hacking (in the context of Computer gaming, especially AoS) is loathed is because of instances where said hacker uses them in, for instance, a completely normal game.

    With trainers, he/she can wipe the floor with the competition who more or less only have their wits and skills to pit against the hacker's augmented prowess.

    TL;DR - Hacks b IMBA on n00bz and n0rm4l pl4y5hs.

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    the principle is that hacking a form of cheating in a game. and cheating is bad. doesn't matter how cheating is used. its bad. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd. did you get the message yet? :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    The cheater on the enemy team that kills you makes it impossible to kill (if they have an aimbot, they can only be killed by luck or grenades) and the team with the cheater get their kills stolen.
    Nobody wins except haxx0r.
    Only remedy is: Votekick, Admin ban, Server Shutdown, Other Cheater, If Hacker leaves himself, if he is trolled/owned in chat real hard.

    What is the mutual advantage of cheating anyway? The only thing you show off there is a vulnerability that is exploitable. Tell Ben right away.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I Think we only hate the Haxorz

    Posted 13 years ago
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