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  • *OFFICIAL* Improvements Thread.
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    As *OFFICIAL* is written in caps, this thread must maintain a high standard of serious face-ness and general good suggestions. Here is a serious face for those of you who don't know what one looks like >:|. Please bear in mind I use the title "OFFICIAL" very loosely, as there still isn't a dedicated suggestions sub-forum.
    Now due to the lack of catergorised sub-forums, I've taken it upon my boring self to (hopefully) create a thread where we can post our suggestions and have them read by others. As the thread will, in theory be more condensed down into purely suggestions and not rage-fests and people crying, there is a greater chance they will get looked at by the powers that be.
    As we all know Ace of Spades is a fairly new game to hit our screens, and like many other new games, requires alot of support, especially for AOS
    (due to I presume its small budget). So please feel free to post any suggestions you may have concerning AoS but there are several rules which I would appreciate you to follow;
    + Keep all suggestions relevant and important.
    + If somebody has already come up with your idea, think harder. Can it be improved?
    + If you see a bad idea, please say why and offer alternatives but do not provoke a rage-fest, you can never tell how many testosterone fueled 13 year olds are hiding behind the keyboard waiting to button bash until their mother calls them for dinner.
    + Use common sense. Don't post suggestions for "planez wif laz0r gunz lol0o0ol0l" as this is probably outwith what the developers probably see as essential/beneficial at such an early stage in the game.
    Here are a few improvements I came up with before and/or during writing this thread;
    #1 Balance Out the Bias. When a team begins to fail it's not uncommon for people to switch to the winning side at the touch of a button. This should be limited to a switch say every 5 minutes UNLESS greater influence is put on the teams to win, such as a time-limit, after which the game will RESTART and everything will return to a blank battlefield. This will in general, reduce rage so people will be less enticed to cure their boredom of loosing by grieving.
    #2 Fix the way the game is displayed.There have been a countless number of times where I will be listening to a song on Youtube or have an overwhelming urge to go on Wikipedia and read a random article, when suddenly all attempts at this are thwarted by the fact that as soon as you press esc, it's gone. Forever. Until you start up another connection to a server. I am aware that you can alt-tab out of the game, but for some users this may be inconvenient so the game IMO should be displayed in a client window.
    #3 Settle the Scores. So there I am in the middle of the battlefield trapped behind a shoddily built wall of bright pink blocks for comical effect and I decide to check my score, well according to my score I usually have in the region of 15 deaths and around 100-200 kills, despite only being on the server for a few minutes. Lolwut.jpg
    #4 HammerHead Accuracy. In all fairness, the game is way too accurate, I miss very few shots, regardless of the distance which I pick off my unsuspecting pray. IMO the accuracy should be worsened slightly, to allow for more marginal errors within the game to make it more enjoyable when in combat with the enemy. This will make players ask themselves "What if I miss?" and not "How easy is this?".
    #5 The Fish. A Fish is the name I give to a player whom spends the majority of their time, camping far out at sea picking off players and usually spawn killing. To combat this, when in the water there should be a 'bobbing' effect implicated, this will ensure that if you would like to be a fish, you will have to shoot like a fish too... presumably quite shit. This will stop people detracting from the games wonderful fort-building nature and get them more involved.
    #6 Leaderboards. Ah yes we all love a bit of stiff competition don't we? Well at the end of each round (assuming a time-limit / map restart has been implicated) scoreboards should be displayed. The leaderboards should show the usual kills/deaths and K/D Ratio, along with maybe some interesting facts such as "amount of enemy blocks destroyed" and "amount of blocks placed" and maybe a line of scrolling text along the bottom of a random fact such as "Player X threw the most grenades" etc etc. This could be implicated to a global level, to generate a more team-driven environment towards every round, this may influence more clans to be formed which would further expand the fanbase. There should also be a Win/Loss ratio, (disconnection counts as a Loss). This will enable players to show off their stats on their profile, and to be able to establish who is a genuine player, and who is just plain bad.
    #7 F*ck Da Police!. No don't, infact don't bother messing with authority, as generally they are good. This suggestion has probably been made more times than the word "noob" has been displayed on any of the servers. Permissions. I understand that many of the people hosting the server will probably have an extremely basic understanding of the language used to write the game so that is probably the reason why there is a lack of authority. Ace of Spades needs a dedicated server unit to run several servers on different maps 24/7. With this players will know these servers will be faster, secure, and presumably griever free as admins/moderators may be assigned...*cough* me *cough*. These servers could possibly require a premium account? *hint* $$$ *hint*.
    #8 Grenade Limit. You know that little green tent? Yeah the one with that one guy in it who sits there throwing grenades about? Well that can be stopped. Limit grenades to 2 per player. Now before you say "I hardly ever use more than 2 nades a round" please read the above suggestions. With the introduction of a time limit/more pressure on teams to get the intel, this will seem more intelligent.
    #9 Donate! As irrelevant as this is to your "epic game time" many of us probably forget that the developers are using their own time, and probably their own money to allow us to blast people in the face. Just a few donations here and there of say $10/£5 each will help indefinitely no matter how small.
    I hope you all enjoyed reading my 9 suggestions, I was going to put 10 but that would be way too mainstream.
    Please feel free to post your suggestions and generally adopt a respectful manner towards all those involved with the game, whether you're developing/designing or playing, we all deserve to be listened to. Unless you're a fish.
    Thanks all!
    Alex, AKA Cubed.
    PS If you're wondering why I'm using full stops to add spaces between each line, it's because BBPress is awful and doesn't understand consecutive enter key presses. IMO, they should at least use SMF.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Most of us just start new topics whenever we have a new suggestion. Suggestions are one of the things these forums are good for, actually. I can't see a single topic containing all the suggestions we come up with effectively.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Good point however having them all in one place may entice people to post their own suggestion, and it will allow developers to view them easier without wading through piles of spam that is people complaining about grievers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Trust me, trolls will put piles of spam here anyway.

