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  • How to not suck at Ace of Spades (guide)
  • 123

    70. NO MAN ^

    Canine Companion
    Posted 12 years ago

    71 ^ YES MAN

    72 By all means, DO NOT help others build stuff in the middle of the battle field, if you really think its useful, use it, DONT help build it, or youll get killed too.

    73 Always ALWAYS ALLLWAAYYSS flank, do NOT repeatedly go the same deathpath, even if you spent about 5 hours building that bunker and now the other team has overrun it, DONT GO TO IT. Flank, get intel, killshit, now your team is in the lead and you can easily have your prise bunker back (considering some smart guy on the other side didnt destroy it, some do, and it works)

    74 Never step right into battle, even if your base is under contant attack, go hide somewhere in a tunnel and THINK, if you know that the enemy has concentrated on an area (usually happening when intel and cp of one team are very near their spawn, the other team overtakes easily most of the time but just quite cant get to it) decide to tunnel under it, come from behind the assault, and bam, your the hero.

    Posted 12 years ago

    i started writting a guide for the elite ace of spades soldier/commander/builder
    it will contain more complex things then these basics.

    Posted 12 years ago

    Master tip 75.... If your a blue, live up to your cause of a G Assassin. Flank to green base, flank behind their base. If theres like 20 greens at their base, go commando on their arse!!! Thats my tactic and I am usually the highest killer in the game :).
    More details: If you want to be a true G Assassin then that means you don't use cover like a pussycat and you kill every green shit you see on the map (including green blocks) You take the quickest means to the green base even if its the middle bridge that everyone is taking to get across that dastardly river. You kill everything in your way. You tear down enemy structures. You advance. You go straight to the intel, pick it up, stay there for 5 minutes and kill every living green, leave, and click the trigger thats rigged with c4 explosives at the green base, and walk away like a true asswhoppin commando, and make Arnold Schwarzenegger proud.

    G Assassin
    Posted 12 years ago

    76: Never use the SMG. Ever. Always use the rifle. Trust me, everytime I try to use the SMG I get my ass kicked because all of the maps are built for more ranged combat. :/

    Posted 12 years ago

    @razourik: I prefer the rifle, but the SMG has its merits. It's great against enemy bunkers if you bring someone with a rifle along. The marksman forces the enemy to cover, and you use the opportunity to totally destroy the front of the bunker, giving both yourself and the guy with the rifle easy opportunities to take out the poeple in the bunker.

    Posted 12 years ago

    ADS with SMG is rubbish. Hipfiring while crouched works better.

    Posted 12 years ago

    77. If you are a builder, and a sniper is using your under-construction bunker as cover, DON'T. BUILD. IN. FRONT. OF. THEIR. FREAKING. FACE. Leave a window where they're shooting from and fill it in when they're done. Don't block the view of the person <i>who will probably kill the person trying to kill you.</i>

    Seriously, if teamkills weren't a conditional thing, I would shoot every builder who does this to me in the face.

    Posted 12 years ago

    I made a Revised and edited version of this thread in RTF format.
    I've removed anything in the first person, retermed "blues" and "greens" to "the enemy" to make the advice more general, removed any repeated advice, and made it easier to read.

    Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?upq197tterk7swx

    In the Freezer
    Posted 12 years ago

    ^Good deal! But what happened to tips #67-76?

    Posted 12 years ago

    Those were funny... Shoulda left em in.

    Just add an asterisk and a side note or something.

    Posted 12 years ago


    Holy shit I am so sick of that. I've even had retarded Deuce builders blocking in the hole repeatedly after I've knocked it open a few times, then they will TK me. Very fucking annoying.


    This has happened so many freaking times. I'll be sitting a little farther back from the front line (usually on "pinpoint") and off to the side. I'll see some guy out in the water and when I've finally got my sights set on him, some retard will walk right in front of me at the exact same moment that I decide to fire. Of course, if there are other enemies out there, they somehow magically shoot right through my team mate and kill me first (I have no idea how they do this crap, it happens to me all the time).

    Sometimes I wish that the ability to TK was universal.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 12 years ago

    A lot of information was repeated or could be integrated into another tip.
    This wasn't really about being funny though. A lot of people simply do not have any idea whatsoever as to how to play the game properly. People who refuse to do #1 on the list cause a lot of stress to their teammates and pisses everyone off; maybe this could help those who stumble across it. I certainly learned something new while reading this thread.

    In the Freezer
    Posted 12 years ago

    finished my guide, i hope you will like it, and please comment! :)

    hello dear reader, in this short guide i will explain how to become a master of the game AOS (ace of spades).

    1-on the writer
    2-guide for the soldier
    3-guide for the commander
    4-dos and donts

    1-on the writter
    hi, my web name is LOLingSlayer, and english is not my native language.
    i wrote this guide because while playing AOS, i noticed my average kills are about 2.5 per death, and that i got some great tactics for this game, and i want to pass it on.
    this guide was written for version 0.54, but i think most of the things here wont change for some time.
    this is my first guide, so dont expect the writting style to be that great, but the strategis here are great.
    most of these tactics are more (if not only) usefull on custom maps, which are completely flat and the actuall fighting ground is generally smaller.
    this guide will cover only a verry small part of the game, but you cant find these tips elsewhere.

