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  • Custom ironsights should be cheating.
  • 123

    Any AOS ironsight graphic still is a location indicator of 1px in the center of screen and this game has no randomized shooting directions so it doesn't really matter how it looks.

    Well, I say opposite, but there is no way I can prove it. But I know it is a BIG advantage when you have hitpoint marked from all directions and nothing blocking your view.

    While other people use something that effectively blocks everything that happens right in front of you (except thin line between sight and horizon) and absolutely scrapping your view when shooting because of recoil (and you have to reaim because enemy usually moves a lot sideways), you use this luxury crosshair guiding you right to his head almost by itself and you see him everytime.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    sure it only takes one or two sentences to kill an argument. I'm not out to just kill these silly ones. I'm out to completely deconstruct and destroy them.

    There is a difference, you know, between what you mean by 'people don't want what they think they want' and the way it applies (or rather doesn't) to AoS. You see, that phrase relates to changes made to something popular, that the fans tend to immediately regard as bad once it has arrived. Like this.

    With Ace of Spades, the change has come and gone, and most of the players not only like it, but have wholly embraced it. This is the complete opposite end result of what 'people don't want what they think they want' is supposed to be.

    Except, it seems, for you.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Stop arguing. This isn't about whether or not custom ironsights float your boat, it's about whether or not it's fair.

    Custom ironsights do affect gameplay, no matter what anyone has to say. This is like saying, "Hey, guys, we're doing wallhacks, you should, too!" but to a smaller degree.

    The default png doesn't exist for nothing. If Ben was 100% on custom ironsights I'm sure he'd make it appear a lot more optional by including a transparent image with nothing but a little reticule in the middle. It may be true that, by simply allowing us to edit the png freely, the implication that he is fine with editing is there, but he never said straight up that it was truly legit in-game, or even that he supports it in the first place. Just because he made the png cover the screen for scopes doesn't mean he was saying, "The png is full-screen now, go on ahead and make your sights to your content." Maybe he's thinking of making a real scoped rifle as a weapon, hmm? Maybe he's just expanding his canvas to have more freedom to work on it. Apparently, the first thing you people thought was, "Wow, this was definitely made entirely for people like me who wanted unobtrusive, game-changing ironsight images. Thanks, Ben!" I really have no comment on that. This is just about all that I really have to say about this, so yeah.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Eh, Gimlis beard is not same thing as changing game spirit... (may look like I read only that comic, but seriosly, there is nothing more in that article)

    I play ONLY games that are constantly updating. OpenTTD, Worms Armageddon, Minecraft...

    Because, well, those games get GOOD updates.

    Let's compare AoS and OpenTTD major updates.

    -lots of modding options - ironsights, higher resolution models, custom maps (all of them basically blowing whole game atmosphere away and smelly stuff we don't really need)
    -heavy anticheat measures (not sure why Ben thought banning CE registry files would work, but whatever. At least he found better way so let's not talk about it)

    -longer trains
    -giant maps
    -whole new signalling types
    -pretty much everything can be built on slopes, even sideways
    -and lots of other funny stuff I won't punch in here because you probably already don't know what the heck am I talking about, I don't see anything "revolutionary" like in AoS, development is more of "evolution" (maybe autoreplacer for vehicles is breaking TTD spirit a little, but...)
    -EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN FEATURE IS OPTIONAL and can be disabled on servers/singleplayer easily

    And about "evolution">"revolution" theory - Honda bikes are what they are thanks to it :P

    Oh wow, I used Honda, AoS and OpenTTD as comparisons... Well, at least you see these theories work everywhere.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh well. How could you expect no bitching with such thread title?

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Sounds like you're not having a lot of fun here

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well Lokiamis, you need to remember, NO FUN ALLOWED.

    Posted 13 years ago


    So yeah. Lots of fun.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    fuck this game let's go planking

    Posted 13 years ago

    OK, so, I can say pretty confidently that custom Iron Sights are a big advantage. So are custom player models and custom gun models. Competitive CounterStrike actually requires players to take screenshots prior to the the game so that the league can check for them.

    That said, on public servers I don't think the advantage is terribly important. Nobody is playing AoS seriously yet, and while I wouldn't object to some team play the game really just doesn't have the community to support it yet.

    Am I sad that generated maps are dying? Yeah. I am. I'm extremely sad. But at the same time, I recognize that custom maps aren't what's wrong with the game. What AoS needs is a capture limit and automated server reset that doesn't boot all the players. Some little line saying 'Blue wins!' and then a new map gets generated. Y'know...make people care about intel? The game has issues, but 'bad updates' aren't them. The problem is that there's no way to win the game, so of course people are going to play killbox maps like bridgewars. They're not here to win. They're here to shoot people.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just because he made the png cover the screen for scopes doesn't mean he was saying, "The png is full-screen now, go on ahead and make your sights to your content."

