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  • About recoil

    Playing .60 reminded me, why does the mouse/crosshair jump around? It's disorienting. I loved the way Urban Terror handled recoil - the crosshair gets bigger the bigger the recoil range is, and it's always exactly the size of the crosshair, so you always know where pretty much it will shoot, while having recoil, while not disorienting you at all.

    Please, ben?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well the mouse "jumping around" is actually just the simpler version of that Dany. :-\ The thing you described is more like a tightened, automatic version of that I think. So basically, that''s asking Ben to make something that he already technically has made, but just to make it in a different way, no?

    Posted 13 years ago




    Posted 13 years ago

    What about using Ironsights? I also use target.png as a small dot so it's not disorienting at all.

    Posted 13 years ago

    in all games there is upward recoil and spread
    in some you cant notice the recoil and in this one you cant notice the spread
    simple as that

    Posted 13 years ago

    I just want the camera jumping around, it's disorienting.

    Posted 13 years ago

    We are talking for the SMG right ?

    I think it's good now , and don't forget there will be much more updates so . . .

    I don't like the new Rifle recoil , it jumps too much , it's not stable like the previous one :(

    BaDazz MaDafraggah
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think what he is trying to say is that he wants there to be recoil, but only on the gun. Sorta like modern FPS games where the camera is still and the gun moves with the recoil and "resettles" back to its original aim. In a game like CoD/BF/F.E.A.R. heck, pretty much everything, you fir youre gun and your aim moves from the recoil, but the camera stays the same place. In this game if you kept firing you would eventually be starring into the sky.

    Veteran Modder
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ye, is this the same in other games? Didn't know. So yea that's what I mean.

    it still kicks the camera a bit, but with a motion and only up.

    Posted 13 years ago

    reminds me of the conduit 2 cross hairs. this wouldnt be a bad suggestion, but thered be quite a bit of stuff for ben to do to do this, and id rather he didnt waste his time on it.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    I really don't think this will require a lot of work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    the work it will require is something along the lines of writing a script that will simpily move the picture for whatever gun ur using to enlargen and move up some, then reverse that. sounds like something that ben should be able to do. Also, making the camera actaly move rather than telleport to its recoil positioning.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well to achieve that, you would have to mess around with EVERYTHING when it comes to aiming. :( The guns fire bullets dependent on where your reticle is, so you're basically asking Ben to make it cone. Basically, it already cones, but the camera follows it. To be more accurate, where you're AIMING actually moves along with the recoil. That's what determines where the next shot will go. So basically, by asking for Ben to do that, you would be asking him to keep the camera in the same place while you were actually aiming somewhere else, and that could end up kinda badly when it came to visuals and views... :(

    Posted 13 years ago

    You both are stupid and know nothing about programming, but if you said it in different words, and right, I would agree with you. Now excuse me I must go laugh out loud.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Now i undestand ur point , yeah maybe it should be done like in CS , when u shoot the image of the weapon pops around , in AoS this effect is too soft really .

    And i can say that there have to be the crouch recoil stability thing too , i mean when you are crouching the control over the recoil must be like easier :)

    What you think ?

    BaDazz MaDafraggah
    Posted 13 years ago

    give them a visual demonstration.

    now the system you have recommended is.. well OK, let me draw a bit.

    this is the typical effective range engagement distance of games that use that system

    THIS is the typical effective range In AoS with the Shotgun, SMG, and SEMI in that order.

    and THIS represents every different range you can get into a fire fight at in AoS
    anywhere between those two bars.

    now see. your system is also largely used in games with a LARGE amount of automatic firearms. in AoS the only gun that will really benefit from it is the SMG

    Posted 13 years ago
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