    It's generally easier to just find the new topics labelled with words like "suggestion" or "suggested feature" or "machine guns" or the like.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I understand, but please stop replying unless you have a suggestion to improve the game or some constructive criticism towards an already stated suggestion, I'm not trying to be detrimental towards you but it is lowering the tone of the thread.

    Posted 13 years ago

    These are over-the-top solutions for small problems. Bobbing in water is a horrible idea. It is a legitimate strategy to snipe from the water, and there are times where crossing water is necessary.

    Also why do you want inaccuracy? That completely destroys sniping tactics.

    This should be moved to the suggestions area, and yes, there will be trolls and stupid suggestions.

    The Kirk
    Posted 13 years ago

    I stopped reading at #5, which I found outrageous, horrible and stupid.
    There is no "right way" of playing, and I do not want you to enforce yours on me. You want this thread to be serious and good, but your own suggestions can't be considered as such.

    EDIT: I decided to see if the other suggestions were as stupid, and I read 6, which I found bad. Leaderboards = "forced competitivity" = less building and having fun, more killing and shooting and hurrr = less fun (and also more people who break builders' stuff because "they are useless"). I am against it too.

    Other edit: I don't understand #7. And how is the "don't mess with authority" part relevant?

    Last edit: the grenade limit won't be needed, since griefers will be easier to get rid of with the new votekicking system. And as for the "donate more plz" suggestion... I have to admit that I laughed. You are trying to earn the administration/Ben's grattitude/sympathy too hard.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    The water bobbing is a good idea in my opinion, it will encourage bridge building by making it harder to use the water. To add on to the bobbing you should move more slowly and it should take twice as long to break blocks.

    Also I would like to add a suggestion about maybe making ammo a more important part of game play. This can be done by making people carry less ammo or making ammo usable for more than just firing (like trading it in for more grenades or for using it to reload mounted weapons.) Tell me what you think below.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    Why should bridge building be encouraged? It's not fun, and not an essential part of the game... Besides that, more bridge building = more griefing = more whining.

    Anyways, as I said before, players try to enforce their playing style on others. No, I do not need less ammo, I already have too few and run out of it frequently during my trips to the enemy base.