    2-guide for the soldier/builder
    bunkers are a verry controversial concept, there are a few verry common bunkers, like the wall bunker, simple wall with holes in it, building time to profit ratio is verry low for this bunker, there is also the tower bunkers, which are common too but most are not build well and taken down fast.,
    thats why i invented my own bunker tactics, and my ones are easy and simple to build, and more importantly, extremely effective, especially if you are thinking about a building time-profit ratio.
    the first thing is the bunkers field, which are mostly used for cover untill you reach the front, use them if you dont want to get sniped before getting to the action.

    "@"-low priority block
    "%"-high priority block

    mini bunker:


    build the "%"s first, and from the shelter they give build the rest, the high blocks are used to give shelter from towers, that can snipe your head if you are hiding behind a 2x2 wall, if they are high enough.
    the low blocks on the side are used for cover while shooting, especially for the "horde" that dont build simple covers for themselves and keep their legs uncoverd.
    this bunker is best used in big quantities, because of the fast cover and simplicity.
    use them like this:

    "^"- high part of the mini bunker
    "*"- low part of the mini bunker

    *^* *^* *^*
    *^* *^* *^* *^*
    *^* *^* *^*
    these forms will let you advance all the way to the front, snipe from the front/start of the field, or make the field bigger verry easily, and most of the time the deuce builders will build more complex bunkers for these foundations.

    another type of structure is the good old ambush,when the enemy is retreating from their front, run to one of their bunkers and make yourself a nice ambush point (facing your team's direction, with the back to the bunker).
    "_"-the bunker at your back
    "!"-the 2 blocks high wall of the bunker
    "^"-the roof of the bunker
    "*"-the 1 block high cover

    this way the enemy wont see your gun poping out of the bunker, you will be in a constant state of crouching (because of the low ceiling) and you can get to a "shooting mode" where you get just a little big out of the bunker and shoot the enemies from your ambush.

    when with a semi(semi auto rifle), shoot at the enemies in the water, and aim for their heads, thats because SMGs are terribly weak when aiming at water targets, because its impossible to break their cover like normal targets, and only their head is visible at most times.
    when with a SMG (Sub Machine Gun) shoot at the bunkered enemies and and the enemy chargers (also called strafers at some places) dont even try to aim at the half fogged enemies and bunkers, you shots will spread too much to ever hit them, or even break some of their blocks.
    when spraying the enemy's bunkers with a SMG, dont spray the whole bunker, focus on some points and destroy some specific blocks first, when you see an enemy, try to break the cover around them.

    3- guide for the commander/tactican

    the map contains of 5 parts, the heart of your/enemy's bases, the front, and no man's land, which is in the middle of both fronts.

    at your base:
    favored weapon: semi
    clear all buildings and lone blocks, they can all be used by an enemy infiltrator, you can still build 1 central tower or fort, but it should not be too big and all the other covers should still be clear.
    maybe you would also want to make your tower really high and big, so in case the enemy breach your front you can take them out easily, but be aware that these towers are time consuming and highly vulnerable to greiffers.
    if you decide to make a huge fort or tower, build it at F or C,(depends on team) build it closer to the enemy, and it will be captured or greifed, build it further into you base, and it will just serve as a hideout for intel capers.

    at your front:
    favored weapon: SMG.
    build mini bunkers field if possible, if the conditions dont allow that or your are simply too lazy to do it, use existing bunkers, or charge to no man's land try to infiltrate the enemy or make an ambush build.
    use the SMGs tactics recommended above

    no man's land:
    favored weapon:grenades when close to the enemy.
    take this part as a minigame: you have to get as much cover "points" as fast as possible, you can do it in various tactics, from crouching at every wall and planning your path (no recommended, the enemy has really high chances to shoot you down)
    to charging forward while hiding behind all the possible covers (without stopping) its really hard to shoot down these kind of runners, because every few seconds you cant see them.
    when you reach the enemy, you have 4 choices: ambush, greif the enemy bunkers, try to get the intel, or just charge and try to kill as much unsuspecting deuces as possible.

    enemy's front:
    favored weapon:SMG.
    when greiffing the enemy bunkers, destroy the wall facing your base first, then the sides, and the wall facing the enemy last, so you will have maximum cover.

    enemy's base:
    favored weapon: semi for open bases, SMG for bases full of hiding places.
    this is the motherload, lots of options once you reach the enemy spawn point:

    get intel: every player got his own style and it also depends on current situation so im not going to talk about that.

    build a small sniping point and kill as much enemies as you want (recommended for semi): try to get inside on of the furthest bunkers, preferably a tower, seal the entrance, and start shooting. never be in front of the window for more then 5 seconds, allways shoot and retreat, shoot and retreat.

    4-dos and donts

    do:build bunkers
    do not:build huge bunkers in the verry front, they will be taken by the enemy or destroyed in no time.

    do:use the SMG
    do not: use only the SMG, its only good in some points, not every part of the battle.

    do: use grenades, they are the most powerfull weapon in the game.
    do not: use them the moment you see the enemy, save them for times they would be more useful.

    do:use spade, its way faster than the pickaxe.
    do not: use SMG for digging tunnels, you will run out of ammo after a few seconds.

    do: talk with your team mates, even in battle, you can put a block above your head to keep crouching while talking.
    do not:be shy, and talk less if someone tells you to shut up or something.

    thanks for reading, please comment.

    Posted 12 years ago

    @Lol: TL;DR. Post it on a separate thread. :/

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 12 years ago

    ok, sorry :P

    Posted 12 years ago
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