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  • automatic rifles
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    An MP? Are you nuts?!

    It's been said many times over, this isn't COD. The combat is enhanced by building, not detracted from by the FAMAS and Desert Eagle (which are both awful in real life anyway).

    A MOUNTED machine gun might be fun, if implemented like a Browning M2. I've talked about that in detail several times. One that can be fired on the move, however, is a rotten idea. I don't want any sort of spray-n-pray kiddies running around... play against a speedhacker sometime to get an idea of how "fun" an MP, or SMG, or LMG would be.

    A pistol might, MIGHT be fun, but it'd also need to be implemented carefully. It'd be underpowered at long range and overpowered at short range, but these factors would need to be balanced carefully for the most fun gaming experience.

    Posted 13 years ago

    wtf no pistols we need some big boys guns not pussy pistols, Machine guns and light machine guns would be great.

    Posted 13 years ago

    PISTOLS!!!!!!!!!!!! AAARRRRRRR!!

    Commander in Arms
    Posted 13 years ago

    Eh...I will accept any weapon that is given to us in the next update, but I sure as hell hope we didn't wait this long for something as useless as a pistol.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    I really hate some of the people who play this game they're like: ooh no guns, this and that. No it is this war or the other, WHATEVER it doesn't matter. No one wants anything to change and this game will die if nothing changes, but nonetheless you are all scared of call of duty cause you suck at gaming, stop whining about it go play a rpg are watch anime this is a First person shooter just like the other ones no different "but the blocks are different" who fucking cares this is just a FPS and if you can't handle it go watch some anime you nerds.

    Posted 13 years ago

    a secondary weapon sounds good, could be anything really just a secondary weapon :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd like the LMG if it were implemented like they were in Day of Defeat. They'd have to be mounted on sandbags, or in this game's case, blocks. If you tried to fire it without mounting it, the outrageous recoil would make it impossible to kill with unless it was mounted. Also, I'd like to see pistols and shotguns.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago
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