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    It's not official because ben didn't make them. gg.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm with Devas on this one. It seems like the OP is trying to mold everyone's playing style into his own personal playing style.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    Not really a suggestion, but when you're higher up than other people and shooting down at them, head shots don't work. It takes 3 shots to kill them, even if you hit their head every time.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hey guys, just like to say thanks to Devas for having the e-balls to actually give criticism regardless of how un-constructive and aggressive it was. I feel it was a bit unfair to claim that I'm trying to become an admin, I'm just trying to help out. I would however, Devas, prefer you to elaborate on the whole "forcing my play-style onto others" thing rather than just make blunt comments about it. I do not agree with the "forced competitiveness" you mention, as if you read further down you will notice I mentioned having dedicated servers, these could perhaps be orientated at different game modes to suit player preferences?

    As for Kirk, thanks for the opinion but I don't think you grasp the constructive criticism ethos I was aiming for, maybe I should have actually stated it. I completely disagree that being able to kill somebody so easily regardless of the distance as "a sniping tactic" IMO a sniping tactic is to remain far away, yet hidden. Possibly this suggestion would be better with a wider choice of weapons suited to various play-styles. Sub machine guns, snipers etc etc.

    And on a final note Devas; you made it clear you don't agree with me "imposing my play-styles onto others" yet you replied to Drewgon in a fairly aggresive manner and you are adamant that "bridge building is not fun and not an essential part of the game". Well, maybe for some people it is? Bridge building is a play-style, its being creative while providing a function.

    Lets try and be a bit more respectful and constructive in any later posts?
    And remember guys these are only suggestions, its not the end of the world.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm sorry if you percieved me as agressive, but I was annoyed while I typed those messages, yes, because you basically called me a fish.
    Your ideas cannot be "constructively" criticised because they're not even worth adding to the game (besides maybe the leaderboard one), especially the "fish" one, and therefore not worth improving.

    Also, "bridge-building" goes under "building", and is fun/essential indeed. But why encourage the building of BRIDGES, and not other things? Bridges themselves aren't essential for crossing water.

    And as for "forcing your play-style onto others", you're claiming that everyone should be building fortresses and not being a lone spawn-killing sniper, and you went as far as to suggest that people get their accuraccy lowered when they're in the water, just because they're not building "awesome forts" instead.

    I got angry because the main reason I go blue is to hide easier in the water, which is a legit playing style as enemies don't always expect it, and you're just looking down on it and calling people like me fishes. Maybe it's you who should have been respectful in first place. There is NOTHING wrong with picking off isolated enemies or camping far away from your base.

    As for forced competitiveness: people will have to have good stats to not be looked down upon, and will start getting angry whenever they get killed, etc...
    This'll make the ambiance in-game worse. People will become more selfish than usual ("iU STOLE MA INTEL" drama, less cooperation (no one is going to risk their lives to cover a team mate if their ratio is going to become worse), etc...)

    (side note: I didn't claim that you're trying to become an admin, what I meant was that you're trying too hard to help)

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago


    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    The only suggestions that really annoy me are 4 and 5.

    I guess its my fault that I hate 4. I'm kinda expecting the current weapon to be used as a sniper rifle as more weapons are added, so its crazy to think that it wouldn't have 100% percent accuracy. Also, killing opponents in this game is completely skill. You have to be able to aim well and hit them quickly if you are to succeed. If the gun is inaccurate, then luck becomes involved to hit someone, and I don't see how luck is a good substitute for skill. I hope I explained that clearly.

    I think its obvious that you don't like the "fish", but you should learn how to handle them rather then make it impossible for them to play. It also fucks up maps where you have to cross water, like the urban harbor map.

    It's like saying that "tunneling is unfair, so all blocks should have gravity so no one can tunnel." It makes more problems than it solves.