    Furii, I disagree with this statement, for two reasons;

    a) Why would he change it if it's already working fine, unless he wanted us to make custom sights?

    b), Why, in the changelog, would he say "new ironsight png (allows scopes)"? Why would he alert us to the fact this was possible if he didn't want us to do it.

    I doubt Ben would give us the tools to do something if he didn't want us to and if it was fine as it was.

    Ceci n'est pas une poster
    Posted 13 years ago

    OK, so, I can say pretty confidently that custom Iron Sights are a big advantage. So are custom player models and custom gun models.

    Umm nope. It would be a lot of copypasting so short answer will have to suffice: Only custom ironsights are big advantage.

    That said, on public servers I don't think the advantage is terribly important. Nobody is playing AoS seriously yet, and while I wouldn't object to some team play the game really just doesn't have the community to support it yet.

    There are surprisingly many clans forming (some with "clan scopes" even!), even when game was made few weeks ago. If Ben doesn't do anything, this will become major problem.

    About no win condition... I wouldn't really mind if this was implemented but I doubt it will be real change. I always try to play server from "birth" (no structures) to "death" (server heavily destroyed, tunnels everywhere, random blocks everywhere, dirt everywhere). Between these two points is "victory" which is different every time (and surprisingly, I never experienced it on custom map server) - a big bridge, fort or camper mountain (anthill) falls, gets captured, is unable to serve for enemy. Intel is quite pointless for me most of the time.

    And it's much more fun when you focus on buildings than on intel. That's how epic battles are made. Which leads to little suggestion, planes. Not sure how would they be balanced, but building runways will be great way to make enemy focus on structure rather than on intel.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Influx, you probably didn't read the full post. Immediately after saying that, I said, and I quote:

    Maybe he's thinking of making a real scoped rifle as a weapon, hmm? Maybe he's just expanding his canvas to have more freedom to work on it. Apparently, the first thing you people thought was, "Wow, this was definitely made entirely for people like me who wanted unobtrusive, game-changing ironsight images. Thanks, Ben!"

    Note how I said "his canvas".

    Also, here's another segment of the post:

    It may be true that, by simply allowing us to edit the png freely, the implication that he is fine with editing is there, but he never said straight up that it was truly legit in-game, or even that he supports it in the first place.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's a pretty fucking strong implication, he doesn't have to say anything

    Posted 13 years ago

    I really wanna get involved in this drama, but I'm too busy modding iron-sights for "easy" headshots (plays devils advocate) ;D

    Veteran Modder
    Posted 13 years ago

    It's still an implication, Lokiamis.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well I guess it's pretty obvious he supports it, from his replies and changelog.

    But again. It's not his first bad decision.

    Ben seems like he doesn't even know what he wants to do. He wanted to make slow-paced game, where tactics play role since he got bored of Quake-like FPS games. But then... Bam. Custom sights.

    Everyone headshotting everyone. Complete mess. Tactics went to shit. It's all about who first pulls trigger.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    mfw people don't know what playing devils advocate means

    Veteran Modder
    Posted 13 years ago

    Quake was only fast in movement. At least you could withstand more than 3 shots. I like games where you can actually stand a chance even if you're not the first to shoot. To be honest, there aren't really much "Quake-like FPS games" as far as I've seen. There should be more. I like how Brink manages to give players the choice between a lot of health and weapons, but slow movement, or little health and weapons, but fast movement and parkour, or even a little bit of both.

    Posted 13 years ago

    When I see
    -added rocket launcher
    in the changelog I'm going to go ahead and assume he's given us the green light to use it

    Posted 13 years ago

    That's a pretty valid argument; I can't really retort against that.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh well I guess I messed it a bit.

    Here's full quote:

    I just wanted to make a game that I would want to play. I quit gaming
    a long time ago because I was sick of static environments and rinse
    and repeat gameplay. I wanted a game that rewarded creativity over
    reflexes so I developed Ace of Spades. It's not modelled after a
    specific war although there are some Vietnam influences (the namesake
    of the game). I'm keeping things a little abstract because it gives me
    more freedom when adding features, and gives players more freedom with
    their imagination.

    But this "little freedom" doesn't mean "cheating"

    I thought it means you can make soviet pack, SWAT pack... And it still fits perfectly.

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    your still miss quoting him because he never said "little freedom" he said FREEDOM and if he really had a problem with anything like customs sights/skins/maps he would stop people right away from creating them. there here to stay(for now), you continually bitching about how you dont get your way isnt going to change a damn thing.
    FYI this isnt your game(that goes for everyone else who doesnt like customization to)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like modding my ironsight, it should stay that way; I don't care if you think it's cheating because I don't.

    'nuff said, keep editable ironsights.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with the thread title.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It is not my game, that's true.

    Then you all people bitching about no minimap and small gun models and stuff like that should shut up, it's not your game neither.

    Oh, and we have minimap and bigger voxel resolution! Probably Ben having same thought as you...

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    Unmodified game engine allows it? Not cheating.
    End of factual discussion.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hohoho, that argument is already busted :P

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago
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