    Also, could you explain #3? I dont understand it

    The Kirk
    Posted 13 years ago

    hey dude can i suggest something.well w/e im going at it anyway:
    "ya great update dude but this game is missing some real important stuff,aight you better listen up cause' i know my shit.this game needs:killstreaks (YA like in COD:BLACKCOPS (best game ever xD)),regenerating health,deathstreaks,vehicles,m­any new weps (like PSG,AK47 and desert eagle),sprint,voice chat,killstreaks,ranks,better graphics,and btw when u kill someone there should be a message to everyone that you killed him.yo got it?"

    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago

    I just want to throw in a suggestion: Lets make some features only work if the server host or other admins turn it on. That way people can make their unbreakable blocks and lava water while others can can have whatever they want on their server.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    Keep suggestions to two lines or less or nobody will bother to read them. If Ben likes them he can figure out the details.
    Seriously, nobody wants to read your walls of text.

    Posted 13 years ago

    lol loaf check the comments for the beta 0.53 vid

    Ronnie Coleman
    Posted 13 years ago

    if the map reset itself evey couple of rounds i would quit the game

    true ninja
    Posted 13 years ago

    Thanks to all who posted, so let me break it down per poster to make it clearer.

    Starting with my favourite, Devas.

    Now Devas, I understand that you enjoy picking off enemies in the water, so here is my [improved] suggestion; have randomly generated island of a small size appear more frequently, this will atleast give players a rough idea where the sharp shooters are and may even the game a little bit. Please do bear in the mind the reason I thought of the whole 'bobbing' feature is after playing several lonely hours on the Aloha Pinpoint map, which had not a single block in the middle of the map, so this made it very difficult of the game to progress. Or even have this effect implicated but it worsens the further out you go? Who knows, a shit suggestion is better than no suggestion at all.

    The Kirk; I'm not sure if this happens only for me, I would find this extremely abnormal if it did but the scoring system just isn't correct. I can join a game and instantly have several kills/deaths.

    jakesweet27; Read below.

    Please also note that these suggestions are NOT intended to be global, these are merely features that I think could be a good addition to a hosts "mod" folder if you will.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "Who knows, a shit suggestion is better than no suggestion at all."

    Nope, otherwise no one (and by "no one" I mean the developer) will read suggestions anymore.

    Also: the "lone water snipers" aren't a (major?) problem at all, so why go through the trouble of changing the game mechanics just to "fix" it?

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    Nothing gets done without ideas when developing a game. Regardless of how many people disagree with an idea, it's still something that somebody has thought of that may improve the game. How do you know it will be a bad idea if nobody puts it on the table?

    As per my most recent post, please read that. It will inform you that these suggestions shouldn't necessarily change the game globally, but may be utilised as a mod for the server host to use as they see fit.

    Players camping far out in the water, with a clear battlefield can make any game last much longer and more tedious than usual. This is more prominent on the Pinpoint map which is probably 60% water.

    Posted 13 years ago

    A handgun and shotgun.It's probaly been suggested before,but I think it would add more dyanamic gameplay.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Well I've been saying this for a long time, but the new videos of the SMG in action substantiate my claims. An automatic weapon (particularly one that is meant to be used in close quarters, such as an SMG) effectively handles and executes the intended role of a pistol/shotgun. Plus it has a bit of a medium-range capability; something that neither of the aforementioned weapons have. Two birds with one stone.

    POMF Technological Solutions™
    Director of Renovations
    Posted 13 years ago

    @Galaxy I love you!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Suggestion: please let us ALT+TAB during map downloads.
    That'd make it easier for players to find a server which won't kick them with an error message after a long, slow map download...

    (Also: I'd rather have hackers with the client-side hit detection that I can votekick than extreme lags everywhere that I can't avoid)

    سيروا تقودو يا ولاد القحاب
    Posted 13 years ago

    I solved accuracy by using bulky ironsights. It's a lot more fun than default ironsights.

    Also, here's old, but good list of features worth implementing (some ideas are long implemented though):


    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Suggestion...i know people have said this before or not but but we need secondary weapons because the rifle only has ten shots and a lot of people have run out of ammo fighting guys that have smgs or a rifle with more bullets.

    Posted 13 years ago
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